Orono Weekly Tirnes, Wednesday,~ Decembot g, 1992-13 w- SALLY STAPLES associate broker *REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR FA13ULOUS FOUR BEDROOM CE aBeautlfully set on a wooded 1.75 acre lot in the Village include an eat-ln kitchen, elegant dinlng and living roo window and fireplace # with features too numerous1 perfection! Please caul for complete Information. al rooms vely bay ,hows ta Oshawa plants flot affected by reent closure announcement Workers at the Oshawa GM autamotive plants are heaving a sigh of relief in that the Oshawa plants were not included in a list of closings made publie by GM las t week. GM announced the clasing of two assembly plants in the U.S. along with the closing of six parts plants as welI as a rear-axle plant in St. Catharines affectîng 800 workers. GM had announced the closing of the Scarborough Van plant and a St. Catharines casting plant somne months ago. The announicemnent last week which did flot include any of the Oshawa operations is one which is giving hope that the Oshawa plants will remain in operation . There is some concern that GM bas yet ta announce new production in Oshawa beyond July of 1994 but it is feit that some new production is comning. The company bas announced that it may close-down one of its five mîd-size product plants if demand doesn't improve. The two GM plants make mid- size cars, the Lumina and thei Regal Buick. Difficulty Undertake something that is difficult, it will do you good. Unless you try ta do somnething beyond what you have already mastered, you will neyer grow. -Ronald E. Osborn Difficulties are meant ta rouse, flot discourage. 'Me human spirit is ta grow strong by confict. -William Ellery Channing Around the Board with Bob Willsher Trustee, Ward 111 t is diffîcuit ta believe that a year bas gone by so quickly. t was on December 5 last year when dihe new board was formed. The organizational meeting of the board, for the next term, was held on December 3. 1992 was a busy year for everyane in aur schools and many changes were implemented. Judging froin communications out of Queens Park we can expct many changes in the new year and beyond. Althaugh limnited information is available, the goverfiment is intent on. implementing their agenda for education as soon as possible. 1 amn willing ta support some of the planned changes but not others. t seems ta me that the Minister of Education is trying ta change ail of the "wrangs", hie perecives ta exîst, in the shortest time possible. Changes in educýation need ta be, planned and staged ta be successful. Bath staff and students need ta be able ta meet the educational objectives being established. The board is currently getting iniput from teachers, trustees, community members and parents an the Mînistry of Education's validation draft for Provincial Mathematies Benchmarks. The benchmarks being considered are for the end of grade 3, end of grade 6 and the end of grade 9. The process should provide aur communities with an opportunity ta have direct input into the development of standards expected in mathematics. 1993 promises ta be as demanding as 1992. The province hias announced a funding inecease of 2% for next year. Initial information suggests that funding for 1994 will be at 1992 levels! This will make next year's budget process very difficuit. This is a change from what the Province told us in January of this year and will require the board ta carefully manage any ongoing financial k~commitments. 1 arn very concerned about the ýapital funding announcement the A>ovince made on November 19. These grants will caver capital projects for the period 1993 through 1995 or 1996. I ar n ot sure whether it is 1995 or 1996 because the Minister of Education said hee bas set up a contîngency fund of $34.4 million for "capital pressures from 1992 ta 1996". One mighit guess from the announcement that there will be no new capital for 1996. Our board received just over $600,000 of the more than $301,760,000 the Province establishied for capital prajects. This will permit the board ta repair a few school roofs, replace the odd boiler and complete a number of minor capital repairs. t does nothîng ta address the urgent accommodation needs for students. Our first twa priorities were a new school for the Martin Road area in Bowmanville and a major expansion at Newcastle Public School. I can only guess that these projects will not likely see any financial support fromn the Minister until 1997 or beyand., Given that the Town of Newcastle is the fastest grawing munîcipality in the Region and that there is an immediate demand for facilities, 1 cannot be satisfied that the Province understands our problem. I will work with parents and administration ta assist in cammunicating aur needs ta the Minister. The only alternative ta the problem is for the board tai abject ta any mare hausing developmnents until adequate facilities are pravided. 1 would like ta take this apportunity of wishing everyane a joyous Christmas seasan. I hope you enjay the holidays withi your O.P.P. service area changes Beginning January 1, 1993, Lindsay OPP will provide the policing for Manvers Township, that was formerly offered by Newcastle OPP. The only change is that for general inquiries Manvers Township residents will cal Lindsay OPP at 324-6741. Requests for police service should still be directed ta the Communications Centre at 1-800- 461-6488, or for TDD service at 1-800-461-6487, Lindsay Officers are now familiarizing themselves with their new service area. Newcastle OPP will concentrate exclusively on traffic management on Highways 401, 115 and 2, Not clear sailing for David Crombie t bas flot been clear sailing for David Crombie in Northum- berland County as far as the lakefront trail proposaI is concerned. Crambie bas been told that many of the lakefront property owners have property line down ta the lakefront and are concerned that people may use their praperty for the walkway. Crombie stated that property rights would flot be violated. It was stated that civil servants were pushing for the lakefront trail. Concerns were also expressed over some of the wetlands between Port Hope and Cobourg would be sacrificed against that of the trail. family and please be safe in ahl that you do during Christmas. Port Hope undertaking own waste study Part Hope is taking another step in its low level waste study in hiring thecir own consultants ta prepare and present a plan ta the federal governiment f'or the long- ter-m management of Port Hlope's own nuclear waste. The cost of hiring Advisory Services is expected ta be in the neighbourhaod of $20,000. The Mayor of the Town states the Task Force and the 'Town are heading down completely différent routes. The Task Force is ta find a permanent disposai site for the waste while couincîl wants ta prepare a management plan it can fallow in the future process. 'p Colt me to buy or selfi.. Orono and orea's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 9,83-9782 RF/Mâ,e-.apple Tel: 576-31 11 JUST LISTED . .. $1 18,50)0! - Charming inside and out. Orono Village. Som Aro'ncthé Bar... 53135GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT AUTRORIZED DEALER R Tandy Craft The Leather 11aàtary 401 Phone ahead or by chance ý =ýISA(416) 983-9540 COLIN SINCLAIR SALES REPRESENTATIVE 1 would be more than willing to service your real estate needs, by providing you with an up ta date market evaluation or information regarding investrnent properties, retirement lots, residential or vacation property. Imn looking forward ta meeting you. PH Hm~t~Oshawa Ofie416-576411Il R afflRANK ornto LUne 416-686-5877 Hesdece41-96-45 ....... ....... 7 1