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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1993, p. 9

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.. ii 'fl? Yrtiiiiy TIMC5 WMnOKIVIîay ý, ~fJ 3 OU' Newtonville United Church was the setting for the United Church Time and Talent Auction. The proceeds raised through the auction will be put towards the manse and a new office which is being constructed. The auction was the work of thco threo arca churçches (Newtonville, Kendal and Shiloh). Ail the time and talent goods and services were the work of the members, and friends of pastoral charge or were generously donated by local businesses. Will he or won't he? Should he or shouldn't he? There's no getting around it. 1993 is election year!! Yes, months soon to be filled with, campaign promises made to be broken; mudslinging televised debates; and polil after useless pol greeting us with every tum. And the big news these days from Ottawa these days is whether or not forever faithful Brian Mulroney will lead the fearless Tories through yet another election blitz. In a Leuterman-esque fashion 1 have conducted the Top Ten Reasons that Brian Mulroney should rua again, for the position of Prime Minister of Canada. 10. Everyone should be given the fair and equai opportunity to vote against the one man who singie-handedly made this country into what it is today: recession- ridden; teetering on the edge of economic disaster; the land of cutbacks and high unemployment; over-taxed; a place on the vcrge of becoming (shudder) Americani. 9. Um. Uhh. Duh- It seerns that 1 can't corne up with any more reasons that Brian Mulroney SHOULD run. How about the Top Ten Reasons that Mulroney should resign. This should be so much casier. 10. It would give ail of us ihat At~u.ionetr Frank stapieton began by auctioneering off a table of baked goods. Other items on the auction block ranged from handmade quiits, home cooked meals, locally made bookcases, fresh roses, and a will. The highlight of the evening came of course with the auctioning off of a one year subscription of the Orono Timnes. It looked as though it might get messy as people scrambled to put in the highest bid for this great possession. Total monies raised from the auction was $2,055.50. warmn fuzzy feeling inside. 9. Rumour has it that even politicai cartoonists are tired of seeing that chia arouad. 8. There isn't a chance in hef that re-election is even remoteiy possible, 7. It would be pretty damn embarrassing to be noted in history books as the man who won the fewest votes ever. 6. 1 could rate higher ini the poils without even running. 5. So could Saddamn Hussein! 4. So couid Oumbi! 3. Just suppose that the residents of the Province of Ontario had only two men that they could vote for, Brian Mulroney and Bob Rae. Bob Rae would be laughing ail the way to Ottawa after winning a hands- down, landslide victory. (And we ail know how popular he is among voters these days don't we.) 2. Nobody lîkes to be have to say, "I told you so. 1A year ago, I vowed that if Brian Mulroney was ever, even through the furthest stretch of the imagination to become the Prime Minister of Canada, I would pack my bag, leave and neyer, ever return to this country again. IVm currently louking into the possîbilities of gaining political asylum in the South of France. (But it looks as though l'Il be here for a very long tîne.) Small'Miracles The Smai! Miracles Child Developmei Centre held an officiai operiing on Friday afternoon in recognition of receiving a clear Day Nursery Licence. TherNursery Sehool, run out of the Necwcastle Village SCommuni[y Hall, has a capacity for sixteen ciildren. It is open Monday, WediieSýday and Friday, both morning iad aftemnoon. Two IEarly Ciilhood Education teachers on site> A recently pubIished report on Child Care fo, Durham Region Srecommended 4 free-ze on funding of new child care facilities throughout tbe Region. The exýception to this recommendation w,ýas the Town of Newcastle. It wvas recognized that there could, be the potential fora child care faciity. It was &ofcluded that the freeze would bc lifted if a 'well designed neiglibourhood needs assessmnent indticates a strong commitment to utilize a licenced child care faciliLY.' In August 1992, Smail Miracles receiýied funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Affairs to conduct thîs needs-assessmoflt Study for the areas of NeWçastle Village, Bowmanville and their surrounding arc~s. The survey §ubstaltiated the claim that there was a need for an increase in chili! care and fainily support options. It was found iat: - the steady !ncrease in young familles wil increase the need for child care options.* - The majoritY of parents are utlizing informai daycare. * A child cafe facility that is flexible and comprehensive enough to take into account various needs îs fequired. *New faciliit-5 should provide barrier free acceàs. In an econoiilic sense it was found that: The lack of dollars for new schools will gfpatly affect the jhild care which çould potentially go into the area. - Economic dates will requise the linking of plecsent and future initiatives in order to mnake the best of the ýcarce dollars available. - Innovative ffinding strategies must be investigtated in order to decrease depend@flcy on ongoing, provincial fundinig.- In addition it was found that a lack of public tfrifsportatiofl, as well as a freeze ôn funding and a lack of licenced child care spots make it dîfficult for a young single mother ta continuei her education if she iooses to do so. In conclusion, the study showed that a nýtwork of Child Care Facilities, Home Care Providers, and Ë>laygroups will provide Newcastle with a more comprehensive Ç,-hild Care and Family Support System. In response tt the Study, Small Miracles is currently developing a partiwrship) with the Kaitlin Group. Thé Kaitlin Group is developing a large residential and commercial area in Bowmaniville. Smnall Miracles hopes through the partnership to develop a comprehensive and flexible model of Child Care and Family Support. This type of partnershiip is very progressive. The opening of a new facility will be contingent on approval of funding, Karyn Darcey, of Small Miracles, assures however that if they receive tunding for a facility in Bowmanville it will not intecrrujpt the workings of the facility in New.ýcastle Village. Gord Milîs, who took part in the officiai opening on Friday, admires the staff of Smail Miracles for their t enacity and commitment to bring the facility to the area. Kathryn B lake, President of S mail Miracles is grateful to the Ministry for the monies needed to conduct the needs assessment study and the" members who assisted with the program. She aiso thanked the Newcastle Family Connection which generously shares their facility and equipment with Small Miracles. The SmaIl Miracles Child Development Centre is stili accepting registration for their sixteen child capacity program. board and teachers reach tentative agreement Thé Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has reachcd a tentative agreement with the union represeýnting the board's highi schýool teachecrs. The teachers have voted on the agreement on February l st . if it is accepted by thie teachers, the agreement will go before the schooi for ratification on February 11 th, a regular board meeting. No details of the agreement have been made public. The board and teachers received a report from a Fact finder as appointed by the -provincial Education Relation Commission. It was to be made public but as the two groups have corne to a tentative agreement the report is beiag held in abeyaace. The report will be released only, if an agreement is flot reached. Last year the teachers rcceived a five percent increase which was understandably criticized. Th 'e negotiating teams for both the board and the tea chers had corne to a tentative agreement iast fail but the deal was voted down by the teachers. Visit Elizabeth at Located in the unique setting of the shops of Vanstone Mili (corner of King & Scugog) Our travel centre can save you up to on last minute travel. - w Our bookshoppe has books and gifts that are just right for the entire famiiy. BLESSINGS- j5m- Travel & Family Bookshoppe 116 King St. E., Bowrnanville F623 - ý0005 WARNING! THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH VOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR'CAREFUL DRIVERS! *91/92 medium size - $250 deductible collision 1 million liabilty - $50 deductible comprehensive *Accident benefits- aiypoetnedrsmt *Loss of use/rental vehicle Fmlypoetnenoset NOTE: Careful Drivers Over Age 25 ýwîth Preferred Driving Records may qualify. This rate also includes limted driving to work. Two car policies may qualify for additiona[ discounts. 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