ORONO, Christmas Private investment could see dl and will previde gifts d, inpcluding a turkey for ihes in thie catchment area es debut '0r the_ proceeded tbrough with Rock 'N Band Roll Hall of Fame, a score ftom ening, the popular show Cats, a selection rai the of popular show marches, Lassus atten- Trombone featuring the trom- fail. bone section. Other traditional a well niumbers were also included wi ut the the program concluding with a ought numnber entitled "A Christmas prise", Festival" witb most of the popular firs Christmas songs presented in the I ir arrangement. inber, The 35 musicians, ranging in debut age from a mere 16 years to well ethan into the seventies, moved with considerable ease from one tempo Iapp to another. It was a remarkable *ected performance for such a mixeil *witb group in such a short period of time. Threipr ogram -oenedwih heIn speaking witb Dan Kapp, ma rchOl Gory nd wththen Who has conducted the band for rnarh Od Gory nd hen(Continued page 5) Happenngs .... Boule Drive l'bc lst Orono Scouts will be holding a Boule Drive on Saturday, January 2nd. For information or large pick-ups please cail Margaret Bradley at 983-5748. Oddfeilows Draw Winners The Orono Oddfellows Hal held a Card Party on Wednesday, December 16th witb success having 14 tables in play. The turkey draw winners were: Ivan Balil and Stanley Lane of Bowmanvile; Jimi Caswell of' Newcastle; H-azel Piggot, Casandra Hollingsworth, Ernie Bowen, Gordon Lowery, Harold Ransberry and Lorri Robinson ail of Orono. No Paper week of December 261h As in the past the Orono Weekly Times will flot bc published the week of Deccembe-r 26tih. The next issue of the Times January 6th. We at the Times do wisbi everyonie the best of the holiday season. Free Open Skating Programs '~~The Town is offering Free Open Skating commencîn-g January 4 w a Darlington Sports Centre. Tuescdays 1 to 3 pain. and Weds. 12 till ,n. Bowmanville Arena, Mon, Wed., Fris. 12 tilI 3 p.m. of the schooil. Two students from eacb class at the scheol gather, above, around the school Cbristmas tree along with the gift boxes tbat are being donated. Surplus donations are being presented to the Salvation .Airmy. A merly Chrismas to you too, staff and students at the sebool. Hwy.407 as a Gary Herrema bas been reported as being in favour of 407 and constructed and operated by private enterprise. Herremna said the road could be built by the private sector and link Mississauga with Durham Region within a five year period. Herremna states that a consortium of Ontario road builders and paving companies have offered to build the road in return for thie right to charge for its use. He says the plan has support from York, Peel and Durham Regions. 1Such a Plan was proposed some months ago but the province ,was awaiting plans from the federal government providing funds for road building te o ost employment in Canada. But when the announicement camne Ontario was left out of the planneil funds, some $500 million. The funds were schedued for other provinces. As funds wil not be available frere the federal government Herrema bias said an other alternative would have to found for funding. Work bas begun on 401 in the west with some interchanges notably at Highway 400 and a Toit Road right-a'way in the Towvn of Vaughani. H4errem-a said he doesn't know when-- the pýrovince would have funds to have 407 Iink w,,ith 403 in the west with highway 115, in the east. He said he was encouraged wheni the provincial transport minister recently announced t hat 1-e province is willing to consider tolîs on seme roads and bridges. Herremna said the neeýd for 407 is there and speaks of the waste of time on a crowded 401 going in.to Metro. The toil plan has support from the Canadian Automoctive Association as well as the Trucking Association, Gilles Pouliot, Minister of Transport bias been reported to state that 407 would be an ideal place to institute tolîs. Thbe highway construction costs is estimated at $20 million a kiometer. It appears that province bas been work-ing towards settiDg up a private clywn crprto emuaa toîl road system for more than a year. 4: A. Staff Centent the Sý