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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1992, p. 3

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Orono Weekly TIMesi Wednesday, :August 12.192- Carol's Bt. WILLSHER, Chris Chris Willsher received his Bacheclor of Arts degree in Administration and Mathecmaties from Brock University on June 5, 1992. Chris is a graduate of Clarke High Schooi. He will continue post graduate studies in Music Management at Harris Institute in Toronto in September. Chris is the son of Bob and Lynda Wilisher, brother of Stephen of Newcastle. Fort hcom ing Marriage BOUGHEN - TAIT Edward and Jane Boughien of Orono are pieased to announce fthe forthicoming marriage of thecir daughter Tamnmara Jane to Chiristopher Park Tait, son of Warren and Margaret Tait of Newcastle. The wedding will take place August 22, 7:00 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastie. Courtice Centre presenLted te public A week ago iast weclnsaay the Community Service Departiment of the Town of Newcastle unveiled a consultant's report as to the proposed community centre complex for Courtice. The centre to be built btweeni Courtice Road and Nash Road south of tlic Courtice Secondary Public School is to feature a swimmîing pool, health care and day care centre, community roomn with 1seating l'or 200) along with a lihrary. It was pointed oui to thec few who did attend thai tie plan is not1, at this point set ni stone, and that othecr suggestions would bc considced il proposed to the CourticeCentre commitice as setup by the Town. Consderaionis being given to cither ftie Town undertaking the building as was the Bowiaanville Sports coleIx or have private interesîs iundeLrtaikc e uipan with a po ss ible lcelase/buy back arrangeinclni with flie devcloer. t lias been statcd that flic latter plan c(uld scecflie complex ninopciration ai ain calicr date. The Town lias sent out invitations for proposais wifth a dead(liine oi thec îd of SepItember.i ACourliceCe(, ntre is îlot ~etdunil soinîciincIn 1994 or Litci. A park with a difference Looking for something different this year for a few days holidays we picked Frontenac Provincial Park, north of Kingston, to visit for three days and Iwo nights. The park is one of 261 operated by the province that boast of some eight million visitors annually. Frontenac is somewhat different than other parks in ils use other than Algonquin and Quetico. It has a total area of 70 square kilometers and is dotted witb 17 lakes of various sizes. It features 13 cluster camp sites with on average three individual camp sites to each cluster. The clusters are well spread out over the entire area with Most well secluded in what tbey caîl the backcounitry. .There is no such thing as driving your car to the camp site. The camp sites arce reachcd by canoe or waiking trails. My choice was canoe even though 1 hadn't been in one for years. It meant a rental at an outfitter at the park enîrance aiong with lifejacket and two paddles. "But I only need one paddle'. "The second is in case you drop one in the lake you'Il neeM a second to retrieve it". That had to bc a good tbought. So it was off to lauinch the 58 pounds of Kelvar that was strapped to die top of' ic car and Joad the beast with anothecr couple of packs and dangling pots and pans and of course binioculars, bird books, fishing pole and the list seenied 10 go on for ever. Finaily 1 was afloat and set out on mny destination somne six or so kilometers up the lake. 1 macle the six km and hiad then entered int a smnall lake wlien thc wind began to blow and dark- clouds began to rollnin. No way was i to gel caughit in a storîn 50 il was miake camp on rough terrdin. But the clouds passed by and the rest of the evening was Book Revi'ew froli Crystal Pages SIILY CLEAN by EMJ - Guelph: Producis whichi practisc the Es oU i- teiîv ironient. Eflective: work as well or better thaiî iost leadiiig brands. E,'coiiîîiiical: prices compare lavo u raly. Eîv i roiîinent Freidliness: Biodegradable anid NOT iested on animaIs. Tlieir production aI lows nto discliarge t hie air or water. Available -Dsialiial pU rpoSe', staluit rentoval anid latini(r eereis P1,1ASIi BINU iYOI R ,ýOWN 1,L'ITRE J iUG. S AVEU THE1 pleasant even though I had not reached my destination. Il was on this smnali lake that we enjoyed the cry of îwo boons who had with themn two juvenile young. As we waîched them three other loons flew in for a short stay being herded out by the resident boons afler some haîf hour. There had been enough activity physicaily that 1 needed no sleeping pilis that night. It was break camp at day break and final arrivai aI my designated site around noon after a short portage. Up to Ibis point 1 had not seen anyone and Udlt that I must be the only one in the, park. But I did find that 1 did have neighbours a young couple from Kingston wbo were hicking through the park for a four day period and travelling to four specifie sites on Ibeir venture. it would bc raIber difficult for me to express -the beauty of the scenery and the solitude that exisîs in the park's backcountry. Oni y Uic breeze tbrough the trees and the catI of thec bons and some birds were heard. .But the world can go ail silent in the backcountry and you become fixated with oniy the sound of the dip of thc paddle. 