Itfs an old game te drag out a decision with a limited amount of pertinent information, financial or legal, if the project is iffy. Besides titis it seems rather strange that the issue can be brought back on the table with a simple majority. Seems to this corner it generally is a two- third vote edge te reconsider an issue once a vote has been taken and the decision made. It was time There has been considerable comhment over the past year and a haif over the entrance inte the Rutherford Woods Walk Park and certainly it was quite apparent that no resolve had been accomplished te this end on the part of the Town of Newcastle. It bad always been the intent that the entrance ente Main Street would be the major entrance way te the park. It is also desirable as te convenience for mort people that such is the case. The entrance should aise be inviting and clearly visible as a public way for pedestrians. Council was unanimous in their direction that the entrance way is te be public anid we would hope that its physical appearance is one that makes one feel free and at ease te make use of it Want to be involved in the Orono-PetertL'liorough Bike event On August 22 an 23 the evening dinner and dance. Multiple Scierosis Bike Tour is There is a long list of chores te being held between'the Village of be undertaken and time from Orono (eairgrounds) and Peter- which one can volunteer, borough and then back e Oone There is some advantageous in with an expected 600 îicyclist signing up prier te July 15th thus tdcing part. being eligible te possibly receive A recent telephone cal from a leather belt pack and if register head office, Tracy Hatt n, was a te volunteer prier to July 3lst te cail for velunteer help te asrist be eligible for a genuine leather with the event begin ing on knapsack. Saturday and w ith s ts be To volunteer one cati phone filled for the event u ii la te 922-6065 or 1-800-268-7582. Sunday. There is a need for $orne Further the Oreno Times can 250 volunteers te assist wit the supply a copy of the Volunteer promotion and as the Orone- Application Form te be Peterborough route is a new route completed and sent te MS 150 the association is starting frem Bike Tour, Multiple Scierosis scratch as to volunteers. Society. Hatten points to aklt of The Society is hopeful, through benefits from assisting te fight 13 bike tours this year across the against multiple scer osis to country, te raîse a total of $2.75 receiving a Bike T--Shirt, lunch million. and refreshernents, meet new The chance is now available te friends, training and the - get in the mnix of things for the oppertunity te attend the Saturday bike tour. Volunteers are needed. Boards of Ed. may share busîng It may well be that by September of 1993 many public and separate school students will be travelling te sohool on the same buses. Both the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Separate Board are exploring the possibility of sharing buses in an effort to save money. If both parties agree after further study the combined uses of buses could be in effect by September of 1993. Paul Brace of the public board's transportation division said it could mean fewer routes and fewer buses. The managers of the two systems will be working over the next couple of months to werk out the wrinkles and the details of bus route sharing. If the boards have schools that are close tegether or if the boards use the same roads there should be savings with a possible one-bus system. Between the two boards there are hundreds of bus routes of which many could be combined. Other such boards in the province are already sharing routes and buses while a numnber of other boards are considering the sm action of combining bus routes. In recent years, Bowmanville and Newcastle have been ameng the fastest expanding areas in Southern Ontario. While few of us would dispute the need for adequate garbage disposal facilities te service our own requirements, we feel that it makes no sense to locate that facility on the sites you propose. We have a strong environmental movement in our cemmunity. We have been leaders ini the movement te discourage the production of garbage by spearheading the drive te reuse, recycle, and reduce. We are responsible citizens anxious te preserve an area that we cherish and value. We know it well. Please listen te us. Yours Sincerely, Philippa Schmiegelow ORONO UNITED July 19 and August 26 KIRBY UNITED Juy 26 NEWCASTLE UNITED August 9, 16, 23,.30 and September 6 A.A. meets Thursdays 7:30 p.m. 1! _~Jk~ ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 -JE t lit