.~§ÀY~rono We.~dy Tîmes, Wednesday, May 6, 1992 ) Hello' Newcastle by Peggy Mullan "Lîoness Invocation 0 Lord thy blessings now let fali Upon our Lionesses as they cal May ail our tie, of Friendship be Forever strengthened Lord by thee." The lovely Newcastle Community Hall played host-to quite an evening of celebration April 2 7th. Chartered on January 28, 1952, the Lioness Club of Newcastle summoned members one and ail, as far away as Trenton, to come to join the 4th Charter Anniversary festivities. Little Scoops Earth Day Wedîiesday, April 29h... "A Bridge To a Better Environment - -" Hubert Mak, Terry Jones anld Richard Shephard All three original charter members of forty years ago, (1-r) Jean Riekard, Kally Stephenson The programme opened with a warm welcome from President Kally Stephenson., A proud singing of O'Canada, then a toast to the Queen, the Lioness Invocation and Anniversary Cake Cutting ail got the banquet evening underway. The Head Table inciuded Lion Tony Ciements, Lioness Mary prepare to do their part on1 Day. (current President &- Club Historian, with Charlotte Rickard.) Clements, Lion Harry Moore, Lioness Ruth Moore, Lion Brenton Rickard, Lioness Jean Rickard, Lioness Kally Stephenson, Lion Frank Stewart, Lioness Muriel Stewart, Lion Erwood Reynolds and Lioness Rowena Reynolds. Greetings, recognitions, and awards were presented and accepteýd. Jeremy Littie, Sean Kelly, Moe take their tree-pianting Kanji (teacher's assistant), responsibilities seriousiy... Cherisse Jame? & Louise Cadorin Newcastle Public Schooi, together wîth Si- Francis of Assisi, Courtice, and ib4.J. Hobbs planted 10,000 young trees at Foster Creek, Soper re and Orono Park. The trie"s were jointiy supplied by Orono Forestry,, Bowmanville Rotary, the Town of Newcastle in co-operation with local schoois. Experts cali that approximately fifty-per cent of the trees planted will indeed survive . . . and that still is a terrifie contribution. by Reverend Dick Walsh, parish priest and followed by greetings from Counc. Ana Dreslinski, Jim Lynch, chairrnan of the school board, Rev. Dick Walsh and by Peter Roach, director of education. Amnanda Caskanette, a grade eight student, presented the student's address for the occasion expressinig appreciation for the educational system, The school choir then favoured the audience with Council B5rief Council has agreed to the calling of a committee with the local veterinaries to consider a possible policy for after hour cals which were discontinued for week-ends during budget discussions. Dr. W. Korver had requested such a committee consider the loss of the after caîl service stating that there is a concern for injured animais during this period of time as well as the possible incidence of rabid animais and human risk from an aggressive dog. In a report to council staff have stated the cost for week-end overtime would reach some $21,811 of which amount $600. wouid be for veterinarian charges. The figures were based on actual cost during 199 1. During 1991 of the 182 caîl- outs iess than 10 cails resulted in an injured animal required to be brought to a local veterinarian. Want Ads Work 98î3-5301 "Prayerof St. Francis". Closing remarks came from the principal. Foliowing the ceremony a community and school garden was dedicated to mark the tenth anniversary. A reception was held foilowing the program in the school library. "'Hmmmmm! Is spring really going Wo get here? (and stay?) Do keep in touch! T. Emibley HOME IMPROVEMENTS Offers Guaranteed Lowest Pricesý SIDING - EAVESTROUGHS WINDOWS 5% Discount for Seniors phone 623-7787 Charter member Jean Rickard of Newcastle proudly explained that in 1956 this particular quilt was made to commemorate the lOth anniversary of the Newcastle Village Centennial Past presidents of our Lioness Club include: Kaliy Stephenson - 1952; Charlotte Rickard - 1953; Marian Knox - 1954; Helen Carveth - 1955; Dunreath Walton - 1956; Jean Rickard - 1957; Rena Megit - 1958; Dora Kelsey - 1959; Pauline Storks- 1960; Marjorie Dickenson - 1961; Irene Cunningham- 1962; Helen Carveth - 1963; Audrey Walton - 1964; Rena Megit - 1965 - 66; Heleni Carveth - 1967; Lorraine Messenger - 1968-69; Irene Cunningham - 1970; Pat Parker - 1971-72; Nellie Brawley - 1973- 74; Mabs Barr - 1975-76, Kally Stephenson - 1977; Kay Po.well - 1 Year 1856-1956. For twenty-five cents a local resident could sign their name on the quilt, and it would then be permaniently embroidered on the lovely work of art. 1978; Helen Carveth - 1979; Pauline Storks - 1980-81; Laaa Rickard - 1981-82; Betty Blaker - 1982-83; Lynn Lovekin - 1983-84; Jean Rickard - 1984-85;, Carolyn Garrod - 1985-86; May Partridge - 1986-87; Marilyn Martin - 1987~- 88; Hilda Schoenherklee - 1988- 89; Betty Adams - 1989-90; Linda Willshier - 1990-91 and Kally Stephenson - 1991-92. The gathering enjoyed a wonderful dinner, followed by entertainment by Wilmot Creek's .Blue Angels. Indeed, a fine and memorable eveming was treasured by one and ail. Winners of the lovely plus Easter Bunny from Guardian Drugs in NewCastie was won by the Pingle fanrily in Newcastle; here we see NaOcy, Michael, Eleta and Branden collect their '92 Easter treat. CeIebrate,,ý Tenth Anniversaîry 1The St. Francis of Assisi- Elementary Scîlool in Newcastle, Village celebifateýd their tenth anniversary oil Sunday at the school. There was a capacity group in attendance for the occasion with Mrs. Su Musclow acting as Mistress of Ceir'monies. >The program was opened with the singing of 0 Canada sung by the school choir and followed by welcoming remarks by the principal Mrs. Joanne Hough. Opening prayer was offered un