:::;~:O. OmlooekyTmet, Wedneiday, :Jsnfary27, 193 [IDedlinfor Service DS RVirEDI ECTeRc The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM 'We Don T Just Spedaaze We'Make Evei'y Order Special' Main Street, Orono We Dever Newtonvile, Ponrypool, Oshawa and Places In-Between With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono -Q83-5333 Orono Electric LiI. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - H-Fis Sales and Service Hot point - BOA. White Westinghiouse Frigidaire - WVhirlpool Woods Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 Barina Homne Check -Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look lived in Wedding Day Gift Sitting Reliable Referencea BONDED Barb Shetier-ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 7862996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmariville, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 Kng Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Qualîty Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont.-' 983-9874 Bryon rundy TV. SALE! From $3,50 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo. Port Hope 416-885- 8652 or Northumberland Mal 416-373-0265, 'fa STEREO PACKAGE SALE! Receiver, double deck, stand and speakers. ONLY $499. or only $5,75 a week. Shiowtime T.V. & Stereo, Northumï.berlanid Mail 416- 373-0265 or Port Hope 416-885-8652. tun CAR STEREO SALE! Ciarion CD player wîth 100 watt speakers. ONLY $399 or only $4.50 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo, Port Hope 416-885-8652 or Northumnberland MaIl 416- 373-0265. f Gorgeous country rentai, large one bedroom, terrific vîew, separate entrance, partly furnished, many extras. Non- smoker. No Pets. $425/month plus utilities. Phone (705) 277-1582. 20,27,.a 2 bedroom apartment, in Orono. First and Last. $625/rno. inc-iudes ail utilities. Availabie February lst. Phone 983-5147, 983-5301. 'fi' Farmn house for rent - 3 bedroom, new renovations, possibility of barn and paddock, availabie immediately, references. First and Last. $850/mo. plus utilities. Phone 983-9471. 27,3 cpn 1 bedroom apartment, between Newcastle and Orono. Country property, ample parking,. utilities included. Many extras. Phone 983-6122. 27,ac Thank you to my friend Andrea, my sister-in-Iaw 6ev, cousin Lois, niece Kim and my daughter Elaine for their help and concern white I was in the hospital. Donna Forrester A special thank you to Santa and Bozo the Clown for their support. Thank you to ail the individuals and businessman who supported the Santa Photo Fundraiser. The Big Brothers Assoc. of Newcastle 27aci MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consignmêflts, Households Bankrtiptcies, Farms Sold at your location Ot at ours Storaga & Trucklng cai for a Fr.. Confidential Consultation M. MacGrêgor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983--5556 DUMOUCHEL - CLAY Norma and Andy Dumouchel of Newcastle are pleased to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Paula, to, Michael Clay Jr. son of Susan Clay of Orono and Michael Clay of Scarborough. The engagement took place December 25th. 27,cpn TIME AND TALENT AUCTION Saturday, January 30th 7.00 p.m. Newtonville Unlted Church C.E.Roomn Auction features handmnade crib quilt; handmade bird feeders; 5 hours of horseback riding; hair wash and set; spaghetti sauce; Pastors pride; cakes; hand corded iawn chairs; folk at painting; face cord wood; handmnade bookshelf; dinner for 6; surprise menu at home of Pastor and Lorraine; pies; Weddmng Anniversary evening at home of Mary and Bernie; candlelight dinner; special music; jewel boxes from J. Anderson Smith, now collector items. These are just a few of the items offered. Come on out for an evening of fusud who kuows you may pick up a treasure. Evexyone welcome. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 20,27, ap Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Friday, January 29th 6:30 p.m. Selling the contents from a Newcastle home, Port Hope home, and a quantity of new furniture. New round oak table with 20 in. leaf and 4 high back pressback chairs; 4 new traditional chesterfield suites; wing back occasional chairs; recliners; swivel rockers; coffee tables; oak bookcase; lamps; kiddy recliners; 6x9 carpets; corner pine cupboard; quilt racks; Yamaha electric organ with dual keyboard, rhythmn section and bench; Queeu waterbed; carpet and drapes; loveseat and matchîng chair; folding rocker; T.V. stand; painting; Canon electric typewrîter;, quantity of glassware; dishes; Goebel china figurines; Chryster figurines; brassware; pewter; gîftware; quantity of new shutters; vinyl siding; Tec-Master 10 in. radial armisaw; 24 in. lectric stove; G.E. auto washer; VCR; bassînette; numerous antiques; armoire; washstand; househoid effects; hardware and a variety of other articles. TERNIS. Cash or Good Cheque with I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 786-2244. CALI, US AT 786-2244 TO CONSIGN OR CONDUCT YOUR AUCTION. 27.ac. MULLAN, Robert Stuiart - Suddenly at Memorial Hospital Bowmanville, on Wednesday. January 20, 1993, Robert Stuart Mullan, aged 54 years. Beloved husband of Peggy Mullan. Dear father of Marc, Kevin, Scott and Holly. Dear son of Audrey and the late Stewart Muilan of Havelock. Dear brother of Thomas Richard Mullan. Nephew of Richard Illingsworth and Walter Norton. Rested at The Northcutt Eliott Funeral Home Bowmanvilie on Thursday. Funeral service was held 1, p.m. Friday at Newtonviile United Church. Sprîng interment Havelock, Ontario. 