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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1992, p. 12

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12 Oon~W.kly TlMes, Wednéâduy Éebnîaiy*26, 192 Orono Brownies enrolment The 2nd Orono Brownies grandiparents were invited. The enrolled two new Brownies on girls being enrolled were Meghan February 12. Parents and Saw yer and Laura Greer. 407 H ighway (Continued from page 1) development in the south of the municipality. He further stated that the Town holds the destinv of the municipality. Counc. Novak said she wanted to sec Taunton road have added lanes and noted that in general it ran parallel to the proposed southern route of 407. Mayor Hamre told the ministry reps that council was sending a strong message of "No" and that roads and highways were not the way to go. She asked if alternative ways could be found would 407 be required. Lumnley asked defmnitely, not. He did note that public transit was inCluded in the overall plans. Patrick Reynolds outined the past process and pointed out that thie Town had given their approval step by step as they came before council. He said there was no way to control speculation and that such had already bappened. Reynolds offered that the Ministry would provide for council a full presentation of the plan as a number of counicillors carne to office only this year. Later in the meeting the offer gained no support when Counc. Novak raised the offer through a motion. Counce. Scott said die Town has been given only the lesser of a number of evils. "We are going back to basics", hie said. Mayor Hamre in presenting her views said she had to look at 407 as a requirement some thirty years down the road. She said the Mînistry was right in that there had been no opposition to their proposal ahl along the planning process. She said she had not heard any objection until last fail., She referred to the Regional Official Plan that contains the 407 preferred route and said that the Regional plan would take precedent over the Town's Official Plan. She also noted that past council had given their approval to the Regional plan. She said she had heard a lot of adding lanes to Taunton road but doubted that Taunton could be expanded even to four lanes. She said the up roar would be greater than to that which lias existed for 407. It would bc a major construction projected that she couldn't see happening. She said the Region of Durham has been told it must change its attitude and gain provincial monies for more road building so that products cari get to market i time. Mayor Hamre said she lias concern -that residents in the Town have jobs and that roads were a necessity. "You can't btild a wall around Durham", she said. "We can'r have it both ways". "I support 407 not for to-day but for thirty years down the road". She further stated that she had conversation with two major agriculturalists in the community whose properties were affected and that they had said "It bas to be"l. But neither the Mayor nor the Ministry reshaped the thinking of council and the rejection carried for 407 but with a request the Ministry look for alternatives. Lyn Helpard, ehairman of the Committee of Concernied Citizens, said during counicil break, that he had a letter from Mayor Hamre wnitten prior to the election with pertinant commented added which differed greatly from wbat she said on Monday evening. Region rejects Laidlaw plan Durham Region hias rejected a proposal by Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to extend tie life of the present dum!lp in tie Town of Newcastle for infill. It lias also rejected a planned force main to the Water Purification plant in Newcastle Village f'or leachate from the dump. Newtonville Sehool S.S. # 4, Clarke Township by Miss Catherine Stewart The first school was opened here in the middle 1 840's. We do flot know where it was situated and it was flot a new building. According- to the Township Minutes ini 1850 the residents of Newtonville presented a petition to have the school renrioved as it was no longer fit for use and in the way. The Council ordered the Pathmaster of the area to do this. The second school was on the front street on west lot now owned by George Harness. On completion of the third sehool, a brick building on the back street in 1883, the frame school was moved to the rear of the lot and was used as a harness and shoe repair shop by the late George Hancock. 