1-The time was fiiled withi canoeing and hiking and oU course time for a couple of imeals, mostly bacon and eggs, cheese and crackers and frcsh fruit. There was of course one exception and Ibat was Uree cobs of corn I had purchaseil but found that 1 had no pot for boiling. Strippcd al thc silk from Uic cobs, pulled back the husks and wetted the cobs thoroughly. Pullcd the husks back in place and tossed them on burning embers of the camp lire. No need 10 carry a pot - excellent results. 1 did make il back safely tooIthe poinît of beginning and drove to Kingstonî carrying a lot of memories that will bc around for a long lime. LANDFILL SITE. GEORGE SAND - A BIOGRAPHY 0F TUE FIRSýT MODERN, LIBERATED WOMAN by NocI B. Gerson: Born ini nineteen century France, the daughitcr of iblue-bloodcd parentage on the onec hand and a travelling gypsy on the ollier, ber lite of paradox scerns wel f ounided. Slie had Uic courage, (in an age wlicn t6 show an anikie would bc bo create a scandai) and the strengîli t0 insist on sexual frecdoin, and to write fifty best- seiling novels on lier kiîowlcdgc of love. Every miodern woninwhio rejecîs te double standard, who combinecs a carcer with life as a mother, whlo dcmnids personaýl liîlfiilment( as a right, is indebcltcdi to lier. Nel Menitor EdItion01 The Olympie beyday is over for another four years. By the time the 1996 Oiympics roll around many changes will occur. This years winners may be retirees, Ibis years beginners wiil finally become serious mnedal contenders, several new faces wili emerge and new heroes wili be made. The spirit of the Olympie games seems to have been lost. Increased commercîalism plays a big part in this. Because of thc air lime ailowed and the sponsorship contracts provided, only highlights of the gamnes are availabie. This shows us oniy thc winners, and those few who one person deemns good enough for us 10 watch. Olymnpie heroes are not oniy those who are the winners. A goid medal hanging around your neck certainly is a sign of years of dedication, perseverance and loyaiîy to your sport paying off. But strengtb of character and of heart aiso make a hero. Let's look first at our Canadian athietes. Naturaily we are all proud when we sec one of our own standing on the podium, wiUi the sun giinting off Uic medai that hangs around the neck, and -the strains of Dur national anthem being heard ove r the chccring crowd. But we donit pay enough attention to those Canadians who wcre goo d cnough to make il 10 the Olympies, but not fortunate cnough 10o have the experience, good fortune, or whatcver that littie sometbing extra it takes to become an Olympie mcdalist. The fact Ibat Canadian rower, Siiken Laumann recei.ved a bronze medai is simpiy icing on the cake. It is thc determination, strength and sheer will to compete after an accident that could have jeopardizcd her carcer, that shouid bc admircd in Laumann. Internationaily speaking, look, at the athîctes rom Croatia. A country Ibat bas bareiy had time 10 form, produced îwo fine athîctes. Neither wcre '"winners", but both had Uic courage to corne to the gaines and give il their best despile a lack of training facilities, and even proper mnourisiiment. And what about the athîcte that had 10 train in ic streets of Bosnia-Herccgovinia, despite the gunfire, turmoil and danger that iay aIl around-ber. The Kuwati soccer tcam, coming from a ravaged country wherc there is not even a soccer pitcb for thcm to practice on. And the athîctes from Uic Unified Teain, who will compete as a team for the iast time Mèfre facing an uncertain athietic future in an uncertain homeland. Athîctes that despite searing pain from an injury, fmnished the race because that was what Uiey camne to do. Athietes who had a chance to gra b for Uic goid, but, failed and stil had the courage bo say " maybe in '96". These are the true heroes. of Uic 01 ympic Gaines. Cobourg area church expanding The growth of the congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaySit in Cobourg bas been cause for an addition to the existing building. The new 7300 square foot addition will bouse a chapel, office, more classrooms and a baptismal. Trent University 1> at Durham College FaIl -Winter: Sept. to April1 By study in Oshawa alone, you may obtain a Trent degree in: Anthropology, Cultural St udies, Economics, English, History, Politics, Psychology or Sociology. For a brochure or admission infor- mation, please caîl (416) 723-9747 or' (705) 748-1 229. The New Wave In Home Scrt Never has ProteCtintg YOur 1 home and family been more important or mor affordable. I lntroducing the Quorum A-150 Home Security Monitor DePendable Detection, i ouality Guaranteffd Maintenance Fee, Portable -N *NMoahly FMe -For More Information, Contact: AMBER PEAT 983-9063 r DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMILY (General Dentistry including Or thodontlcs and Implants) DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.Sc., D.D.S. DENTAL, OFFICE ONE 30 Cobbledkk Street Orono, Ontario cal 983;-5ý825 DENTAL OFFICE TWO 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontario cati 987-5256 Graduation From A round HOME Nc, l",uc ýt,

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