the period closed to take the tournament in Little Britain this nor[rom pagamene 1> - ing y a 5-2 score. Orono past weekend. Orono played town to prserve and enhance the Elva Reid in a short fewý, Lies in the gaine went to Whitby in the first match of the rural lifestyle. sentences said water and land was ýw Beacock in the first tournamnent and blasted themn to 4- -to go to the Region of what it was al] about. 1for tripping and to Jeff 0 score. The first period goal went Durham and as tihe Region t e- Cliff Lurmley of the~ Ministry )son in the second perod for to Greg Shetier, unassisted. The table thçir approval of the issue. who was in attendance at the ontact. second period goal went to Justin The conmmittec makes note of meeting vas mn>: impressed with second gaine was in Standeven, assisted by Kyle the NDP promise, prior te the the information provided at the ce ihis past Sunday. After a Moore and Brandon Caruana. election, of the implementation of meeting andî there would be no our wait to get the game Third period goals both went to Ilno growth on prime agricultural change in the Ministry stand as an 1our boys played a strong Andrew Beacock, the first assisted land" outcome ofthe meeting. riod. It wasn't untl the final by Matuhew Reid and the second The committee also refers to ils of the period that unassisted. Orono goalie Mike John SeweIl, of thte commission j iee got a shot past Oronoes Gibson picked up the shutout. of Development and Reform, Ke ca Gibson. The second period In gaine two ôf the tournament who calls for a better use of HLaitl News I Omemece as they put the Orono was up against Uxbridge. existîng urban space rather than ire on to score three Orono took a first period two goal alîôwing continuous expansion Phyllis Lowery ,vered goals. Orono foughit lead. Both goals scored by Jeff into rural Ontario. On Friday, January 3 1st, there n the final period and ai the Thompson and both assisted by The Concerned Citizens w.ere 12-1/2 tables at the euchre oint of the third Brandon Greg Shetler. Uxbridge scored the focused in on the use of prime party. Top score was taken by na scored a nice shot lone second period goal. Some farmn land. for the southern route, Olive Little with a score of 90; cd by Tyler Robinson. questionable officiating, an Orono concerns of the enviroument 2nd liigh Lavina Downes with 87; ee proved to bc just too goal disallowed (or simply not which they state had not been 3rd high Dean Polley 84-, 4r1 high however, and they went on noticed by lhe ref) and two addmessed by the Ministry and as Reg Ellilott 83. Thé draw was wvon r two more to end Orono's Uxbridge third period goals ail well the economnie loss to by Wilson Plumpton, the special f season by a 6-1 score. contributed to eliminating Orono property owners within the draw of free admission to the next gup penalties for Orono in froin the tournament as we lost by vicinity of the proposed highway. card party was also won by Wilson tch were Justin Standeven a close 3-2 score. Rickard pointed out that Plumpton. Next card party Friday, pping and Chris Bouley It was a good week of hockey agriculture was the second largest February l4th, Come out and g a bench penalty for the by our boys as they played well. industry in the Town, second to bring your Valentine. g staff as they inomentarily We would have liked to have seen GM. On ~Saturday, February Isti eir frustrations out~ on the more wins but just the samne we The main thrust was no friends and family honoured Brad ref. did see some fine play. As 1 said highway at all but if one should Switzer with a stag party. playoffs miay be over but before, there is still lots of season be needed it should be moved On Sunday, February 2nd, son certainly is not. The left and we look forward to seeing north. sisters Anne Jackson and April boys were also in a some more good hockey. Keep up lI the fifteen minutes left for Switzer hosted a shower for the fine work boys! the meeting Bruce Taylor, a Christine Grills, bride to bc of ______________________________________resident fariner in Darlington said Brad Switzer, Family and friends farming was a thing of the past in attended. Brad and Christine are wo r5the area. He also said the be married in Kendal on Saturday, r: ss Committee did not represent ail Fehruary 8th. y; nor would our citizens First Gloals the people nor should council The Men's Lodgye imee on thatthe ropsed outhrriconsider on1yth wishes of tlhose Wednesday, February 5th and the thlarad th proposed outern who may have moved here rç1n Junior 'Lodge meet on Thursday, Plan, since the Minîster of years ago. He said there was a February 6dth. rtatom~ nsits tat he fnalneed for more transportation The next m~eeting of the, Ladies orainisssta h ia inks. Lodge will bceon Thursday, y route has not yet been February 13dm. well-attended January 28th meeting in Tyrone was by Newcastle's TownI i to permit the citizens of . ....... ýwn to present to Counicil oncerns regarding this W REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY d super highway. Because mmittee's presentation was N TC ýd for delivery to the Mayor îundlllors (and not to the APPOINTMENTS TO y of Transportation), the COMMITTEES itroc had no expectation of Michael .Gray yr or immediately altering Michael Gray, 7, son of Cathy lighway 407 project and Doug scored his first career 1. TAKE NOTICE that applications ini writing, addressed to the rs resolve. The Commîitree goal on December 20, 1991 ar the undersigned, will be received until noon February 28, 1992, failer-on gme.Michel laysforf rom any membors of the general public who desire to have ,s mnany supporters are faersngn.Mihlpayfo their names considered or wish to nominale anyone for ent, however, that Town the Orono Tykes Reds and wears appointment to the following focal Committees for the terms i wiîî support the citizens the number 7. Congratulations indicated. cir recommendations; and Michael. 'more will take whatever 2. Qualifications for the Appointments are: