SherwnncI Hornep Sterc (How Sweet It Is) [Newton an( FAIRWINDS ANTIQUES 5028 Main Street, Orono )pen Mon. - Thurs. by chance Friday - Sun- 10 6 p.m. Ufn ý2" electric stove, AI shape. 15,22,29 ac at 1. & $9.95 a patio entrance, partly furnished, many extras. Non- Snioker or Pets. $500 including utilities. (705) 277- 1582. 18,25,ac 0265. 8,15,22,29 ao Loving family dog free to r, good home. Retriever/Lab * cross, 2 years old, spayed. - Excellent with children. Please cal1 987-7270. 11,18 Cpn r, e Small fernale cat, Calico, answers to Cloee or Baby,. pn frightens easily. Lost on Main Street. Please cali 983-6344 or utilities. Nirs 983-5646. requlreu. riiou after 6 p.m. - MR F HNS a àsurp ig we Continued page 12, (411 Complete Lir HÈLP..ANTED..~MU I OMM, MET' tuc Conunissic termnan. The p< rvisor and is ri :>d do "6" dnvers licence. rs and computer billmng ered an asset.1 [argest area municipality is should forward a resunie complete with experience and references, flot later than LIC 3K9 Only applicants selected for an interview will1 )rotner Iyl r. Nichola on Febrw ghed 7 Il grandpar inventoxy1 erson ervisor ;ion 5contacte&. FOR.f.qENT BIRT ýAýN.NOUNC T