1When this. building was completed it was found that the roof was too heavy and builders were asked to place two square posts down the centre aisle for extra support. These remained until the Sehool Area Board divided the room for two teachers in 1949. This building was insulated and an oil furnace was installed in 1955. In a few years plans were made for a modern school building. Land was purchased south of the village and the new school was opened in May 1965. This sehool was soon overcrowded and in 1966 it was necessary to add two more classrooms and an auditorium. Teachers at Newtonville School: Mr. Wilson; Mr. W. Fraser; Mr. Thos. Lockhart; Mr. Chas. Raymond; Mr. J.W. Bradley; Mr. W.J. Trenouth; Mr. Roy Rickard; Miss Vera Williams; Mr. Roy Denholm; Miss Annan; Mr. Allan Martin; Miss Eva Sheppard; Mr. E. Mitchell; Mr. L. Savery; Mr. F. McMullen; Mr. D. Seymour; Mr. B. Stewart; Mr. N. Anderson; Mrs. H. Caswell; Mr. Bruce Gorrill; Mrs. J. Ashfield; Mr. Vernon Gobeen; Miss Audrey Gibson (Mrs. Walton); Mr. Neilson; Mrs. Ash; Dwaine Gray; Mr. Ron Munro; Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick; Mrs. Rena Millican; Miss Donna Porter; Mrs. Reg Elliott; Mrs. E. Ball; Mrs. E. Rowe; Mrs. Woodland;, Mr. Neil Manley;, Mrs. L. Hoy; Miss Dale Imlach; Mrs. Strang; Miss Mary Wells; Mrs. M. Gartshore:, Mrs. E. Baîl; Mrs. M. Woodland; Mr. J. Ashfield; Miss Pat Varmna; Mrs. Hosiuk; Linda Greenwood; Mr. Prole; Mr. Veldhuis; Mrs. Campbell; Miss Henderson (Mrs. Colville). Tree planting (Continued from page 10) the land mass bc at least 2 hectares and the planting site must be suitable and approved by the ministry. The 2 hectare area has been set so that the program does not impact adversely on private growers. Local minîstry district offices will provide complete details of the programn and assist in all aspects of the planning and planting of the trees. Those interested in obtaining tree seedlings or requiring further information may contact any It has now been settled - Cairns top man for Local 222 In a surprise move over the week-end Tom Hoar stepped down as chairman of UAW Local 222, Oshawa. The chairmanship lias been in dispute between the Tom Hoar and Johin Camnes following the election and the possible use of discredited ballots. L-ast week three national union representftives who witnessed tie recent recount recommnended that the disputed ballots, all in support of Hoar, be set-aside and condemned the bandling of the election process. By setting aside the disputed ballots John Camnes would have been chairmani of the local. Tom Hoar's decision made the move easy for Camnes to take over. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONITRAVEL CANAýL CRUISES;f ive days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGý,EUR, scenic Trent-Severn Waerway or Rideau Canai; private tate-r cms meals free brochure, Write Captain Marc, Box 6, Crilia, L3V 6H9; (705) 327-5767. SOUTH CAROLINA- MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfrçnt condos, houuekeeping provideo Irdoor pools, saunas, ternis. Golf arrd vaation packages; wnter rentais from $400/moritir.Pres biochure: 1- 800-448-5653. PERSONALS LOVING, PROFEStONAL, couple wîuhes to provîde wonderfai home for infant. Home study approved. Pteaue cuit (416),884-1951 collect for tephunie or Peter, after B purm FLEA MARKETS ABSOLUTBLY A REAL PLEA MARKET, Smiths Faits, evety Bunday, year round. 150 insîde bootha. Bomething for eeeryone. (613) 283-8448. COMING EVENTS C PUISE CANADAS CALM-WATER Rt VERS onboard etegant overnight reptîca steamboats. Romnantîsc uies. 1000 Istands. International seamay/iocks, hat-watchtng & fjords. $629. +, Dial a rochure 1-800-267-7868. PLAN YOUJR HOIDAYS AROUND HAVELOCKS Centennial, Juty 4-11, 1992. Parade. danses, fireworks, barbeques, fietd day, ecumenicat services. bingo, varîety shows and more. For information cali (705) 778-3352. OTTAWA WOOD SHOW. The atest woodworkîng tools, equipment, supplies, woodcrafts, free seminars, compýetitions and more. Lansdowne Park, March 6-8. Somethîng for everyone. Crydermnan Producions (519) 351-8344. