2 - Ofono WekIY Times, Wednesdayt July 22, 1992 Orono 'Weekfy 'iUnws Publatons MaiI flgistration No. 0368 Pubishing 47 Issues Annually t the Office of Publcation 531 à Main Street, Orono, Ointario LOS 1 MO Telephone 416-983-5301 . . . Roy C. Forrester, Owner-Editor Su bscription $16.00 per annum ST) .......... It can be d'one, It was rather surprising to find out on Sunday that we do have an all-encompassing minor sport organization in the Town of Newcastle - the Town of Newcastle Basebali Association operating on a volunteer basis and proving to be most successful. 1Talking to Wayne Lowery of Bowmanviile at a tournarnent being wound up on Sunday we found a great deal of enthusiasm being expressed - from one that is involved in the promotion of minor basebail in the whole of the Town of Newcastle. Heaven-forbid: teams from Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice are ail playing ini one league. t encompasses the Town of Newcastie. This is flot exactly ail new for soccer bas been based on the sanie premise for years. Talk to Wayne Lowery and its a successful venture. Fromt ail we hear and have heard for the past couple of year s this is not the case with that great Canadian sport - hockey. One has to ask what is really the difference between a winter sport and a sumnmer sport. The winter sport has the Ontario Minor Hockey Association that we bear bas some say in what happens but it is also true that the summer sport of basebal bas tbe Eastern Ontario Basebali Association in the upper echelon. But getting back to, Wayne Lowery he points out tbat a boy may join either a bouse leaguie baseball team or a rep- team, one that plays in the QEBA league. t is the choice of the player and their parents as to what cost they wish to bear and what travelling they wish to andertake. Further Lowery aiso points out that ail fees are the saine and every boy gets treated the samne and plays the sane number of innings as his teani-mates irregardless of is calibre of play. t is the fun of the game and sportsmanship states Lowery. The Newcastle Basebali league takes in al categoriesfromt 4- Pitch to T-BaIl, PeeWee of wbicb there are l tearas in the league, Bantams, Tykes, Mosquito of wicb Orono bas two teams, one in bouse league and one in the EOBA and up to Midget/Juvenile for boys 16 to 20. If it cas happen in basebail it can also happen in hockey. Mter ail we are the Town of Newcastle from Courtice to Newtonviile but we also wish to, maintain our identity and the basebail organization proves that it is possible. Minor sports should bave no hang-ups and the benefits should be for the kids witbout any form of hassie. t is understood that there is somne movemnent to change in bockey but as yet no clear decision. It is time it bappens. Stapleton (Continued fromn page 1) track which would be used no more than four times a year. Those lending support said of the two meets held this year there was no problemn with additional road traffic and no noise problem. t was aiso pointed out that it was a family en tertainment feature that had caused no problems on lands which were used for the pasturing of cattie. 11 It was stated that usually there could ba upwards of 125 comipetitors wîth a possible one bundred or s0 as spectators. ,The Lakeshore Dirt Riders, Association hold a number of events in the area daring the spring asd summer with no more than four events at anyone locations during the year. t was stated that the landowner that provided the land free of charge- for the events. Marvin Stapleton who lodged the rezoning on behaîf of the owners spoke statng there would be no more than 4 events, held in any one year and that the rezoning was temporary for only a thrae year period. He said he had a ltter from the Ministry of Natural Resources who had no objections to the use of the rezoning. He said the Ministry pointed out that the site was somne distance from an area of environmental significasce and called the Clarke Summit Swamp. It was noted in a report to counicil that the swamp was classified as a Class 4 wetlands. Mayor Hamre said she was being upfront noting that she had grave concerns for the rezoning. She said if it should go tbrough it could erode the major, arguments that the community bas had in fighting a proposed dump by' L aidlaw in the immediate area. She said traffic bas been one argument against the dump along w ith concerns for the environment. She noted that the dirt track would create both these problems. Sam Cureatz, representing Jim Hale and Mo sport Park, spoke against the rezoning of the lands from agriculture and environ- mental protection for the purpose of the race track. He said council had to treat ail parties alike whether it was a race track or a landfill site. 1Evylin Stroud also nioted to council the presence of environmental concerns for the area. The issue bas been referred back to planning staff for a final report to again corne before the general purpose committee for their consideration when al agencies have submitted their response bo