4- Orono WsekIy Tin, iWsdn.day, Saptember:O 19 Orono Town HalliBoard wins second consecutive PeeWee "B" Championship Students close Orono park booth venture 1After the final gamne of the basebal1 Tournament on Saturday, September 19, 1992, the Orono Park concession stand closed for the season. Visitors to the park will have noticed that thie booth was opened throughout the day and evening this season due to the efforts of the local entLrepreneurs - Caroline Fletcher and Kenny Quinn (Clarke High> School students) who leased the, facility from the Town. The intention was to provide consistent service to persons using the park. They were also called upon to answer a myriad of questions regarding swimming, picnics, basebaîl and the most often asked, "Where's the Washrooms" (H int to the Town to provide signs). The Community Service Department Par k Staff and New Dutch Oven Restaurant, provided valuable assistance to Caroline and Kenny who hope that their service to the community was appreciated. Fishing fées to double in '93 'Me cost of dropping a line into the waters of a stream or lake are to increase in 1993 with an additional fee of $6.00 for a magnetic-stripe registration card. This card is in addition tothe regular fee for fishîng and hunting licences. F-or the second year in a row the team representing the Orono Town Hall Board lias emerged victorious in the T.O.N.B.A. PeeWee "B" Championship series. The wîn was especially gratifying as it came last Thursday night in front of their loyal hometown fans. T'hanks to having a home diamond that COuld Iwithstand main and that was equipped with liglits, the Orono crew's diamnond was selected for the playing of the final. Courtice Unique Hair Styling supplied the opposition. Oronojumped to a six run lead in their haîf of the first inning thanks to several walks and Jeff Finlay's three run single. Then winning pitcher Brett Maartense w ent to work allowing only one eamned mun in his four innings of pitching. He received a solid defensive effort from his teammates. Keegan Brown converted a pick off throw from Devon Witheridge to end a threat by the Courtice team. Deepak AngI got the save for pitching three scoreless innings to end the gamne. He received even better support from Wayne Werry who snagged a line drive in the bottom of the seventh and from the combination of Jamnie Allin and Scott Boumeester who converted a high fly baIl into a double play to end the game. Philip Williams, Todd Montgomery and Greg Finlay ail contributed key runs and steady fielding to help in the victory. This was the end of a very special year for the boys from Orono. They were first in the league for a while during the season, they finished second in their only taste of toumnament bal this year and then won the "B" final. They plan to celebrate with a pool party in October. In typical teamn fashion this will be a famiîy affair with moms, dads, brothers and sisters ail joining in for the fun. The boys appreciated the support from the many other fans who showed up to cheer themn on Thursday and during their other home games. Coachi Witheridge was pleased wim the support he received from ail the parents who contributed to the success of die team. The team had a battery of assistant coaches in Mr. Werry, Mr. Finlay, Mr. Boumeester, and Chad Maartense, a team medic in Doc Angl, a Orono Basebail season drawsto a close for 192 The final page of the '92 basebail season was closed this past Saturday, at the T.O.N.B.A. bcague "Fun Day". There was something for everyone as participants piayed games, entered contes ts, wettedl some of their favourite coaches in the dunk tank, mecasured the speed of their fast ball with a police radar gun, tried t(> "stump th[le umnp' with some unusuai piays and inuch more. But, [ihe moment cvcryone espcciaiiy seemcd Io be waiting for was the presentation of' tcam awards. Mrono hostedl the Tykec and Biantam divisions of thc league piayoi Fs and tiîanks t many volu,îîccrs and sponsors the event wcnt (fuite wcii. We sched(uledt 18 tcams into 23 games over two weccends to corne