~rono WekIy TImos1 W~nesdgy, Pebmoty ~, 199e - Il Presents award Ross Stevenson, M.P. for Durbam, attended tbe annual meeting of tbe Durbam Central Agricultural Society on Saturday and presented an award to Carol Bailey and Garnet Rickard in recognition of tbe Heritage display tbat was an'integral part of tbe fair last year. It gained a great of comment and was a fitting display for the l40th anniversary. Stevenson complimented tbe board on tbeir activities and wisbed tbem well in tbe future. A Real Royal Scandai from Gord Milîs MPP Durbam East I baven't mucb doubt that most of us bave read about tbe tapes of an alleged conversation between Prince Cbarles and bis bighly placed lady friend. Pretty raunicby some would say, others mnay comment in stronger language. Wbatever you may say or tbink about tbe matter it pales wben compared witb a real royal scandai of 450 years ago ... wew . .. Let's talk about King Henry VIII wben be seized millions of pounds worth of monastic property after bis break witb tbe Catbolic Cburcb. SLet's talk about tbe executions of two wives and several puiported partners in adultery. Let's talk about tbe judicial murders of two cbief counisellors, a cardinal and several royal cousins - one a woman over 70 years of age! What about bis divorce of a wife because be didn't like tbe look of ber? Wbat propelled King Henry's marital mania was bis obsession te produce sons to continue tbe Tudor dynasty. Catberine of Aragon, six years older tban Henry, was bis brotber's widow. Sbe bad six cbildren, but only tbeir daugbter Mary lived more Iban a few weeks. The next wife was Anne Boleyn. Fed up witb trying to get a papal annulment of bis marriage to Catherine, be renounced tbe pope's autbority and declared bimnself bead of bis own cburcb in England. Henry bad bis own arcbbisbop declare bis first marriage void and tben married Anne wbo was by tben pregnant. Tbis child, was yet another daugbter, named Elizabeth wbo eventually became Queen Elizabeth I. A few years later King Henry brougbt some trumped-up charges of adultery against Anne and she was executed. Following ber execution Henry mamred Jane Seymour wbo died of fever. Henry tben married, in quick succession, Anna of Cleves and tben almost immediately after tbat divorce, married Katberine Howard, a cousin of Anne Boleyn's. Henry tben bad ber executed because of bier sexual escapades, and tben married a twice-widowed women of 30, Catberine Parr, bis Iast wife. Tbe popular Britisb music bal tune, 'mi Henry tbe Eigbtb I am, im bier eigbtb old man named Henry" isn't quite rigbt. King Henry VIII only bad six wives, but tbe present royal crisis is perbaps no worse tban wbat bappens to, even tbe best of us. The way I see it. Newcastle GLC report (Continued from page 5) reacbed ibis far because concemned citizens raised the issues. The next step is also up te you. Wbat will be tbe end use of the site once il bas been cleaned up? The answer te that question will be tbe bencb mark for dlean-up criteria. Tbis process is different since you make the decisions but you cannot make a decision in silence or witbout knowing tbe background information. This is flot the only question wbicb bas been raised but space does flot ailow us te itemize ail of the activities and work tbat bas been or is going on. Wby not drop inte the office, attend a meeting or give us a caîl 50 you can see for yourself the progress wbicb bas been made towards a solution of tbis long standing problem. by Helen MacDonald You expect it . .. one day, your littie darling will want to know 'bow babies are born'. Naturally, questions like tbis don't occur in tbe privacy of your borne. Tbey are blurted out during a moment of silence in your place of worsbip, or in a crowded bank or cbeckout lineup. 0f course, you mentally prepare yourself for 'tbe moment' (assuming, tbere will be no eavesdroppers). You decide on tbe anatomnical language you are going te use, and bow mucb tbey really need to know, aI five years of age. -But tbis is flot my lot in life. Ob, No! My cbildren don't ponder the mysteries of tbeir 'being'. Instead, tbey get tbeir cues from commercials, wait until there is a quiet moment in a restaurant, and then blini 'it' out. Garrett, five years old, is tbe family inquisitor. He makes tbe occasional profound statement: I can't read words, but I can read my own mind", wbicb is more tban most of us can dlaim! But, last week, be bit me witb one of his littie gemas. We were in a restaurant, and bad placed our order witb tbe waiter. Waiter is gone, and Garret blurts out: "Wbat's tbe 'pain and itcb', mommy?". Now, for tbose of you wbo tbink people are busy indulging tbemnselves witb good food, or pleasant conversation, or tbat your words are muffled by tbe cluttering of disbes and Muzak d ancing tbrougb Ibe air, tbink again --it's amytb! Silence felI in tbe restaurant. Heads turned, ears were cocked. Facial expressions imparted tbe message: "Tbis is going to be a 'good one'!" The image of the good looking guy speaking frankly to bis television audience camne te mind. "Ever suffer tbe pain and itcb? I bave.", be confides in us . .. and our cUidren. Ob, yeah! The waiter tben serves the salad. A few seconds of time are, bougbl. I look at tbe salad, and it comes to me. I remind Garrett about tbe importance of eating fruit and vegetables and driniking, lots of juice and water to keep our bodies bealtby and strong so tbat we can grow, and so tbat our minds can learn and tbink (and conjure up 'really important' questions, like ibis one). And tben, I remind bim about some of bis longer, less satisfactory, visits in tbe 'reading room', and about tbe important of fruit and vegetables in ensuring 'smootb' success. "Oh, fibre!", be exclaims loudly, "like tbat lady over tbere eating fruit salad". I avoid looking in tbat direction, and Iry to ignore tbe few nearby snickers. "So, the 'pain and itcb' is from NOT eating enougb fibre", be concludes. "Good .. . now, eat your salad", I tel bim. Ears are no longer cocked, thie lesson now over. Suddenly, thougb, tbere is a mun on salad at tbe restaurant. A few bours later, talking to bimself in tbe back seat of tbe car, Garrett is reciting a line from Complete denture service *9new dentures o repairs e relines *soft materials for sensitive mouths il .............. ......... moye Open Letter To the Taxpayers of Durbam: As you know, the IWA is presently deciding wbicb is tbe "best" site for Durbam's garbage. Tbey look at many factors, one of wbicb is economic. You may be surprised to find out that the Newtonville site (KK2> bas tbe highest cost associated with it. This cost is substantially more than any of the Pickering sites, according to the IWA's documents. The major reason for ibis cost is bauling to the far reaches of' Durham to dump on farmland. Because of tbe distance between the source of garbage (large urban centres) and the KK2 site, the gasoline bill is substantially bigber. Also, cost goes up wben more trucks are needed because of, the turnaround time. Add to tbis tbe bigber cost of more drivers (flot even accounted for by tbe IWA), and the bigher cost in bealtb, police, fire and insurance dlaims from more accidents covering a greater distance. Do you want to pay this? To tbe IWA, wby, if you eliminated tbe St. Mary's site, because, of the acquisition cost, did you not consider economics> very important in your decision making (rank 7)? To the-govemments of Ontario and Durbamin m iese recesionary timfes, wby are you allowing tbe IWA to spend tbe most of your money if tbey cboose tbe KK2 dump? Yours sincerely, Mrs. Judy Hurvid another commercial: ."Fibre, scbmiber. . . wbo needs it? Go for thie taste!" Our TV bas been on tbe fritz for a week. I don't think we'll get it repaired.