Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 30, 1992 -7 More Delirious writings It happened at the riOflast week. Lots of Gretzky hopefuls paraded onto the ice at the Orono Arena for the first skate of the season. They skate around, and I can't find my son. There seems to be somne fuss at the bench. A few minutes pass and the coach cornes to the boards - points in my direction. I have been fingered. 1 wonder what is the problem. Does xny son have to go the bathroom? 1 hope flot! Ever tried to, remove that armour for a quick pit stop? I should have reminded him before he got dressed, I think to myseif as 1 jump down the steps to the boards. Behind the wire mask 1 sec two sheepish eyes. The coach tells me: "Kyle's skates couldn't cut butter on a hot day". l'niemharrassed! Kyle is silently escorted off the ice. This is clearly not the way hie wishecs to start off the season. I want to go home", he tells mie. Organizing hockey equipment, teaching our sons how to put on a jock, and taking care of the technical aspects of the. sport, liko, sharpening, are "Dad tings". But, Dad is on nighits toni-ght. My skills are limnited to chauffourinig and cheering. 1 was niow skating on thin ice. We rip off the skates, and rush themn to the sharpening miachine.- I've neyer done this before. It looks like a coffee machine, and the instructions seem simple. But, you know what happons. You're in a hurry, you're flot too happy about the situation, you have a child pouting on a bench, and another hanging off your legs asking why the canteen isn't open. The machine eats lots of quarters - I have only one. I'm off to a great start! But, as you know, the world is full of nice people. Another parent notices my dilemma and stuffs the machine with some quartors to get the first skate going whilo I scrounge up some change. I return, ropay my debt, and turfi to face the daunting task. The first skate is finished and remnoved from the machine by the othor parent. With the other skate in hand, and a big, blue machine waiting for me to do something, 1 go blank. A boy about ten years of age, and clearly mny tecchnical superior, comecs to mny rescue. Ho shows mie how to put in the skate, andwhc buttons to push. While I stand listening to the grinding of the blade, the other parent pots on Kyles first skate. 1 feel totally inept. Finally, the other skate is ready, 1 place it on anl anxî,,ous foot, and Kyle rushes onto Chrî*stian1 by Rcv. Marg West 1 Believe ln Miracles --- Do You? We were blesscd this past Thursday and Friday to be involvod in the Pastor Benny Hinn Crusade in Toronto. Most of our church people were involved one way or another. It was a lîfe changing two days. Most of the workers at the crusade were volunteers, somne usherod, somne were counsellors, somo sang in dhe choir, some counted monoy, some sold books and tapes, BUT EVERYONE was blossed. As blessed as wo were, of course you always have those who do flot believe and scoff at flhe work of <3od. Thoy say healings are flot real. But you talk to someone who was blind and they now sec, they know its real. People were healed of cancer, aîds, deafness, infections that had kept them in the ice. A full twenty minutes have passed! 1 go back to my place in theý standis. The seat is cold again! At least 1 rememibered to put on mny socks, Ithink. Thon, thec coach once again journeysý across thie ice. Anothecr mnother (S11e OwnS Lthe local flower ShIop) JUmpIS down from the blcachers. Hier child docs have to go to the b aihroomn. Ahi Choo! 1Icfel a cold coming on - its going to be a long winter! Corner wheelchairs hieause the pain and wcakness it caused. Mlany people who were in wheelchairs because of different diseases wero hecaled. These people know that the power of GOD hocaled themi BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED FOR IT. The word of God is for those that believe. If you believe you receivo. If you doubt you go without. If you can only believe Ood for salvation that's ail you will receive. (Which is the greatest miracle of ail). You only receive from God what you believe for. In Mark 9 vs. 23 Jesus is saying, "IF YOU CAN BELIEVE; ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HlM THAT BELIEVETH." All is everything and anything. Thursday evening, Friday morning, and Friday evening we witnosscd ail kinds of miracles. I was blessed to ho one of about twelve people who took the reports of the ones who received hoalings. You who do not believe can't tell these people they-didn't get a miracle. Thoy know thoy did. Thoy once had pain and disease and thon it's gono. These people are checkoed by a Doctor before they gOo on to the pîatform, so that. al the hecaîings are documentod for those who scoff at such things. ln Luke il vs. 9- 10, Jesus is saying, "ASK AND LT SHALL BE GIVEN YOU; SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND; KNOCK AND THE DOOR SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU. FOR EVERYONE THAT ASKETH RECEIVETH; AND HE THIAT SEEKETH FINDETH; AND TO HIM THAT KNOCKETH IT SHALL BE OPENED UNTO HIM." What have you asked of the Lord lately? You only get as you' ask. Have you really been seeking something from God? Keep on seeking and youwill find. Have you been knocking? Keep on knocking (asking) and you will have what ever you are looking for opened unto you. Trust and believe the Lord that you receive what you are asking for when you ask. Don't look at the situation or you will neyer get what you are asking for. Trust the Lord that your answer is on the way. Keep on trusting and believing and you will receive. Comments or Questions, Write R.R. 2, Orono. Watch Total Christian T.V., Channel 49, Buffalo. Oshawa on short Iist for court house The province apparontly has Oshawa on a short list for a new centralized court for Durham Region. 1Funding is a problem and the government is considering a partnership agreement with private developers if such could be found. The court hlouse in itself is expected to cost somne $3 million to build. q wlth Kantbflyrn Mcjlolm Fr1 Oct. 2 6:30 to 8:30 Bowmanville Public Library RIge 4 to Rdult free admission Re(-cclng Counciil narlo Learn how to mcuke beautiful art with Qveryday th rowaways. I3ring soaked magazines, paper fruit trays-cereal boxes,, dried grass fi flowQrs. (For ages 4m6 please bring cookie cutters.) i;i;L;t'fe %l.y- e--