up with an "A" and "B' division champ lor caehi age gr(>up. In the Tyke division, the leaguc and piayof(- champions were Shoppers Drug mlart (romn Bowmianviibc andI dic "B" champs were Pctro-Can Irom Courtice. Ili the Bantaîn division, Optimist Club front Bowmnanvîlle were mhe playoff champs and the Pontypool club wcre the regular season and "B" champs. At the Fun Day presenitations, the following Orono teams were ini attendance to pick up their hardware. Starting at the Tyke. level, Mike Hutton receîved silver "B" finalist medals on behaîf of his teami the Orono Blues sponsored by Ailinbrook Fceds, manager Robert Boyd p-icked up the Flunt's Photo participant medais on behaif of the teamt and coaches Art Reid and John Tresise. In the Mosquito division Lorne Ailin picked up his teams participant trophies on behiaîf of thc teamn sponsorcd by Orono Fuel & Lumber, Hamilton lns. and Stutt's Pharmiacy. Art Reid accepte(l the second Orono Mosquito teain participant trophies on behai f of coach Ron Beacock and the tcain sponsored by Armnstrong's IGA. Pcewce coach Ken Di Bartoliomen acccpted bis teamns participant trophies on refreshment team of Mrs. Finlay and Mrs. Weriy and scorekeepers Mrs, Witheridge, Mrs. Maartense and Mrs. Boumeester. The Montgomery family looked after die raffle for us. Mr. Allun, Mr. Williams and Mr. Maartense were available to give the boys words of advice and encouragement on numerous occasions. Brothers Steve Boumneester and Bob Witheridge regularly were on hand to help at practices and during warmups and in a pinch to play during the summer while others were on holidays. 1The teamn missed Joe School in the final. He was unable to add his skills and friendly smile to our victory. The team wishes hîm the best of luck in die future. Way to Go Orono!!! Pictured in the photo from (I-r) starting in the front are: Jeff Finlay, Keegan Brown, Greg Finlay (alias Jeff), Joe SchoIl, Jamnie Allin, Wayne Werry. Back row Coach Witheridge, Phul Williams, Deepak AngI, Brett Maartense, Scott Boumeester, Todd Montgomery, Devon Witheridge. behaîf of co-coachi Terry Weeks and mhe teamn sponsored by Pisani Construction. Our only winning teamn this season was the Orono Town Hall Board Peewee team who were "B" division champs. Accepting the teamn trophies was assistant coach Mohinder AngI on behaîf of die teamn and coach John Withecridge. Finally, co-captains Corey Stapleton and Jeff Sehol accepted the Orano Bantam mnedais on behaîf of mheir te-am and coach Doug Stapîcton. Also in attendance at the Fun Day were somne memnbers of the Orono T-BaIl and 4-Pitch teams who had received tmeir trophies at carlier teamn parties. T-BaIl coaehes were Ken Richards (mhe Angeis) and Steve Campney (the Mets) and the 4-Pitch coaches were Len Gibbons (thc Twins) sponsored by Steve's Diesel, and Barney Bangay (the Dodgers) sponsored by Hourglass. Many thanks go out to aIl our coaches, assistants, managers, grounds keepers, schiedulcrs, "SPONSORS', and everyoncelsc who hieiped to make this a successful year. Hopýe we sec you ail back next season just as ready and willing to lcnd a hand. CRYSTAL PAGES' presents Holistie Healing Introductory Talks OCTOBER 13th - "qUEST FOR SELF" and TAI RUI OCTOBER 20TH - REIKI and REFLEXOLOGY Orono Town Hall 7:30 p.m. Refreshments @ Admission $8.00 983-9605 or 983-6150 ~ana7uacJ Ya ~ REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY NOTICE TO USERS 0F THE GANARASKA FOREST The opening of the HUNTING SEASON in the GANARASKA FOREST HAS BEEN DELAYED UNTIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 1992 and-, The RECREATIONAL USE of the GANARASKA FOREST is RESTRICTED for the period THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1992 AT DUSK TO SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4,1992 at 6 P.M. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS APPRECIATED s iLt 'n S ip Birthday Bash Corne celebrate our lst Birthday beginning the week of October l9th. Lots of specials everyday. Thank you for ail your support from the staff at.. Sit 'n Sip ~~Coffee & Donuts Newcastle)