IOroîowl'eekfy'Tites Servlng Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 56, No. 24 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1992 Lirby Heights has approval Orono UCW celebrates 3Oth Anniversary with a birthday party and thoughts of past On Thursday, June 11, 1992 the Orono U.CW. celebrated 30 years of continuous service, with a largely attended birthday party. The hall1 was decorated with pînlc streamers, balloons, and spring flowers. Past President Marie Tamblyn and Donna Scott welcomed at front doors and looking after guest book. Past President Joan Hodge and Marjorie Best in charge of naine tags. Special guests Rev. and Mrs. Clappison, and Mrs. Shelley Wright, President of Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. Isabelle Challice, Past President, welcomned the large crowd and Mrs. Mina Clappison gave Grace. A delicious buffet dinner was greatly enjoyed by ail and the laden tables soon thînned out! A lovely head table arrangement was a gift fromr St. Saviour's U.C.W. The beau tiful large birthday cake was cut by our very first President (1962) Norma Long, assisted by Mrs. Wright. Cake and ice cream served to crowd by ail past presidents. Mrs. Olive Milîson introduced head table and each member spoke a few words. Rev. Clappison brouglit greetings from session. Mrs. Doreen Wood then led in sing-song, wîth Mrs. Joyce Gray at piano, and lively singing of "Onward Christian Women". Mrs. Betty Chatterton read minutes of our inaugural meeting of January. 1962. Special recognition was gîven by M.C. Isabelle to two of our oldest Charter Members with us, Mrs. Eileen Billings and Mrs. Edith Taylor. The flowers on head table were sent to another older Charter Member Mrs. Velma Armstrong, who we are happy to report is feeling better and home from hospital. Mrs. Norma Long, our very first President, brought a great many slides, taken by hier late husband Rev. Basil, who was our minister here for 23 years. The slide brought back many happy memnories of weddings and anniversaries, but also some sad, as older ones no longer with ns., ibis presentation was very much enjoyed and appreciated by all in attendance. Mrs. Arlyne Ayre, our guest soloist rendered a lovely- solo "Trees" assisted on piano by Joyce Gray, Marie Tainblyn, Past President, gave a challenging devotion based on biblîcal story of "Lydia", a liberated woman of her time! A real amusing skit by ladies of unit # 4 moved the audience into laugliter, when Judy Van Dyke gave commentary of "The Surprised Burglar," Donna Scott, as burglar, and Joyce Cowan as from 0MB for Kirby Heiglit Estates, (Bill Reid and Jim Reynaerd) have been given the green li ght to proceed with their proposed 14- lot Estate Residential devel- opment on Carscadden Road north of Regional Road 9. 1> The board's final approval of the sub-division willbe withheld pending submissions of -the final plan and notification from the parties as to how 27 conditions of draft approval have been satisfied. The conditions had been agreed upon in April 1992 between the Town, the Region, the various Ministries and owners but are now to be reaffirmed. The board chairman statesthat the board is satisfied with the 27 A tury of complaints regitered by taxpayers in the Town of Newcastle came to light at the General Purpose committee meeting on Monday. Both Mayor Hamre and Counc. Dreslinski stated they had received many cails from mainly seniors over the loss of places in which to pay taxes. Earlier this year the Town had called for banking proposals froin the banks in the municipalities had accepted and had a proposal froin the Bank of Nova Scotia as being the most advantageous to the Town 1With the change of banks the sub-division conditions as a good precedent and are appropriate.-, M. A. Rosenberg, member of the board in bis report was decisive in his decision stating that concerns of prematurity and precedent were flot well founded. He said that in this case the board is satisfied that the 14 rural estate lot subdivision is appropriate, desirable, environmentally sound and represents good planning. -A further decision of Rosenberg was to deny a request by the applicant's (Kirby Heights) solicitor requests for cost for part of the hearing. The board said it didn't find that this was an appropriate case where costs Town had lost the option that taxes could be paid at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. According to reports at the meeting Monday this was causing inconvenience for seniors especially in Ward Three. The only banking institution in the Ward is that of the C11BC located in Orono and Newcastle. Under the new plan payment of taxes can bc made at the Bank of Nova Scotia, or by mail to, the Town or at the office of the tax departînent in the Administrative Building. There is no agreement with the CIB3C to receive At the Newcastle High Sehool Reunion Happenings... DOOR PRIZE WINNERS Winners of the Door Prizes at the Environiment Fair held on May 31st: Winner of Weekend Get-Away for 2 to the Ecology Retreat Centre was Ian Hendry of Bowmanville;, Composter winners provided by the Region of Durhami were Joanne Cripps of Bowmanville and Brigitte Rudolph of Oshawa. Winner of a plant provided by Larraine Rouiston, "Pee Wee Worman Puppeteer" was Heather Malcolm of Nestieton. U.C.W. MONTHLY MEETING The rnonthly meeting of Unit No. I (Orono U.C.W.) was held ini the main hall on Wednesday, June lthwith 20 ladies ini attendance. Afier a short business and devotional we were favoured with an interesting talk by Mrs. Klompmaker of Orono. Hopefully we will al be better parents and grandparents after her speech. We closed our meeting with the mizpah benedîction after which we chatted over sandwiches and a cup ol tea. EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall euchre results for June 10 with 12 tables in play: High scores Doreen Green 88; Clara Meuleman 84; Don Thompson 82; J.D. Moffat 75 and Hazel Pigott 74. Low score Carl Todd. Draw winners May Tabb 2; Myrtie Gimblett; Clara Meuleman. Bea Robinson and Joyce Cowan. The last cuchre nighit of the season will be held June 24 beginning at 8 p.m., and will resumne after the Fal Fair. Ladies picase bring lunch. tà'. k As anyone in attendance at the Cec Carveth's movies and a Beryl Keulemain, Los Angeles, Newcastle High School Re-union chiurcli service well attended. was the grad to travel the greatest and it vas a decided success with Picturetu above: Patricia distance to ' attend. 135 registering on Friday Pearce Stinson, Margaret Pearce In speaking with Charles Gray evening, 100 out for the pancake Hockin, Albert Pearce and lie said it was' a great event and breakfast and 270 taking part in Kennetli Pearce. There is an much credit is owed Marie the Saturday niglit dinner. interest in old photos. Pedwell for all ber work. The event included old photos, Taxpayers object to lose tax payment opportunities - - --------- ....................... . ....... ......... ........... .......... .............. ........... .................... .. ......... ........ . .... ............... ....... .... ................... .... ....... . ... ....... .........