Orono Weekly Times, Wednnday, Psbruary ~ 19~3 - a Kendal Hall News Last week the Kirby Public and Nicole Cave, playing School held a special Talent recorders; Mary Higgins, singing; Assembly when perforrning Sonja Bier, dance; Haley Ernpey, young artisîs enîertîaned their dance; Philip Farrugia and-Tell classmates and teachers. Stacheruk, organic paper folding; Pictured above back row: Judy (front) Erika Schoeder and Hallie Spencer, baton;, Tanya Carpenter McKinnon, dance; Jennifer Thiel, From A round HOM E The Super Super day Of course the Super Super day had t0 be Super Sunday and like millions of others with a super bowl of popcorn, super suds, a super soft easy chair it was time for the Super Bowl. Living not 100 far frorn Buffalo and they being the underdogs we just had to cheer for them. Yes there was sometbing to cheer about in the beginning but that soon dribbled off as the Cowboys showed thir deftness in the game of football. It was if the parking lot kids were playing with the pros. We hung in for the haif-time show, a $7 million dollar feature, and like il or not the Arnericans know how te put on a spectacular. Maybe not as great as the opening ceremonies at the 1992 Olympics down-under but worthwhile keeping the TV tuned -in. We were împressed with the over 3000 kids taking part and wondered just how would they ever be reunited with their parents. Those siing faces of al colours was great 10 sec. As for the rest of the game il didn't have our attention. We reflected back t0 the Clinten event, the inauguration, and ail the hoop- la that went with il. Another American spectacular at least on Canadian standards. We are sure that Brian, our leader, had his eyes glued on tha event. What he saw was excesses and extremes and an event put on by corporate Arnerica. He must have reflected "damn-it why couldn't that bcrne?" It had 10 be his vision on his first election to office as prime minister and reflecting back he was to be the saviour - the man of change for Canada. If Clinton can play a tenor saxophone Brian and Ronald Reagan were singers but the Shamrock Summit in Quebec and the singing of When Irish Eyes Are Sriling didn't quite measure up te the Clinten event. But then that is Americanism compared te Canadianism and I had 10 think even with al l e glitz l'Il take the Canadian way. But back te the corporate giants. In America they gave Clinton and the people a big party and everyone was able to participate. The corporate giants in Canada gave Brian Froc Trade and a go at a new Constitution which rather fizzled. There are sorne similarities however. Clinton cornes 10 make his mark as a 46 years old while Brian made his entry onto centre stage at the age of 45 years. Both leaders sensed, on corning to office, that each generation must make its mark and Brian has but his philosophy meshed with Reagan and Thatcher which is not s0 in vogue to-day. He counted on the marketplace to solve al problems and that we miust cut to the bone te compete. Clinton has drifted some off from the philosophy of the past but he, like Brian is embarked on a new temorrow for his generation. Brian at 54 scems te have had his whirl at the helm, but he tried 10 be part of change but that change has fizzled sornewhat world-wide. But be assured we shan't forget "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" would it have been "When Canadian Eyes Are Smîling". B ook R.eview fom Crystal Pages LANDSCAPES 0F the country has been captured in FRANCE painted by the Masters the wîde variety of great by Andrew Heritage - The French paintings, of every style and landscape has provided mood. Within each region the inspiration t0 generations of outward face of Franýc is artists. From the coasts of presenîed through the Normandy and Brittany 10 the interpretations of her greatest rich colours of the Mediterranean, painters. One huniditd fuli-colour On Friday, January 29th the regular card party was held at the hall 'with six and a half tables in 4 play. Hligh score was taken by Jean O'Neill with 86; second S Aleck Moffat with 83; third high June Wilson wiîh 73 and fourth S high Marie Couroux withi 72. The draw was won by Dave Spencer and the winner'of free k admission 10 the next card party was Tom Wilson. - A" The next card party will be i~2. ~held on Friday, February 1 2th. ~4 "~'~~ "" Hope the weather s taris 10 gel better this year il always seems to Sara Hartman and Sherri Thiele, 'be stormy on a Friday. gymnastics; Eike Schoedeýr, 1 The Men's Lodge will be dance; Denna Childs, baton. meeting on Wednesday, February Missing front pictureK Aiti 