time, the homneowner can sec immediately how mnuch energy is saved, for exaiple, by tuming off lighits or appliances that are flot requfred. The next phase of the research involves the addition of a conservation or 'Green' menu that wiIl give the user information about how to use electricity more efficiently in specific areas. For examtle. the Green menu Lna sl ir the zrease niversity, is RECS currently requires a personal conservation computer on which to operate. ners receive However, eventually it could appear as ýctricity use. a smiall electmonic unit installed on a search, we wall in the kitchen or near the main could resuit thermostat, with a single computer decrease in chip to interpret and display the necessary information. A smiall keypad is hin real would allow the homeowner to view differenit information displays. Althougýh stîli very mutch in the Prototype 'stage, RECS could be in 1hJ widlespread uise in Qnt1ario homes by the end of the 1990s, Ford says. i (Canadian Science News) 1your., éarmacist. Printed with permission of Pharmacist to Patient Newsletter iP Over PLUSH 40"t 1l6th ir ballk )m our Easter flyer iduced -Fragrani J ton both a total of ind ina of lec at Stanld-up number Uks and '50 Mill St. IJt~ w'