MIN( WelclTl eWdnos'1~bnay 6 19 Few andfar between The Sici Ritherf'ords of the worjld are few nd far between and how, fortunate for uis that one resided Within Ouridst Stececd in the rich traditions of tife on the famiily farmn and the rural commiiuniity environment he was ever conscious of commnitment to his family, his comnmunity and the multitude that befrienided him. No one was a stranger for more than a moment. There was wvarmnth, wisdomn and wit fromn the beginning and ever expanded through his interaction with people and his voracious reading. Integrity and effort were two of is by-lines. His commitmnent to others is most evident when hearing comments from former students who, without exception, speak of respect for one that was 50 dedicated to their wetl being and reaching their obtainable goal. Two tetters in tis edition of the Times fromn former students attest to thîs fact.--He challenged for the best one co'u1d give. Sid was so much to so many. Our relationship goes back a good number of years and the rompings through the Ganaraska, the debates in the front lawn and by the fireplace Ieave pleasant and joyful mernories that will last forever. There were the skiing ventures, both in daylight and moonlight, along the trails in the Ganaraska using nothing more than old downhill skis. We considered ourselves the vanguard of a sport that ultimately became so popular years later. Needs more study children's Down's Syndrome Regional couniciltors are calling for more study regarding the incidents of childrens Down's Syndrome near the Pickering Nuclear Hydro Generating plant. A report last year showed the number of Down's Syndrome in Pickering was some 84 percent higher than the provincial average and in Ajax some 46 per higher. 320 GM workers being laid off GM Oshawa bas confirmed that indefinite tayoffs of up to 320 workers will take place over the next couple of months.The list involves 170 skilled workers atong with 150 pro duction workers. Genealogical Society meeting March 3 The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogicat Society is being held March 3rd. The meet takes place in the cafeteria of the Henry Street High Schoot, 614 Henry St., Whitby. The guest speaker is Les Pullen, speakîng on saving Ontario _Ship Wrecks. Everyone is wetcome. Meeting runs from 7:30 p.m. tilt 10:00 p.m. A schedule of monthty meetings have been arranged into June. With the advent of new modemn ski equipmeint Ohe lpow,ýdered snow flew. Hiking atong the traits of the Ganaraska it was always tets took around the next bend of the trait or over the brow,ý of the next hilI. Thec was atways another bend in the trait and another brow of the hilt f'or Sid Rutherford to investigate. 1 shalt neyer f'orget and I know Sid neyer did, Mhen hie travelted with me to a Sotdant hrearing in Port Hope over the ptacement of the Hydro transmission Uines in this area. 1 was making a presentation on behaîf of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority and on the way to, the hearing discussed the presentation with Sid. No real comments. On completing theý presentation, one lone soul from the audience of possibly seventy stood up to question the authenticity of some of the information. t was the onty confrontation from the audience att mnorning. 0f course it was Sid Rutherford and it was typicat Rutherford. 1 thonght at the time that 1 should leave him in Port Hope but then we had a lot of laughs about it at the time and often since. Although Sid Rutherford has passed on, it is these memories that will live for ever. How fortunate to know and be befriended by such a good man. your seat. deal tim< Â TrgAU NTO N 1(77 oth dI~ From Aon H 0OM E are saddened by his passing and only hope we can carry on, in somec small way, the ideals and phi losophy he lived by. I tived in Clarke Township for many years and I'm certain residents arc tooking for ways to honour bis accomplishments. My suggestion to residents is that they consider chang.ing the name of Clarke High School to S.B. Rutherford Secondary Schoot. To me, this would be a fitting tribute. 1 arn writing to you concerning this, matter as y ou may wish to survey the community through your newspaper in order to find out if there is 'sufficient interest in this suggestion. If you think it would be helpful, you are welcome to, publish portions of this letter in your paper and other local papers. 1 would appreciate hearing from you as to how to proceed with this matter. Yours truly, Paul McMackin <Tibute toSidiŽ&utleford..... Re: S. B. Rutilerford Ont receiviig news of the suddeni passing, of Mr. S.B. Rutherford 1 finid mysetf an accessory to nwy own sadness which is intenisified by the regret that I nevcr coînfinicated directly. to him the thodghts I now feel obligated to sîlfe pubticly with his famity, forliler pupits and fetlow citizens of bis beloved Ctarke Towniship. His excejlece, as a teacher of the sciences and jnathematics is a matter of pubtic record supported by the success of former students in their chosen professions and requires no furthçr comments on my part to makg it known and- appreciated by 9tt whose lives were eniriched in Chese mras. I recaîl cldarly that Mr. R utherford denfionstrated at ati times a personal interest in every student that went beyond the contractual requirements of teaching the curriculum. This interest was displayed as the need was defined and action taken was appropriate to the occasion. He became the father who was absent from the home, the disciplinarian whose duties were required or the messenger giving a firm remiînder of the true values of life that were taught in the home. In the arena of sports and athletics he taught that the best effort given was the true win, and that fair play outshone any tropby. As a citizen ini the community he taught that concern for the welfare of others would retumn the greatest benefit for ail parties -anid that integrity must be present in al opinions given and in ail actions taken to achieve a true success. On more than one occasion I was the recipient of bis required PRICE 0F THE YEAR! *LOW RATE FINANCING 5.5% for 24 monthsOAC on select models *CASH'REBATE up to $500.00- on select nmodels *INTEREST FREE until Jul 1/92 lesson of the day with discipline tailor made 'to fit my particular infraction and received for years to corne the benefit of understanding that order and discipline are required as the foundation for success in ones business, profession or personat life. I arn confident that the vast majority of his former pupils will share my thoughts as 1 thank The Great Architect of the Universe for the manner in which the life of S.B. Rutherford contributed to the founidation upon which were buîlt the lives of so many. My command of the English language, stunted by a premnature departure from the halls of education would neyer be adequate to do justice on an occasion such as this, however 1 gave it my best shot and S.B. would have liked that. W. John Tamblyn oM -4 NOTALL INCENTIVES - gAPPLV ON ALL - EQUIPMENT ASK FOR DETAILS jEVERGREENUa ARM & GARDEN LTD. JOHNIt DEERIi SALES &SER VICE Dq ORONO0 983-9119 or 1-800-461-2120 Dear Roy: On Saturday, February lSth, the residents of c,-larke Township lost one of' their finlest citizens. S.B. Ru[therford wvas a man who provided a role model for many of us who wee is students. He cared about us a- ind(ividuals and motivated us to e7xcel at whatever we did. He epcouraged and proddied many of us to accomplishi goals we wouldi neyer have dreamied possile without bis interaction. Man, of us owe our successful careerî to this man. We o m m m Ale ïi 11! ýill