Prom A round .... ...... The Region J Trustee helps write study for "Movit' Madelaine Currley a schooi trustee representing Port Hope and Hope Township was involved in a report on physical-activity programs for pre-scboolers, five rnonths to five years. The programi of activity is called "Movabiiity" and had funding of $ 150,000 from the provincial govemnment. The programn was panned by Rosie Demanno, a weli-known Toronto Star writer. DeManno stated it was notbing more than wbat youngsters do witb their parents and other cbildren. The Movability program is on the market under the banner of the Ontario Physicai and Healtb Education Association at a cost close te $30.00. Look to have taxes reduced The Town of Port Hope bas commissioned a study ini whicb they hope will resut ini the federal government providing funding for the reduction or elimination of taxes for residents of the Town. The funding would be provided as low-levei waste does exist in the Town. Council uses the exampie in a Scarborough sub-division where a limited amount of radioactive waste was found to be on the site. ,Taxes were reduced te $100 a year for the period between 1987 and 1992 and continues te have their taxes reduced by 25 percent. Athietes suspended due to low grades A new acadernic policy in effeet at Durham Coliege bas sidelined fine athietes and piaced a further nine on probation. Seme of the players are key players in basketball and volleyball. The policy was designed te ensure that varsity athietes at the college are putting their education abead of atbietics. It was put in place during the past semester and according te the atbletic director it is working well. 'Me policy sets-out a standard te be upbeld academically te be eligibie te continue with atbietics. A warning is also issued when a student cornes close to the cut-off point. Student suspended at Durham <~Four maie business students have been suspended frorn the College for the remainder of the academnic year having taking part in an attempt te steai exam tests rid Decem ber. The students bad admitted te the attempt te steal the exams and the incident was bandled internally at the Coilege even tbougb tbe police were caiied in. Crocus plants available from CNIB The Durham Region chapter of the CNIB is hopeful of bringing some early colour and spring into your home this year througb their sale of Crocus plants. The pots are seing for $4 or 3 for $ 10.00. The flowers wili be delivered February lOtb. The funds raised will go towards helping the 1500 biind and visuaily impaired persons in the Region. Call 4360-7732. Granola bar recail costly Quaker Qats with their head office in Peterborough have sbeiled out some $1 million dollars in the recali of Granola bars. The recali came abýout when a Quebec girl with a peanut allergy bit down on a contaminated bar but irnmediately spit it eut. Sbe suffered only miid symptems. e Quakers 1000 workers went into action to undertake tbe recail. Second Condo plan dies, Port Hope A second proposed condo plan for downtown Port Hope has been set aside by the developer. The proposed plan would bave seen two buildings witb a total of 85 Itnits The lands had been sold te thé developer for $950,000 in 1990 to which the develeper is new walking away from. Last year a proposed Riverview deveiopment was also set-aside which had a price tag of $12 million for 84 units. Pleased with deferral of waste motion The head of the Port Hope Community Liaison Group wbo are investigating the removai of low-levei nuclear waste from Port Hope are pleased that council bas put off declaring the tewn a candidate for a permanent nulcear dump. Robert Scuithorpe stili maintains that he wili resign if council should allow waste frorn other municipalities coming te Port Hope. Could be asked for a pay eut A merno from the Durham Separate Scbooi director of education suggests asking teachers te support a pay cut in salaries. The salaries make up 70 percent of the annual budget. No one is admitting te the possibility and the separate schooî teacher's federation states they are net about te give anything away in contract negotiations. In Case Yu 're Stranded It could save your life te have the following items as part ef your in-car emnergency kit: gas fine anti-freeze; flashtight; Cai Police sign; flares; warmn cloth- ing or blankets; sand or kitty litter for traction if yeu get stuck; first aid kit; booster ca- bles; shovel; tow strap, cable or chain. It aIse helps te keep your fuel tank at least haîf fuît - this adds weight te the rear of the vehicle and you'll be able te mun the heater longer. If you do get stuck, open the car window a crack te allow fresh air in and te avoid carbon monoxide poi- soning. Cý.qhriuctiafl Corner by Rév- Marg West Husier etc. Conjuning up id Don't Assume Anyth.! ng that wbat they are iooking ai Sometimes 1 gèt a little bot better than what they've S under the collar when I read Polluting their minds. Hidi articles, and I'm sufe 'm not the thern in their-bedroorns and tl only one wbo does. 1 resenit being littieJohnny cornes i and su put in a category ef people that 1 looking and WHAM the sa know I don't be1ni How about spirit that was in dad and gram you? is now in Johnny. It's a spirit For instance, 1 d&n't want to be problem flot a physical one. categorized with rnurderers, In Deut. 7: vs. 26 God sa molesters, robbets, busband "do flot bring an abominationi snatcbers etc. Get the picture. 1 your bouse, because you; also do not want ËO be put in a cursed like it, but you shoi category of people who have te utterly bate it, and abbor it fé fantasize in order te achieve is a cursed tbing." We are lx satisfaction in th(.,ir sex lives. cu rsed today for some ofi People wbo fantesize have a things we bring inito our hou problern. They are trying to live Alcohol is a cursed tbing. If3 an irnaginary expefience. Maybe don't tbink se ask a mom wli tbey can't tel] thp difference cbild was killed by a dru between ruai and faD tasY. driver, or a wife who gets b Webster says fàlntasîze "is to unniercifully by a drunk busba eveke (mental ima~ges, iluin Pornograpby is a cursed thing etc) in a fantasy, daYdream." warps your mind. Ser Evoke is "to cal forth, dlicit." murderers are among rnany m Tt almost soundls like witch , couldn't leave pornograpby alo craft te me. Mi.d control, 'Tt makes you want morea imagining wbat we want to take more. Tt makes you depraved. place. Deprave is "to make-mora People who ba ye a probiern witb lust and faniasy do need help. It does take ôver their lives - cornpieteiy. But what is it. , i Altbougb these péOPle seem to " have a probiem in dieir Jeans and it's flot in their Genes. It is passed down from getidration toC mpeeW generation, but nçOt because of C m lt e their Jeans (excuse me Genes). Located in the wu The problem stei~s back from TH1E V daid or grandpa or maybe great- (corner of Xini grandpa. Maybe tbey liked the giriy books. You kftilow Playboy -6 deas Lt iS got. Jing then larts Lme ndpa ituai lys, fito are uld >r it cing the ffse. you hose ink beat and. g. It ýriai wbo .oe. and ally bad" or "corrupt'. Ail the counselling in China won't be able to make you morally good, and it won't make you flot fantasize. The only tbing that wili set people free from any bondage they have is a personal relationship witb Jesus Christ. Jesus came to set the captives free. Free from Iust, free from Alcohol. Free from bad disposËitions. Free frorn al bondage. If you want to be free ask Jesus -into your life today, and start to see the freedom corne. Get into a good cburch. How do you know a good cburch, one way to check is if the people carry their Bibles to church. A Bible believing cburcb congregation, carry bibles. Comment or Questions, write R.R. 2, Orono. Watcb total Christian T.V. Ch. 49, Buffalo. e0 ce0 0 ,dding Co-ordination mique setting of the shops of iANSTONE MILL .g & Scugog, Bowmanville) 623- 0351 .......... Orono Weekly, Times e esd Feb Ü'r --- - -------