OronoWeeld TIme~ Wedesday .........1993. Pictured abeve: David Scott, Town councillor, Janice Swartz, Town planner andf Mark Whitelaw cf the Ministry cf the Enivironmnent. A few over twenty attended an environmental meeting in the Kendal Church Saturday morning and afternoon sponsored by Save the Ganaraska Again committee. Graham Whiteiaw, of the Ministry of the Environment,- associated with the Niagara Escarpment Commission gave an overview on watershed planning relating te the eco-systemn. Whitelaw took the merning session te outiined eco-systern planning and the objectives. He also spoke of the cumulative effect of human stresses te ail features cf the natural envirofiment. He said an objective must be set to maintain ail features of the envircnment as the quality and quantity of water. He stated baseline data should be set and stresses measured te this baseline. Whitelaw outlined what comprised a watershed but said there can readiiy be watersheds within watersheds. He said the Canadian Envirenmental Law Association is somewhat concerned over new planning procedures and outlined the conceis. He spoke cf stewardship programs te protect the environment and that there are a number cf oppertunities for such stewardship. Local Environmental Advisory committees have beeni provingbencf ina number cf municipalities. Whiteiaw also said that headwater areas can bc anywhere and that they were critical to maintain. He said it was most important to protect the Oak Ridges Moraie. Whiteiaw referred te what bas becoîne a new idea in stewardship pointing to an undertaking by the Maitland Conservation Authority. The Authority is endeavouring te restore wetland areas that had been drained and destroyed. He said the Authority had become most active in the plan which he feit was a credit te die Authority. The afternoon session was a round table educational discussion for tho0se pÈtesent IWA Report <Continued from page 1) The report aise states that Newcastle strongly disagrees with the position that agriculture is flot a planned land use. It points to the economic value to the community. The Town will flot make comment on the provincial compensation document until such time as specific proposais are forthcoming. The report also states that the province could distort the site the Town te enact on their ewn by-laws making sure the public is being served in an open public Mnariner. There bas to be co-operatien between ail groups involved for the facility is a multi-purpose facility meeting the desires and demands of the whoie cem- munity, both young and old. It is in this context that the Town must play its part, as the Fair Board and the Athletic. selectien process by deciaring provincial interest on lands ini North Pickering which are, inciuded in the short list. The Town is suggesting that the manager of the IWA meet with the Town of Newcastle in Newcastie to debate the report, Helen MacDonald, speaking on behaif of the Community of Clarke Constituents stated that the organization supported the report. She said KK2 shouid flot be chosen by default but ratherby fact. Lt was a point that had been made i the report. Counc. Scott said the staff report was excellent but dis- turbing. Use the Waànt d s in the Orono Tmres Just a phono oeil away 983-5301 Orono Arena (Ccntinued from pagel1) lease is i effect. t could be fer a total of fcrty-five years if the Town wishes te renew the bcase prior te August 31, 2002 and 2012. Accerdig te dhis condition the Tewn isi sole ownership of the arena, community centre and grandstand at the present time If the Town should continue the lease for 45 years and still continue the use of the building the epportuntiy exists that the Town could be a renter. The agreement is a straight agreement spelling eut some conditions te be met by the Town but neither the Town nor the Society are obiigated te maintain the premises is a state of repair. The Town is te carry insurance on the building durîng the iease or use peried. As te the eperation the Town ef Newcastle in September of 1978 passed a by-law i which it established the Orone Arena, Cemmunity Centre and Grand- stand as a Cemmunity Centre in accerdance with the Community Recreation Centre Act 1974 and te provide fer tde establishment of a Community Centre Board. The by-law established that the arena, ccmmunity centre and grandstand be under the management and control cf a board appited by councîl te be- cailed the Oron-o Arena Ccmmunity Centre Board. The Board was te bc comprised cf seven people all being appointed annually by council. Two members cern- prising the board would be two councillors, a further two te- present the Agricultural Society, two representing the Orone Athletic Association and one member to be nominated from the community at a public -meeting cailed for the purpese cf the nomination. The by-law outlined the duties cf the board along with the election cf their officers, chairman, vice-chairman, secre- tary and treasurer. The board had the power te employ and adopt policies and ruies fer the use of the Centre. Any meeting cf the board was te bo open te the public other than dealing with personnel, property acquisition and litigatien matters. The board was te maintain proper books, minutes and submit financiai requirements for the ensuing year. The bocks aise were te be audited by the Municipal auditers. The Town Board operated for a short period cf time when it tumned the eperation over te the Orene Atbletic Association te eperate which it bas ever sice. The Town negated their obligation te make the annuai appointments and it is oniy lately that some consideration has been given te this fact, ne doubt, tbe purpose cf a meeting later this münth. As a resuit, the eperatien cf the arena has been in the hands cf the Orono Athletic or a board of the Atlietc. The group has spent many heurs cf time and have operated the facility i the black, something that doos net happen tee often with arenas. Not cniy the operatien has be-en carried by the Athietic but the group has raised funds te assist with the operation and upkeep and net te be forgetten is the construction cf a paved parking lot. There has been a lot cf effort and pride frem the greup. However the Town having ewnership cf the building and through their by-law have established the facility as a community centre with a Town appcinted board te eperate the facility they de have a responsibiiity that surely shouid net be usurped as it bas been. t is a public building te be operated for the public and by the public. The Athletie Association i the past few years bave changed their charter with restrictions in membership that would question te what peint the Association could be cailed open te the public. Membership in the Asso- ciation, we understand, requires twe sponsors frem the mem- bership of the Association, attendance at four meetings and final admission as a member through a positive voeocf the membership. The procedure is net unlike membership requirements of somne fratemnai erganizations. t is net clearly open te the public. This is one issue that sheuld be ever-ceme if'the Athletic con- tinues i their present role. The first responsibility is with THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE 1BOARD 0F EDucATioN ' SEPTEMBER 1993 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION JUNIOR and SENIOR Kindergarten registration for the Clarke A.S.G. area schools wiII be held as indîcated in the following schedule. <Children currentiy enroled in Junior Kindergarten need flot apply for Kindergarten.) Sehool Newcastle P.S. (Lockhart Campus) Orono P.S. Kirby P.S. Telephone Date 987-4262 Tues-, Feb. 16 '93 983-5006 Tues., Feb. 16 '93 983-5802 Tues., Feb. 16 '93 Newtonville P.S. 786-2550 Tues., Feb. 16 93 lime 9:.00 -120 and 1:00 - 3:00 9:00 - 11:45 and 1:00 -4:00 9:00 - 12:00 9:00- il1:45 1. Children four years of age on or before 31 December,1993 may be registered. Proof of age (birth certif icàte, officiai birth registration notice, etc.) is required. The Board may roquire proof that the persan registering the child is the legal guardian. 2. Please bring written proof cf health records indicating immunization dates. 3. Proof of public school support should be produced at the time of registration tax bill, property tax, property tax notice or rentai receipt). 4. Precise information regarding location cf residence and postal code is important. Rural residents require lot and concession numbers. Parents/legal custodlans are requested to telephonB the school for an appoiniment tîmne. Trudy Lumn Superintendent cf Instruction (Program) CRYSTAL PAGES Books and Jewellery 983-6150 Closed for Renovations December 25 - February 4 OPEN FEBRUAR-Y 4, 1993 Thurs. Fr1 Sat 983-9605 10 arn. - 6pan. 5367 Main St., Orono 983-65 1 w