the plan. Ken clal Hall News. On Saturday July 1Ilth several members of the Kendal Lodges went to Metcalfe to take part in the Orange Wallk beld there. Most of the participants were from the Ottawa area and eastern Ontario. The bands were good and there were a good number of Junior, Ladies and Mens' Lodge members out. Bands were well represented, many who could flot do the walk sat and cheered the marchers on. Besides seeing the parade, it was a wonderful opportunity to see that part of tie country, it is beautiful. We noticed that the corn crops seem about two weeks ahead of here, in growtb. On Saturday, July l8th, the men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 met at dhe Hall, revivîng tbe old custom of having a meeting prior to the Orange Parade. Members of the Junior, tbe Ladies and Mens' Lodges accompanied by the Kendal Fife and Dram Band took part in the annual parade, which was held this year in Cobourg. t was an excellent parade, larger tban in the past two or tbree parades, the bands were excellent and the weatber co- operated. Following the parade tbere was a Band Competition and a Banner Competition. Tbe music was a joy to hear, each band playing several selections in front of the band sheli. Kendal Junior Lodge broaght home a tropby for their Banner, Tyrone Ladies Lodge won a tropby for their Banner. Tbe Kendal and Non-trad itional femnale jobs A federal grant is ailowing the Northumberland and. Newcastle Board of Education to hire a part- time resource teacher to undertake a program to encourage girls to tbink of alternative to traditional female jobs. 1The School Board will received,$50,000 annually for the next four years from the federal government in order that a resource teacher may provide workshops to make stadents and teachers aware of non-traditional courses and careers. The programn starts this September. Brian Todd of the board bas stated that one area in which direction cas be given is in the co- op education programn. In this programn the students earn credits for working in local businesses. 1Todd also said there is a low number of girls in the technology types of jobs. Girls tend to close-in on the social services type of jobs. Todd said the workshops wil be designed to change attitude of students and teachers. Participants will be told what the non- traditional jobs are, rate of pay and the courses and training for such pursuits, if taken. 11t's holiday time at GM Thousands of GM workers at- the Oshawa plants are now on their annual summer break wbich takes in the last two weeks of July. For the first time 2000 office staff are also -on holiday at the samne time. Tyrone Ladies won for best Ladies Lodge on parade. They looked most impressive with their white dresses, gloves and umbrellas. The Kendal Lodge invited two of the bands'back to Kendal after the parade and along with other guests of the Order al had a BBQ. Despite the beavy ramn everyone had lots to eat. The bands took tarfis entertaining those present, the Port Perry Rand played first and then The Pride of Tecumseh Band. They filled the Hall with their music. As, the evening was drawing to aclose and the raîn stopped, members of The Pride of Tecumseh and Kendal Band, joined together and bad a unschedaled parade of their own througb the streets of Kendal. A good timne was had by ail. 'On Sunday, July 19th what was to bave been a picnic of the Junior-Lodge became an Orange farnily picnic, this was held at the park in Orono. Lots of games, contests , swimming at the pool and lots of food and good fellowship. What a beautiful place for a picnic, the clear streare winding through the park, dlean grounds, shade trees, a safe pool for swimmers and an ideal pool for the little ones. Despite the number of people around, yoa could stili feel a sense of peace and quiet and tboroughly enjoy yourself. How fortunate we are. Next "Big Event" on the Orange calendar, "Derry Day", Saturday, August 8th. This will be held in Orono starting with lunch at the Arena and lime up for the, parade at 1 p.m. The parade leaves the fairgrounds at 1:30 p.m. to the Main Street and ends at the fairgrounds. There will bc entertainmenit by the bands there and a beer garden. Everyone is welcome bo corne out and have as enjoyable day. Plan to bring the family and your friends and see the pa rade and join us at the Arena. P. Lowery ORONO, ONTARIO Imitrg your odds againist Canada's 'l kille St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rlev. Diouglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9: 30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CH[ARGE * Rev. Fired Clappison *upply MinisW~ O ' Marlene S Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 ORONO/KIRBY PASTORAL CHARGE ANNUAL BARBEQUE Wed. juIy 29tb Starts at 6:00 p.m. Join us when you can. Brmng Salad or Dessert. Hot Dogs - Hamburgers Drinks Supplled. SUMMER SERVICES (Services begin at 10:00 a.m.) ORONO UNITED August 2 NEWCASTLE UNITED August 9, 16, 23, 30 and September 6 A.A. meets Thursdays 7:30 p.m. 983-5009 1