- Oon Weklr ime,,WedsdyFebruary 3,1993 Report from Ottawa by Ross Stevenson MP for Durham While giant corporations get most of the headlines, small businesses also form a very significant part of our national economy. More than 900,000 smnall flrms account for about 95 per cent of al business in Canada. They hire more than one-third of the private sector workforce, and create four out of every five new jobs for Canadians. That's why small business somnetimes is called the engmne that powers our economy. And it's the reason that a number of measures to help small business grow and prosper were s0 prominently featured in Finance Minister Don Mazankowski's Economic Statement last December 2nd. Businesses that paid less than $30,000 in Unemnployment Insurance premiums during 1992 will not have to pay a higher amount this year, even if they take on more employees. Businesses starting up in 1993 are exempt from paying up to $30,000 in U.1. premniums this year. This is expected to free-up $500 million to help small businesses become better established. The Small Business Financing Program, which allows firms in financial difficulty to refinance at lower than commercial interest rates, hias been extended until the end of 1994. Under the Small Business Loans Act the ceiling for boan maximums, which was dJoubled last February, has been increased again to $2250,000. As well, the criteria for eligible small businesses hias been more than doubledso that it's now $5 million in annual revenues. Last year this particular program provided $395 million in loans to assist more than 10,000 small business operations. The Economic Statement provided a 10 per cent Invesinient Tax Credit for small businesses buying new machinery and equipment, which should brîng these companies a total tax saving of approximately $300 million. Other new measures will help entrepreneurs by encouraging increased investment in small business through Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Registered Retirement Investment Funds, and Labour-Sponsored Venture Capital Funds. Recognizing that small firms must have good people with the night skills, there is a 1993 federal commîtment of $3.8 billion for training and adjustment, while new tax incentives will help private businesses cover the cost of training workers. A determined effort is under way to cut or eliminate the burden that federal regulations often impose on small business. One specifie aim is to make die Goods and Services Tax accounting requiremnns simpler and casier to com-ply with. Healthy smnall business is a vital factor in creating the growth, jobs and the prosperity we ail want, flot only now but for our country's future. The variaus new incentives announced in December should ensure this economic engine is operating at, fuît throttle for evecryone's benefit. If you'd like more information about the Economic Statement, you can write to me postage-free as foilows: Ross Stevenson, M.P., House of Commons, Ottawa KIA 0A6. Bihîl Bramah's Ontarlo The quiet charru of the country hamiets like Tyrone puts you in a meilow mood. Located just north of Bowmanville, it has a general store, some smug houses, a tiny community centre, and down the road a bit is the Tyrone Mill. 1.n yesteryear, every community worth it's sait had it's own miii, and Tyrone was no exception. But today, the mil sets Tyrone apart since it's one of the few remaining water-powered mils in the province. It dates back te 1864, and was originally a grist miii. When modem methods of making flour took over, it was converted into a sawmill, and the ancient equipment is stili powered by water from the pond beside the miii. The power turns a turbine, the most modemn thing in the mil. It's a mere sixty years old. You can watch logs being rolled onto a carriage which takes them to a big whirling saw and then to a planer which finishes the rough timber. The old machines work with a will tumning out custom built lumber. And, it's faseinating to see the gears, pulleys and be-ts going round and round sending power energy to, the sawmill. ln more recent years, an old apple eider press was installed in one corner of the building. It operates ftom September to April and people from the surrounding area bring in their apples to be turned into eider. The presenit owner, Robert Shafer, is a heritage conseious young man who hopes to restore the flour-making proeess. He's already acquired two massive mill stones and he sharpens them daily in preparation for the time when they'll be in use once again. Since he took over, Shafer has turned the place into a commercially viable operation despite numerous setbacks. Visitors and sehool ehildren are always eoming and going, and when I was there, the sawmill and eider press were going full blast. It's quite an aecomplishment to combine history with profitable operation. It's been a tough job restoring and maintaining the wonderful old milI. And it's not over yet. But as Shafer says, where there's a milI there's a way. Board Tales Told Twice Marcb 1966 The Orono Police Trustees on Monday evening set their budget for the year which will increase the village miii rate by an estimated haif mili over that of last year. The trustees are asking the Couneil of the Township of Clarke to collect the sum of $8500.00 on the Village assessment. The Orono Figure Skating Club Carnival is now to, be held on Wednesday and Thursday March 30th and 3lst in the Orono rink. Ouest stars appearing will be the Canadian Junior Champion pair of Miss Anna Forder and Mr. Richard