those Wh( When wore "How much for your YEST", I hlead asked, Io which a great grill e was spread across their hopeful faces. ec Red "Give us a blank elcqiie, and eand we'1l send you a rceiïpt on the ey Ml eve of Ail Souls.'" Suddenly, a ghiost of Canada themn past drifted by. The rose pinned This, over his heart was wilted. "Don't ntold buy!", he shouted, as hie clearly s the extended the i nfamious one-finger y Air salute. "You wi'i11be doomnec and ia> to be damnned in the land of the s the wretched", lhe called while the Deal is carpetbaggers stood gaping i -s 20% angry disbelief. most) Nearby, perched high on a -L rSpa youý its výiu insu ranc YE-S?", I - silence. -- I Chimney Installaton !ee