27,ac Newcastle CLG Update (Continucd from page 9) this question and the seuting of clean-up criteria through the establishment of a sub- group called the "Technical Working Group". This group is mceetng on a fairly regular basis to discuss the information that we already have, the information that we stili need and other îechnical details of the dlean-up. The commïitee is also made up of members from Port Hope, Hope Township and Newcastle. The cdean-up criteria has certain common affects to it. At the same time there are other parts that are strictly pertaining to the Newcastle site. For example, none of the others have a shoreline to contend with. We are looking forward to meeting in the New Year to corne up with the standards required for the dlean-up to work out a plan so the ean-up can proceed in an orderly fashion and to deternme just how much of the material actually bas to be removed. As we get t0 a c leaner and cleaner level, the costs become greater and greater, therefore we have t0 balance just how dlean is dlean enough. The answer to this question is determined by what use are we going to make of the site after it bas been cleaned up. Witbout your help we are stabbing in the dark and only our opinions are counted, we need yours. You can take part by contacting any. of the members of the CLO by asking us to corne to a group of youir friends and neighbours for a kitchen meeting or to corne if you are a member of a large group or church group to have one of us corne speak to you as a speaker. We also have .videos available and rnany tecbnical reports. We welcome your critical review of the reports, we welcome your input and your suggestions to give us an idea what ought 10 be done. It is a very interesting, but very tedious process that we must go through. We cannot simply dig up material without having a place for it to go and 10 know what we are going to encounter or likely to~ encouniter once thec process of excavation starts. The local citizens must be protected. The enviroument immediately surrounding the site within a 1.5 km must be monitored P:A, .0. M eMme ,. , 1 wNil. o ER ùr HOWROO. PPOINTMENffrs nos-, Wc. , ,.-AVAILA B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ý_.ý.)-%ERY1NG ALL FAWH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFER.ENCESAVALAPL ',ON REQUEST Cali today for your tree ami or y ........ .......... CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - iT'S CASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unipaid taxes. Crowin Land availability.1 For information on both, write:i Properiies, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITI1ES F[NANCIAL FREEDOM IN '93. Imag ife your customers purchasifng 20 CURRENT Cis cassefttes, AMlF -Receiver, Video Fewinder, +Prepaid Aifare for ONLY $1 9.98 nrvestment $99500 1-800-263-1900 FMVC. PLU MBI NG, HEATING, AIR CONOITIONING business for sale, Godeiich. Established 35 years. Stock, trucks, equipmntwith/without properîy, Contact: Goderich Signal Star, trawer No. 61, Box 220, Goderich Ontario N7A 4B&. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programis (FaderaI & Provincial) for your new or existing business. information: 1514) 937-2422 ext. 98. REAL ESTATE G01 A CAMPGROUNO membership or tîmesnare? Well take it! Amercas largest resale clearinghouse. Cal Resort Sales International. 1-800-423- 5967 (24 hours). STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS - ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Straight-sided and utility modela. Example - 14x20 $1,689.00, 40x6O $6,363.00.Ordar for sprîng and save. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. BUILDINGS FOR S ALE trom a trusted name FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS.t To serve you baffer, wve have movad Io a langer factoiy. 'Sellabrate with us." Factory-diract prîces on Ouonsats & S. Models. Caîl 1-800-668-8653. PERSONALS WOULO YOU LIKE to correspond wih unattached Christian people acros Canada for companionsh-ip or marriage? Ashgrove, PO. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1 MO. SALES HELP WANTED, WVHOLESALE FliRMl SEEKS 2 INIVIDUALS 10 diaplay nmarchandise n astablishad stores Potantial earnings $950-$1.500 weaklyi Serious applîcants only. Benatits, profit sharing. Training provded (416) 398- 0919, (416) 398-0924. VACATION/TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation rentais. Fully furnished condos. Indoor/outdoor pools, whirlpools, tennis courts and more! Golf packages and winter rentaIs also available. FREPE BROCHURE: 1-800- 448-5653. MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR HOMEOWNERS. Psy off buIfs, credif cardsl Low rates, Iom paymenits. Example: borrow $10.000, repay $9900 monthly. We, make if assyl Caîl Intransicon toli-rea 1-800-268-1429. FOR SALE DI,ýCOUNTED VACATION VILLA, 1200 sq. I. Luxurious, Iuly furnished, 2-bedroom fime-share condominium. Ottawa - 1 hr. (MUST SELL) Box 179, Cobden, Ontario KOJ i KO. AUTO RECYCLING, USED PARTS business. Steel garage, serviced, lob cabin, tools, equipmeni, stock, iow truck, on 49 acres wooded land. $1 25,000 f irm. Barrys Bay, Ontario. (613) 756-2294. VIDEOS VIOEO COLLECTORS! GIFT GIVERS ATTENTION! Movies. Specýi interest, naw releases. Ove'r 50,000 videos. Our exclusive 'Search Service" finds the unfinctable. Order today! 1-800- 556-FI NO. Videoshoppers Worîd. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at tire Southwesiemn School of Auctioneering. Naxt Clas: Marchi 13 - 19. Inforr,tition, contact: Southwvestern Ontarioc School of Aucioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontarlo, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. IYour ad could appear in conmunity newspapers in Ontario, or right acroscanada 1 or any individual province. Space is Lnmted. Sa Cali This Newyspaper Today! Durham crime rate tumbles SThere bas been a 4.7 decrease in the rate of crime during 1992. Crimes against people reduced by 6.8 percent and property crimes dropped by 4.2 percent. Criminal code driving offences were down 4.3 perc.ent and tere were 3.1 percent fewer accidents. Robberies did increase by 7.1 percent which is con s istent wi th the rest of Canada. Police are at a loss to answer the cause of the reduction in crimnefor the year. Durlhamn Region became a mnuch safer place in which to live. and ail of these things need to be in place before even the first truck load or train load of material leaves the site. We, ask you bo corne out 10 one of our meetings the dates of which will be recorded or advertised in this paper. Corne on out, take part, this is a unique opportunity for you citizens, nei.ghbours, friends to take part in a massive program which wil take us several years to complete. We know it is tedious, we know that it is big and any big project takes big time. ....... .. ... . . ... ... 1