the cake at retirment parly Mr. and Mrs. Alian Downes share the duty of cutting the cake at Mr. Downes retirementi party heid last Saturday at Kendai Churcb Hall. Mo re by Helen MacDonald After reading a news item published in a Toronto daiiy newspaper, it's no wonder that country folk get upset when a consultant or bureaucrat announces a garbage dump is proposcd on farmiland. in a number of upscale neighbourhoods of Toronto, curbside garbage pick-up is considercd, by some, to "bcing akin to reducing Toronto life to the 'lowest comman denominator"". You sec, 'tii now trash collectors bike up tbe driveways of these neighbourhoods providing backdoor pickup .-' PRESIDENTS CHOICE ... to the tune of $400,000+ each year? But out here in Hooterville, I drag my onc littie Canadian Tire garbage can down to the bottom of my two hundred-foot country drive, about every four weeks, or so . . . whcre there is no pavement, no street ligbs... no curb. There isn't even a ditch! ltes very eariy in the momning that Ido tbis mnial task. All die while, I note the beauty of the countryside, and bear, in the stillness of the breeze, the fluttcring of birds and the gentie song of the trees. I am also intirnately aware of the amount of garbage 1 amn dragging along, wishing there was more that I couîd do ta reduce. 1 try very bard nat to tbink about the numerous proposais distant urban neigbbours bave made to dump their garbage in my 'neck of the woods' . .. these tbougbts only shatter my peace and fil me witb dread. But, today, anather day when the garbage truck passes by my Hootervilie home because I don't have 'enougb garbage' to make a stop worth bis wbile, 1 read that somne Metro residents view curbside pickup as being beneatb themn. BENEATH THEM??? Yet, Metro has NO PLACE to put their garbage, except the countryside. . . the peaceful, beautiful countryside which, ironicaly, has no curbs. . . only open space for garbage, eh? Metro Toronto Council is about to can the costly side door garage pickup, resulting in an additional $400,000+ to put towards waste reduction and education initiatives. Bravo! Apparently, though, some residents fear raccoon infestation of theiT luxury garbage cans. Maybe a few of us experienced waste-wise individuals should get together, and conduct some workshops in these neighbourhoods. We could educate people in the ways of waste mianagement and reduction (by composting, for example), and how to keep those pesky wiid creatures from chewing at their cans to get at luxury waste! Is it no wonder that we do not want to be a 'bost' community for Metro garbage? This wouid reduce us to an even lower common denominator, don't ya think? This issue will be debated by Metro Toronto Council on February 22nd. You can bet your compost pile that people wil fight to the bitter bottom of the garbage can to keep the luxury side-door pick-up service! If you want to express some thoughts on this matter, write: Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, 390 Bay Street, 5tb Floor, Toronto, Ont. M5H 3Y7. Anniversary bash open to public The Port Hope based "Century Home" magazine will hc kicking off a celebration for its lOth anniversary by welcoming subseribers and 400 home owners across Canada to visit the Township on two weekcnds. The dates have been set as June 19 and 20 and June 26 and 27. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 10, 1993 - il ý From AÈtitund The Region I GM losses top $23 billion General Motors Corp. is expected to run up more than $23 billion of a loss in 1992, the iargest loss in the cornpany's bistory. $20.8 billion of the loss cornes from a new way in figuring retirees bealth costs which does not affect the company's cash flow. The red ink also was due to restructuring costs and loss on operations. U-brews play havoc with big boys Oshawa-bosed Spring Water Brewing is but one of many brew- your-own faciiides in Ontario that are playing a tug-of-war witb Ontario breweries, for 2.5 percent of Canada's beer market worth $25 million. The brew.yOur own companies who provide al the equipment and ingredients are in battle with the big-name brewffleis who want the new budding qsmall companies to pay the same taxes that tbey are stuck with. If taxes are levied against tbe smali brew-your own facilities it could mean the beginning of the end for these small entrepreniýurs. Port Hope CLG chairman resigns Robert Scuithorpe bas unexpectedly submitted bis resîgnation as head of the. local Community Liaison Group which bas been working to solve Port Hope's radio-active waste probiem. In making the armouncement before is fellow members he said be just did not bave tbe time to devote to the problem. Ministry reassures local board of education Ontario's Education Minister, Tony Silipo, bas given reassurance to the school trustees tbat boards of education will continue to play an important roIe with tbe provinces educationai systemn. This announcement mwas made after bcing quoted by tbe Toronto Star as questioning wbether or not scbool boards sbould cxist. Hope Township money surplus Hope Townsbip counicillors ended 1992 with a $60,000 cash surplus from iast years budget. Decisions of what to, do wîtb tbe extra funds are being cons idercd. GM tops up Sub fund General Motors at a recent meeting assured workers that the company would ensure supplementary unempioyment benefits at the current rate ta this fail. The Sub fund tops up unemployment insurance to 95 percent of the wages for a worker having 20 years seniority and more. If the worker bas from 10 wo 20 years time in at the plant the worker would receive Sub funds topping up uncmpfoymcnt payments Ito 75 percent of their wages. Other percentages apply for those less than 10 years employment. Unemployment funds continue for a year of' unemploymentwhile the Sub fund would continue for the second year of unemployment. -. Car sales n osedive Guinural Motors of Canada hias posted another drop in sales with January sales down 13.7 percent over that, of last January. Car sales were down 21.9 percent while truck- sales were up 2.9 percent. Ford also registered a drop overail of 6.1 percent with truck sales down 30 percent and car sales up 14.6 percent. C hrysier car sales were down while truck sales showed an increase. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT Parents of Grade 10 and il Students Thursday,, February llth 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Parents and students are invited to corne and attend a brief presentation by Student Services on course selections in the senior crades. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION "Leaders ini Learning" NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the- Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Amendment to the Town of Newcastle Off icial Plan. The proposed Amendiment to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle would add a new section on Housing. This new housing section would outline an overail housing goal, housing objectives and specified housing policies for the Town of Newcastle. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation efther in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed Off iciai Plan Amendment. DATE: MONDAY, MARCH 15,1993 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Cauncil Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvilie, Ontario ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Officiai Plan Amendment is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Departme-nt, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Teresa Houben at 623-33793. Dated at the Town of Newcastle this 3rd day of February 1993. Afrgvcas(k Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Develapment Town of Newcaste 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontano LlC 3A6 PLANNING FILE: OPA 92-N/006 Date of Publication: Wednesday, February 10, 1993 P.O. 3237'i