8 - Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, June 10, t9~2 Mos quit o Basebal Update An update on Orono MoSquito 2 basebaîl team sponsored by Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Fuel & Lumber, and Hamiltons insurance., As of June 3rd we have played three games losing the first one to Heritage Farms and winning the next two. Thle second game againist Horner's Petro Can in Bowmanville was an exciting match. We trailed 8 to 3 after 3 innings but jumped ahead in the sixth with excellent itting by 'al players. A grand slam home run by Qerrit Van Dyke clinched the game with a final score of, 22 to 14. On June 3rd, we played Steeves Auto in Newcastle. Despite being behind by 10 runs after the first inning, we fought back with tremendous base running and stealing to win the game 16 to 15. Home runs were scored by Sanjay Lad and Mark Fletcher. Pitcher, Mark Fletcher closed down any threat from Steeves Auto in the bottom of the last inning with three strike o'uts out of five at bats. This team is improving quickly, and every player is making a significant contribution to the team's success. Business Business is a combination of war and sport. -Andre Maurois There are two times in a mans life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when hiecan. -Mark Twain It is not the crook in modern business that we fear but the honest man who does not know what he is doing. -Owen D. Young The erpoa.în o e TON00NWCSL SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTRE FEASIBILI1TY STUDY PUBLIC MEETING This is the final open meeting ta be held to discuss the programs and findings of the Seniors Activity Centre FeasibilityStudy. Please note the following information: DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 16,1992 TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: LIONS C0MM~UNITY CENTRE BEECH AVENUE, BOWMAN VILLE For information regarding this Meeting contact the Community Services Department: 623-3379. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! 1,1 , Dates of Publication: Wednesday. June 3,10,1992 Council Briefs Gerald Hasiuk of Coîborne on behaîf of his father and son objected to his father's farms 1 being a candidate- to 1 accommodate the connecting highway link between 401 highway and the proposed 407 1 highway. Hasiuk pointed out that the proposed route for the connecting link divided the farm in haîf and that his father would be agreeable to provide a strip of land along Hancock road rather than having the farmn divided. Mayor Hamnre pointed out that council had turned down the proposed 407 highwýay and as such a connecting Ilink wouldn't bc required. She also pointed out that the Regional Officiai plan was before the Ministry, of Municipal Affairs and that it was her opinion that it would be somnetime before approval wouid be granted as there were a number of issues to be addressed over the plan with the Ministry. Town council granted Ian Bathe an exemption fromn the Fireworks By-law that only allows fireworks displays to be held on Victoria Day and Canada day.. Bathe said that his was a famnily event to be hield at the James Richard's homne on Friday following Canada Day as miost participants couldn't be available on Canada Day. Mayor Hamnre said that a sub- commiiittee was reviewing the fireworks by-law as it was outdated. Clarke Museumi and Archives expects to spend close to, $70,340 during 1992. On the revenue side the Town of Newcastle grants $58,000, Ministry of Culture $9,()00 and mnuseum fundraising $3,000. The Durham Animal Adoption organization in a letter to council supports the efforts of the veterinarians within the Town calling for animal control after hour services. The letter points to the need for such a service on week-ends as hias been outlined by local veterinarians. The committee states they would be willing to be part of the Town committee looking into the issue. Hamilton Township, the Town of Port and Cobourg councils have sided with the Town of Newcastle seeking continuation of grants froxn the Ministry of Natural Resources to assist in tie funding and operationof the Ganaraska Forest 'Centre which lost pr-ový,incial grants this year. As a resuit of the loss Of provincial grants fee charges have been increased to the point that ainost haif of those school classes who hadi booked Ohe two- anid-a-hialf day program have had to cancel. A request from residents on Beaver Street in Newcastle village have signed aipetition requesting that Beaver Street be left as a two-way street from Oshawa plants termed efficient A GMI plant in Oklahoma City topped the list of auto factories that turn out the fewest defects per 100 cars. 