10 - Orono Weekly TMmes, Wednesday, June 10, 1992 Winner of a beautiful Doit House Coon gets ife sentence Convicted kiler David Coon, aged 20, could serve a prison sentence for the rest of his life. He could also be a free, man in seven years due to legisiation recently introduced by the federal govemnment. Coon was convicted of murdering Frankie Battagalia, aged 15 and Rob O'Conner, aged 17. The murder took _place in the Battagalia home near Campbellcroft three years aga. MillIbrook Fair this week-end The Millbrook Agricultur ài'-' Society present their annual Spring Fair this week-end with events running from June 1Ilth ta l4th. A visit on Saturday and Sunday wil catch the agricultural, events of the fair. The Zoschke family of Bowmanville were the lucky winners of a doil hanse raffled off by the Heather Rebekah Lodge last week at their Salad supper on Friday evening. The family with the two kiddies Co-op Career Fair at Clarke by Ben Scott Last Wednesday was the day when ahl of the students taking Co-op out of Clarke H-igh School got ta show what was undertaken at their Co-op placements. Each student, or in some cases two students, set up displays in the gym; momning and aftemnoon. The displays were made up mostly of photographs and write- tups while some boasted auto parts and welding equipment. Scott Dybol, whose placement was at an ambulance station had a couple of displays along with an ambulance parked outside. Paul Pitt, who worked at the New Dutch Oven served up lunch for some friends; cooking omelettes and westerns and such. Classes from the Pines visited the gym ta see the displays, as well as several classes from Clarke. In ahi, the day was a success, with lots of interestîng and descriptive displays ta be seen and conversation about the placements. Council appoints CLG committee members Council on Monday macde their appointments ta the Cornmunity Liaison Group which will praceed te, undertake Stage 4 and 5 as set out by the federal Siing Task Force. A comiprehensive study will be undertaken of' the Port Granby Low Level Nuclear Waste site and specialized consultants will bc hired to assist the commnittee with the necessary studies. Those appointed to the committce fromn Ward Thirec are: John Vldhuîs, Martha Farrow, Jean Payne, Bill Clarke and, Harvey Thompson, fromn Ward On1e: Janet Meyer, Paul Somierville, John Stevenson; fromi Ward Two Mavis Carlton and Eric Jelinski. will make great use of the hou se from the 30s and 40s while Robbie which ' as donated by Bill Grady McRoberts read a recitation. of Orono for the draw. Bill makes A Kinsmen, Sydenham Branch, doil houses as hobby at his home. choir of Oshawa, provided an Close to 100 were in hours entertainmnent of song with attendance for the supper which drum, guitar and piano accom- was followed by spirited paniment. Both the audience and entertainment. the performners greatly enjoyed this James and Doreen Lowery part of the pragramn. provided somne of the dance tunes Kendal -Hall On Wednesday, June 3r d, at the regular meeting of the Men's Lodge, a new mnember for the Millbrook Lodge was given the Orange Degree. On Thursday, June 4th, the members of Brooks Memorial Junior Lodge held a fun evening, playing basebal, followed by making their own sundaes. On Saturday, June 6th, the annual Salad Supper was held, once again this was a big success. Winners of the draws were: Door prize a money tree won by Ariel Langstaff; John Lowery won first prize on the money draw and second prize was won by Janice and Perry Dennet of Brampton. The men would like to thanik ahl who put on the supper and those News who served it. A spe-cial thanks ta Bamioski Farms for their generaus donation of the potatoes, also ta Kendal Church who always allow the Lodge ta use chairs when needed. Many thanks ta Doreen and James Lowery for praviding the entertaînment following the supper. Don't forget ladies, Thursday June 11 th is meeting night. P. Lowery BO0TTnES SAVE FOR JULY 1ST 983-9605 PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION BOWMAN VILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY The Town of Newcastle is undertaking a study to examine the future growth and development of both the existing and expanded portions of the Bowmanville Main Central Area. The Study is examining general land use concepts for the entire Main Central Area, and ways ta ensure the vitality of existing commercial uses. As well, the Study wil detail the type and density of land uses for the westerly expansion of the Main Centrai Area, establish appropriate urban design principles for this area, and ensure that -the planning concept for this area incorporates the best, location for a future GO Rail Station site. The Study Area for the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study is shown below. TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department will hold a Public Information Session on the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study, as follows: DATE: Wednesday, Jurie 24, 1992 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. LOCATION: Bowmanville Recreation Complex (Northwest cerner - Regional Read 57 and Highway 2) The purpose of the Information Session is ta provîde an opportunity for residents and business interests ta review the background analysis and ta explore preliminary options for the future of the Bowmanville Main Central Area. Town of Newcastle Planning Staff ând consultants coordinated through Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd. wilI be in attenidance at the, Information Session ta answer any questions. Further information may also be obtained by calling Janice Szwarz of the Planning and Development Department at 623-3379,, Extension 319. Franklin Wu, M.C.l.P. Director of Planning and'Development IHE IwN o,>.~ Town of New . le, Ife 40 Temperaiice Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 PLANNING FILE: PLN. 12.6 Date of Publication: Wednesday, June 10,1992 PO. 3198 * NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION TUESDAY, JUNE 165,1992 7:00 P.M. CAFETERIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-BOWMAN VILLE 47 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH BOWMVAN VILLE, ONTARIO, FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing of Reports 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Election of Directors 4. Revisions to Corporate By-Iaws Article 40 to Provide for Operationalization of a Utilization Review Committee P. 0. 3198