exploitation ietimes prove often the case concerned. In ýrcement was h the problem It is nc ins truments. for a well bal the various Natural resourçes bâlong to al of us. Our trees, water,'soil and flot the least of ail our fish and wildlife are included on this list. One of the ongoing threats to our fish and wildlife are poachers. These people are flot fishermen and hunters, they are chemnicals. Their acts are nothing less than public theft. Poaching ranges in severity from netting fish out of season to upscale operations dealing in big game meat and hides. We have laws that for the most part prQtect Many of you are probably aware of the CRIME STOPPER organization. Now if you wîsh to report a fis.hing or hunting violation you can make an ANONYMOUS cail to your local CRIME STOPPERS number and they will pass on the information to the proper authorities. This program bas been very successful in other test locales so do your part and REPORT A POACHER. Tom Gustar To help intent Fromn 1Lots' Impôt Report