'l'le GMI plant edged out the Cambridge Toyota Plant that held first place last year. The GM Plant 2 in Oshawa held seventh position whîle Plant, 1 in Oshawa finished in l7th place. The report involved 42 plants in North America. Inmate program causes protest Near the end of May the Superintendent of the Millbrook Correctional Center made knïown that eight inmnates would work' outside on the prison grounids and would not be under supervision of trained correctional officers. The plan has caused concerrn with somne residents of the village and the president of the Union of which correctional officers are memnbers. In the faîl of 1991 the Center discontinued an Annex program which had ailowed inmates to work within the community. Bethaniy celebrated May Day t xas an early breakfast of panicakes, a parade, a noon barbecue, a hail gamne, kiddies rides, parade and a 50's dance in Bethany of the MJay 24th week- end. t was well attended and everyone bas slated the event wihclosed with a fireworks display 1most suIccessful. Mass gatheriing for Hnatyshun cancelled Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has axed the proposai that al public school students should be taken to see Port Hope's new Coat of Armns being presented by Goveror--General Roy Hnatyshun on J une lOth. Now instcad of having al students attendonly 150 from public schools, 150 from separate sehools and 150 from the high school will bc hand for the event. street. Tli'e request has been referred to public works for a report. The Oronio Town Hall Board hias requLes ted-that Centre and Main Street to Princess Street be closed for a people's parade on July lst wvithi the parade starting at ila.m. Thle request lhas been referred to Public Works. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Counicil lias approved a staff recommeindationi that opposes an indefinite licence for the Cameo for the Port Granby dumnp site. The Atomic Energy Control Board is considering such a licence rather than renewing the licence every year as has been the case in the past. --- - - - - - - - Drivers plead with board School bus operators are pleading with the Northumberlanid and Newcastle Board of Education not to tender their jobs. The jobs which used to be secureý are not anymore since the board is being pushed to cut costs by tendering everything. The drivers point to the amount of money that has been invested in buses. County restructuring may reduce number of municipalities Three proposais are being presented to the Northumberland County which could reduce the number of municipalities from the presenit 15 to four or five. Roger Warner of the provincial government and one that has been working on restructuring in the county wiil make the provincial recommendation. SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS .(REVISED SOHEDULE) Session 1 Classes operate Monday t0 Friday; July 6 10 17 (inclusive) SESSION 2 Classes operate Monday t0 Friday; August 410o 17 (inclusive) )V NOTE: Classes will flot operate Monday August 3, 1992 (Civic Holiday> CHILDREN /YOUTH PROGRFAMS Group Lessons - Fee: $32.O/Participaflt LEVEL Newcastle Finess Orono Park Newcastle Lions Centre Pool Pool Starfish 10:00 arn 10:00-arn 12:00 noon 1:30Oprn 11:00,amn 12:30Opm 3:00 Pm 12:30prn Guppy 9:30 am 1:00OPm 10:3Oamn 2:00 prn _____1:00 Pm Tadpole 10:3Oamn 11:3Oamn 1l:3Oarn 2:30 Pm Duck 11:00Oam < 10:3Oamn 11:00 am Yellow 9:W am 9:SO am 11:00Oam 3:00 Prn Orange 10:00 arn 12:00 noon 10:30 arn 2:30 Prnm_____________ Red 2:00OPm 11:00Oam 11:30Oam Maroon 10:30 arn > 10:30 arn 12:00 noon 1:30 Prn Blue 1.30 Pmn 9:30 arn 10:30 arn Green 9:30 amnIl:30Oam Grey 2:30 Pmn 12:30 prn IWhite 11:00amn 12:30 Pmn SEMI PRIVATE LESSONS - FEE $60.75/Participant Guppy Seahorse 10:30 arn Doîphin 11.00 arn Yellow Orange 11:00 am Red 10:30 arn Maroon 9:30 arn Green 11:00 arn Grey 10:00 arn White 11:30 arn 12:00 noon 10:00Oam 12:30 prn 1:00 Pm 1:00 Pmn 12:30 prn 12:00 noonl 11:30 arn 1:00 Pmn REGISTRATION DATES & LOCATIONS Registration Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Newcastle Fitness Centre Programs DATE: Monday June 22,1992 Location: Bowmanville Recreation Complex Orono Park Pool Programs DATE: Tuesday June 23,1992 f.. i[TOWN O'(1 LOCATION: Orono Town Hall Newcastle Lions Pool Programs V. SINARO DATE: Thursday June 25, 1992 LOCATION: Newcastle Public School For Information about classes and registration Oiates please contact: Community Services Department 62313392 P.. 272J Dates of Publication: Wednesday, June 3, 10, 1992 ~, ~, , -~ ~ \\~5*~.-. From A round The Region -r-- 1 -4-- -1 1