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaîd taxes. Crow,*n Land avaîlabitity. For information on both Write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 ARTICLES FOR SALE RALODPOCKET WATCH, train engraeed on gold tone case. fob chais. îewel. Swîss parts, 4.5.Aso eagle hunting scene avaîlable. Please cai (416) 763-9t33, anytime. SASKATOON&: The Berry Fruit from thea prairies. Seediings for orchards or farms. Three excellent varieties avaîlabte. For a free information package cail toit-f tee 1 800.-463 2113. STEEL BUILDINGS BULDINGS - IF A IDE-BY IDE comnarison la what tl takes to ick out the beat and owest...ere ait for tl. Now for a limited ime - Pactoty Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 valua $3,12S, Nom $.374. Bave $7514. 40 a 120 value $14.088. Ndom $11.288. Bave $,2.800. Cati Pioneer 1-8G00668 5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel straîlmýaI tvtpe - sot quonseýt - 2x54 S73Ï44; 40x72 $10.276, 50x90) $1 5,882; 60xl26 $22,972- other cies avaiable year end clearance -Puragon - 24 Hours 1-8 0 263-8499. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ut the E uthwesters School of Auctioseering. Next ciasu: March 14- 20. Information, contact: Soutswestem Ontario Sciosi of Auctoneerng, RlR#5f, Woodstock, Ontario, N4B 7V9. (519) 537-2115. SALES HELP WANTED FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE cas be yours deveioping Master terrtories for $18 billion book business. Tremendous profits, bosuses. Compiete training. Lfetîme opportanîty awafta you. To qualitfy cati 1-800-465-5400. HELP WANTED UNDERCGVERWEAR- Excellent concept in lingerie sales. We're Iloîs for momen mho love ingerie and ment to maks money 1-800-265-8541. As seen on Kelly and Co. WHOLEBALE FIRM SEEKS 2 reps sn your area to, service refait etabiished accounts. No direct setîing. Potentiel earnins $1000-$1500. meekty.j Training provided (416) 398-0918 or (416> 398- 0924. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Start your Oms underground lawn aprinkler companry. Hot nem business of the niseties. Minimal investmient requîred. CatI nom. (514) 631-1011. EXTRA INCOME! Grom baitmormas nyour basement or garage. Odorlesa operatIon. Lom isvestment. Market guaranteedt Free information. Early ird Ecology, R.R.4fl, Smthviîte, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416> 643-4252. SELLING ENVIRONMENTAL products for ivetock and souls. Cas be tarted part flne. Ose procted deaîership par cousty. CatI (613) 527-3060, 8:30 am. - 4:30 p.m . FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY. Shefield & Sons Store availabte, Pembroke. We provide fuît traî-ng, on going support. Oser 15 yeara of franchîaîng succeas. Cati B.C. 1 800 663-4213 for detaita. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTtJNITIES LOG BUILO CAREER.L Pat Wole Log BuiÈirg Saicc career courses begnsrrg Apat 138,. Tn eek $2-200-, tour eek $1.100, ose meek, $350. (613) 25-0D631, Ofttama area. RETIREMENT LIVING AFFORDABLE FLORIDA LIVINQ for everyone. Sendi for your free copy of the Flonda Directory of Mobile Homes & Parka. PCO. Box 781299, DepI. AC-F92, Sebasfian, Flord. 32978. MORTGAGES FAST MORTGAGE MONEY avaitabte for homeomners. Pay bitta, credît carda. Exampte: Borrom $10.000., repay $100. monthty. No quatifying hasates. Cai Intranaicon Financli Group, toîl-free 1-800-268-1429. Vour ad couid appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, [or any individual province. Space is Lumted, ao Cal i This Newspaper Today! MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 - 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Att ordable Dream Vacations! " Free Vacation Planning Services " Discount Cruises - Charter Vacations " Airline Tickets - Honeymoon Packages -Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATIE TRAVEIL SERVICES Travel Agents International' Were with you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in NortiAmerica 623-6600 iltappenings ee ( e ned ORONO EUCHRE RESULTS High score at the Orono Town Hiall euchre party last week were: Edgar Milîson 90, Marguerette Copper 86, Helen Couroux 85, May Tabb 79 and Marion Sears 77. Low score: Marian Staples. Draw wînners: Mary Couroux, Eddie Couroux, Bemice lParmer, Margaret Todd, Hazel Murphy, Roy Hayward and Doreen Green.

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