I q Ni ~qu.~q.;'n~. ~ t' t; Town committe denies Stapleton race track )rs bduntiful for the event. he Pictured above Council ngs Larry Hannah, David Scott, nie Stapleton BrOS,, Ray and Glenln, west of Newton-tville, lost ont on a rezoning application sought fromn the Town to alflow a n2otorcycle race track on their agriultural lands. The rezonin)g wvas sought late last year and tled until the first meceting in January, 1993. The Stapleton's rezoning was to allow three to four club events arinually on their lands lfor a thr-ee year period. The tabling in October 1992 was enacted by were council to await a decision of the Interim Waste Authorities or. decision as to the short list for Mn landfill in Durhamn Region. The announced short ist was made public in December with one site taking a portion of the Stapletons' land and a porion of Laidlawis. At die trne council ïmembe-rs had feit that appr-oval. of th-- Stapleton rezoning would affect the Town's stand against a possible du mp site in the area. After bringing the rezoning application bOac-k to the table Counc. Hannah moved that ià again be tabled until such trne as the IWA further reduces the short,-list of Possible landfill sites. (Coninued page 6) Mayor Harnre.RelEttcosg Li~~ -fst -' problem-Victoria Wood LI of St. Mary s rean~ rn facilities rnends that the Shoreline Regeneration Trust Agency organ- ize and facilitate sessions of al affected parties 10 resolve cOut- te The committee furthei kes part in bal] iiean Republic le Orono Midget baseball te tel year being one of the1 Ve pitchers. Te tearn had >ci successful year advancing final round-robint series. ýd- in play over thie pa ,et weeks Michael pitched ii an gamnes. He pitchied fivei of in a two-hit win for the te en also played third bas as shortstop, covering ail tht nd $0 hO spzak. of As tothe future the Oro is looking forward le the b ed season titis spring and si 30 and is hoping that Oror have enough players to by field a Midget tearn. for Ballis afamily affair' ay Landers farnily as Pete, fa a member of the Cai ýhe Softball Hall of Faute. iseiment the lalcefront il, 1979J which consisis of 79 acres and extending rrecorn- 650 metres into the lake and can handie one seaway bulk cargo carrier. ln 1989 St. Maflry's announceti a $180 illiion expansion of their plant to more than double production and as well to proceed with furtber doclcing on another amn Iast adjacent waterlot which would Orono accommnodation two bulk cargo a very carriers along with storage t ie faiities. The report to eormiutee lists a Lst two number of agencies that must ýn three provide approval Of the project innings frorn both the fcderal and Pro- ýan. He vinciai gove-rnments. e and The Town',, report notes ýbases features that have been compiied for St. Mary' s relating to the ,)no boy deveiopment of tne new docking haseball faciity. ;ummer The Town report also notes that no 'will the Central Lake Ontario -again withi the atiier, is nadian Yvonne Jrarnlm of Goodman & Cafr speaking on behaif of the Victoria Wood subdivision whichi has homes in the village of Newcastle addressed council asking that they review the problem that the developer faces in endeavouring to give a clear tife to residenti7al units in the sub- division. She stated that Victoria Wood had purchaseti the lots from a land developer and had been assured by the Town, on two occasions, that everything was in order. She also said thiat securities by die Town of Newcastle. Hainlin expiained that Victoia Wood was untable to, give a clear titie on, a home ini the subdivision and umnae to close the deal. She said that due to thie wor not being completed the 'TowAn had not assumed the compl-etion of the develop.-nent and that iiis was holding uip the closure of a purchase. Hamlin also said there were going to be future problemrs on 140 lots ini the sub-division thiat (Contiued page b> Back at his old school Authority itas proposed dock . e. e event, Deemr-ber 7; Walt Mitchell w score Robin StapIeton, Don