3rd and the Junior Lodge wil be Colville, and Parisse Marrett, meeting on Thursday, February Carolyn Barber, ail playing the 4th when they will be accepting a piano. new mem ber. QuRleeâun s Park Report by Gord Milis, M P., Durharn East Last Thursday evening, at about 5:20 p.m., clause by clause examination of Bill 61 finally came te a close. This means that the Bll can now be presenteil 10 the Ontario Legislature for Third Reading and Royal Assent. This legislation finally resolves the long-standing dispute over the residential community on the Toronto Islands. The dispute over the homes on the Islands has raged for decades. In 1957, over 400 homes were demolished, when the cornrunity was first taken over by Metro Toronto. Ini 1968,,the first homes were dernolished without compensation. Since then, members of the community have lead a precarious existence 10 say the least. I arn pleased to have been part of the process, through the introduction of Bill 61, that has given the community the sense of security it needs to plan for its future. By the tirne this colurnn appears in newsprint, it is quite likely that the long awaited cabinet shuffle has been announced. Al last week, rumours abounded throughout almost every office at Queen's Park, as 10 which- minister would keep their job, and those who wouldn't survive the shake- up, and others that were destined for a promotion! None of the rumours circulated involved me, which allowed me 10 continue along all week, cool, calm and focused. 1 may be off base, but 1 suspect a srnaller cabinet, with many duties being handed out 10 "junior ministers" who would report te a "senior minister." Our government has-recently announced 'A Tobacco Strategy for Ontario' which 1 arn pleased te' support. The plan intends 10 achieve an increase 10 -100% the proportion of schools, workplace and public places that are smoke - free, by the year 1995. By the year plates and illustrated biographical notes on each of the artists complete titis beautiful and highly readable book. A most pleasurable addition 10 anyone's coffee table. Octepus Books - Recycled 2000, a reduction in tobacco sales by at least 50%, and by at least 5% in each year of the 1990s. And 10 reduce the percentage of those 12 to 19 who smoke te 10% from the 1986 rate of about 19%. Reduce the percentage of wornen who smoke Up 15% from the 1986 rate of 24%. Reduce the percentage of men who srnoke te 15% from the 1986 rate of 28%. Eliminate the use of tobacco products by pregnant womnen. The Ministry of Health is undertaking a comprehensive approach 10 achieve these targets. The Junior Lodge are also busy practîcing Degree work, they will be putting on a degree at Grand Lodge which is being held in Cobourg this coming Apnl. Don't forget the Ladies Lodge wil be holding the Penny Sale at the end of March. Lots of good prizes. More on this as the date nears. by Phyllis Lowery The basic allowances for General Welfare Assistance, Family Benefits, and maximum shelter allowances wiil rise by 1%, starting on April 1, 1993. Some MPP offices in the area have been subjected to demonstrations by anti-poverty activists, over the 1% increase. This government has increased maximum social assistance rates about 13.5% since we came 10 office in 1990. For the samne period, the cost of living bas gone up only 5.7%. The inflation rate this year is forecast at 1-1.5%. Ontario's social assistance rates are among the best ini Canada. Response to my letter sent 10 al farmers in the riding has been positive, In the next week or two, I wilî be coming round 10 ail those who took me up on my promise to corne and visit them. If you farin or have an interest in rural life, and you didn't get my letter, please eall my office and a copy will be sent 10 you. In recent weeks good news about various grants have been plentiful in the riding. One of the (Continued page 10) DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMILY (General Dentlstry including Orthodonties and Implants), DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.Sc., D.D.S. DENTAL OFFICE ONE 30 Cobbledick Street Orono, Ontario cail 983-5825 DENTAL OFFICE TWO 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontario calI 987-5256 New Patients Welcome * Saturday A ppoimtsnent Available Tell that Special Someone you care! Send your Valentine a message through the Orono Weekly Times. Calfor our special Valentine rates. Drop your message mbt the office at 5310 Main Street, Orono 983-5301 DEADLINE FOR VALENTINE MESSAGES MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 12:00 NOON ---------------