- Omno Weekly Tim, Wedneiday, au~ 9 9 Premier Bob Rae is expected te announce today the appeintmrent of Gord Milîs, M.P.P., Durhamu East, te be parliamentary assistant te Municipal Affairs Minister Dave Cooke. "I'm leoking forward to the challenges of this new position," said Milîs. "There are many important ways 1 can help my constituents threugb my work ini Municipal Affairs. The important issues of the relatiensbips between the provincial and municipal govemnments and the efforts te reform the planning process are very interesting to Me. 1 want geverrnment te become more efficient and decision making te become more accountable and effective at al levels." Mr. Mills bas been Teachers gain 5.1 percent (Continued ftom page 1) could be arranged with the Town of Newcastle. 1The Board is considering hiring a- consultant for some $25,000 te prepare a report on a lot levy charge for the scbool board. He said be was net in faveur of sucb a charge as the meney often gets used for purpose other than intended and that control of the funds run away. He mentioned that it aise jacks up the price of bousing. Orono Fair (Continued from page 1) -was introduced te the meeting as the new Fair Manager. In addressing the meeting he said he was facing quite a challenge after the results of the 1991 fair with a 26 percent increase in attendance. He spoke of new ideas in the works and eacouraged those iavolved in the fair te not besitate te phone him at anytime. Ron Locke, wbo bas retired as manager, spoke of his four years with the society and feit that somne parliamentary assistant to the Solicitor General for the past 15 months. He also brings to bis new position his experience of seven years as an alderman in the city of Barrie. 'Tm delighted to have Gord Mils working with me," said Mr. Cooke. "Hîs experience as a municipal politician and bis talents as someone who works well wiih ail sorts of people wili make hlm an asset to our team at Municipal Affairs." Mr. Milîs will begin assuming bis new duties immediately tbis week. DURHAM REGIONAL CRIME STOPPERS 436-80477 great accomplisbments had been made over the four year period. Carol Bailey continues witb ber second year as president of the fair along with Tom Moffat as lst vice; John Finlay as 2nd vice; Glenn Pearson as manager and Joyce Boudreau as secretary- treasurer. Directors for 1992-1993 are: Robert Aiiin, Lloyd Ayre, Lincoln Brown, Nicole French, Mary Ann Found, Terry Hollingsworth, Francis Jose, Norma Lee, Ralph McQuaid, Aieck Moffat, Geraid Rainey, Stacy Richards, Harvey Robinson, Don Staples, Marvin Stapleton, Bill Tomiinson Jr., Steve Wright, Jili Brown, Keitb and Marie West. Attractions at the fair ini 1991 cost a total of $45,239.02 of wbich arnount $31,747.50 was paid eut ini prize money an increase of over $4,500.00 over that of the 1990 fair. Expenditures for 1991 reduced to $128,622.76 from an ameunt of $142,454.15 in 1990. The gate take for 1991 increased te $53,274.77 from $42,295.65 in 1990. The Society hold their monthiy meetings on the third Monday of each month. Sehool Board seeks land swap wÎth Town On Saturday aftemeeon the new Fair Manager was introduced te tbe meeting and ab&ve is being welcomed by the president of the Durham Central Agricultural Society and as well as by the president of District Four of the Ontario Association. Pictured above Ralpb Siniser, president of District Four, Carol Bailey, president ef Durham Central and Glenn Pearson of Newcastle. Fair Manager. Paul Bruce of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education sought approval for a land swap involving the lands of the North Courtice Public Scbool. He said the swap bad been discussed with staff who have gîven approval. It was stated that tbe board does bave approval te extend the scbool and the work is expected te be undertaken in 1993. He outlined some changes te frontage and said the board would prefer to make changes te the land mass by exchanging similar parcels of lands with land adjacently owned by the Town. The request was referred to the, Community Services department for a report at wbich trne council members wil make tbeir decision. During tbe brief discussion Counc. Hannah asked if it was now the intent of the board te build a scbool for students K to eight ratber than K te 6. Bruce said it had been decided te built the scbool te accemmodate K to 6 but the issue new hangs in limbe. He said the board bas yet te make a final decision.. He noted that the board did not receive the amount of provincial funding thaïthtey bad expected. There bas been a difference Of opinion in the Courtice area of parents of grades 7 and 8 students who now attend tbe senior public school in Hampton. Somne feel the 7s and 8s should remain in their own cemmunity ratber than being forced te travel by bus, te Hampton. Others bave ne objection te the use of the Hampton scbool wbere attendance would drop considerably if Courtice students, were te attend a senior scbool in their own community. WANT ADS 983-5301 I Town meets with hydro The Newcastle Special Committee on the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, met witb Ontario Hydro on Monday aftemnoon. It was the first'introduction for the new members of council and for the chairman of the Town committee, Counc. David Scott. In speaking with Scott folowing the meeting he said it was an introduction meeting for council members and as well provided on updating on the agreement with Hydro. He further stated it was an opportunity te discuss outstanding issues that face both the Town and Hydro. Hydre, were asked te take part in economic development and further consideration is te be given te the emergency response plan which bas te finalized. Couac. Scott called the meeting an amicable one and a further meeting is te be held in March. wIj Wei Nothing Plows Like A Deere Front LX178 Lawn Tractor À 42-inchi A Quet state-of-the-art V-twin-cylnder liquid-cooled Kawasaki 15 hp engine à Use for1 " Exclusive 2-pedal conrol tets you easily select sped and direction A Concavx wetout moving your handa fmm steering wheelA Angle le " Tig ht 20-inch tuming radius " 38-incli moing deck A Overtesd valves povde more torque~ and better fuel econprny A Contoured seat oflr excellent lower bedk support Aà Stamped. one-pec wetded fUh-engtti frame 8Lawn Tracto=5' Front Blade Bignts and chains extra tBlade hwort<ing wkfth Ulghl gradirig and snow removat .v audface allows good roi 1h19 action li or right St operatovs convenience 316 Lown end Garden Tmctor A Onan, air-cooied, twin-cyhinder 18-hp engine A Hydrostatic drive for single-lever control of travel speed and direction', ATight 26incb turning radius A Return-to-neutral braking system-transmission automatically returns to neutral when brake pedal is pushed ÀASingle-function bydraulic lift systemn for fingertip control of attachments ÀACategory "0" 3-point hitch and 2000-rpin. rea r- PTO available A Heavy-duty welded-steei fram e Singe-Stage Snow Thrower A Cuts a 46-inch wide patb A 12-inch auger runs'sniootbly on bal bearings ADischarge chute angles 200 degrees (hydraulically on 400,Series) A Reversible, replaceable cutting blade À Adjustable skid sboes 316 Lawn and Garden Tracter w/Single-Stage Snow Thrower 'i tI'twithil JOHIN DEREK SALE.S & SER VICE Taunton Road, West of Orono Phone 416-983-9119 or 1-800-461-2120 Gzord Milis switches to Municipal Affairs ,mm Âm REBATES AND INTEREST FREE TERMS UNTIL JULY 19 1992 IN EFFECT. O.A.C. SFARM & GADEIXLT.