Stephens. Advertisement - Roy Nichols Motors Ltd.; 1959 Chev., 4 door Sedan ... $495-00; 1958 Plymouth Coach ... $195.00; 1960 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 door Sedan $1, 150.00. The Millbrook Midget Hockey Club are the first to be awarded. the Bob Best Memorial Hockey Trophy. The trophy was supplied by the former teammates of the late Bob Best. The presentation was made by Brian Foster and John Mather ofthe Orono Midget Hockey Club oi 1964 - 65. The trophy is to bc prcusented annually at the Mîidget Hockey Toumnament, Orono Rink. The Newcastle Lionnettes are sponsoring a card party, cake auction and draw in aid of the Orono Artificial Ice Fund. The event will be held in the Orono Odidfellows Hall, on Thursday, March l7th at 8p.m. Admission to this gala nighit, $0.75. Consumers Oas Company anticipate installing gas mains in the Village of Orono this year. This information was provided by Mr. C.W. World, Manager East Central District of Consumers Oas Company, Oshawa who was in Orono on Monday. If the franchise is granted by the Township of Clarke work could commence in May. The Orono Fire Department have within the past week answered two calîs. One call was to the Spur Service Station on Highway 115 south of Orono and the second eaul to the MèKeaie apartments, Main Street, Orono. The big show of the year comes to the Orono rink this coming Wednesday and Thursday, March 3Oth and 3lst. Pageantry, colour, music, and the glide of silver blades will be a feature. of Orono's annual ice carnival. Thec carnival is being presented by some 125 local figure skat-ers of the Orono Figure Skating Club and also talented guest stars. Vibrations from the artificial ice plant at the Orono rink are being feit in the adjacent home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glanville. The vibrations are transmitted to the house causing an aggravating drumming noise. Members of the Athletic Association have visited the Glanville home and state that the residents have a legitimate complaint. Something, stated one member, will certainly have to be done to overcome this problem. The Senior Hortîcultural Society will hold a meeting in the Lower Main Auditorium of Orono United Church, Thursday, March 24 at 8 p.m. Mr. Bill Bunting wdl be guest and will show films, "Yours is the Land" and "Pipeline to the Clouds". Free prizes, literature and lunch. March 1956 Friday evening, March 9th, Miss Lorna Lewis, bride-to-be, was entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Gorden Lowery. About twenty girls were preserit and a dainty lunch was served by the co- hostesses Marjorie Lowery and Edna Goode. Also Tuesday evening, bride- to-be Fae Jones was pleasantly surprised when Thelma Forrester, Barbara McGee and Joanne Cornish entertained in honour of her forth-coming marriage. The miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs. R.A. Forrester. The Orono Fire Department received their first caîl of the year on Tuesday afternoon, March 2Oth. 'Me eaul came from tLhe home of Mrs. I. Winter. An oil space heater-became overheated and was on a rampage but thie fire was contained within the heater. With the use of a powder extinguisher the fire depairtmenit put out the fire. The Orono Badminton Club will hold their monthly ixedl tournament on Thursday eventing,, March 29th when players are urged to be present to compete in the evening competition. Lunch will be Served at the close of the eveýn-ig. Miss Ann Stapleton presented the Valedictorian address on Wednesday evening of last week at the Commencement Exercises of the Orono High School. The winning poster for the Red' Cross Competition is now displayed in the Library window. The winning poster was done by members to hold info sessions Trustees of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education have given their stamp of approval for the holding of a series of self- development workshops and seminars to help trustees deal with the difficult issues they face. The sessions make for an expenditure of $2,395.00. They will participate in discussions on dealing with the news media, assertiveness, political advocacy. committe structure and function, and shared decision making, among other topies. The sessions are voluntary and will bc conducted over a period of a number of months. it has been reported that Bob Willsher has stated that the cost of the program is quite low c'.nsidering the extensive nature of the program. The plan did have some opposition with Debbie Nowlan, Doris Linton and Wilf Day voting in opposition to the plan. Carol Todd of Orono Public School and she will receive a book as hier prize.-. The Bird House competition, of the Orono Fish and Hunt Club, for the children is now underway. The club rules are; builders must use own plans, state for what bird, use no power tools only hand tools, use scrap lumber and do the work themselves.,Thisçproject maust be completed by the middle of the April when'the entries will be judged. Prizes will be awarded at the dance to be held in April. Miss Marilyn Quantrili will compete in the'Lion's Club Public Speaking contest which is to be held in Lakefield tonight, Thursday. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT for Parents of Grade 10 and il Stludents Thursday, February llth 7:00 p. m. - 9:00 p. m. Parents and students are invited to corne and attend a brief presentation by Student Services on course selections in the senior q rades. AJf THE NORTHUMIBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION "Leaders in Learning"