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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1993, p. 11

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il'imtýudj -li Oron~ W..kty T1,ne*~ Wedn~day, F*ru~r) 17~ IgPS Il Il IL. 1 i[ A number of skaters rom the Pictured above: Melissa Orono Figure Skating club Colville, Anthea Peacock, entered competition in a recent Heather Geboers, Adam Colville, Invitational event in Uxbridge (front row) Jillian Lemieux and and returning as medal winners in Kaitilen Colvile. their particular divisions. Rebecca Townsend of the Ornoo Skating Club is a proud winner of ber medal which she earned in competition at the Woodvitle Invitational meet on January lOth. Congratulations. Our first meeting we selected our executive. We had a game where you stick a piece of paper on gomeone elses back and you ask people questions about the one on your back. Our second meeting we started te talk about our preject and our achievement programn. We got alot of suggestions like bowling. We were taught how to sew on a button. The snack we had was a rice dish. Our third meeting we made waffles strawberry sauce. We called the meeting to erder and talked about our project, we decided on who does what and when do we do it. We decided Our next meeting if a couple of people comne early we can get the tetters donc. by Greg Finlay Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Forrester: The Regienal Medel By-law Rcgulating Smoking Public Places, is net an anti-smoking by-law, it is an anti-smoke by-Iaw. The by-law was devetoped te protect people from the adverse health effects of environmmentai (second-hand) tobacce smoke. These inctude lung cancer; heart disease; respiratory disease; aggravation of asthma, allergies, angina; and hamm te the fetus. It is net întended te put smokers under attack. The health perspective of this kind of legistation addresses thecocntrol of harmful chemicai substances. Individuals have the choice te smeke if they want. What the by- law does is te regulate the public areas where they may smoke te help keep thc bazard away from people who choose net te take thc risk. Wbat, if any, effeet will the proposed by-law have on business in the community? The best indicater we bave is what bas happened in municipalities that aiready have a by-taw similar te the modet. Restaurants are a geod example. According te research, there is ne evidence te support Uic dlaim that this type of legisiation affects Uic econemic viability of any business other than those directly invoived in Uic production or sale of tobacco preducts. In fact, studies indicate that tebacco centrot policies do net negatively affect business or industry. This is based on studies in Califomia, Winnipeg and Peterborough and there is every reason te believe Durham Region weuld experience similar results. These studies shewed that net only did the, regulations net affect business significantly, but that Uic majority of proprictors supported increased restrictions. Tables for non-smokers tend te turn over more quickty, thus increasing business for restaurateurs. They alse save money in cteaning costs - ashtrays, watts, ight fixtures, drapes, replacing or repairing burn marks in furniture of carpets. Air Canada bas savcd $700,000 a year since their flights Letter to the Editor (Lýetter writien to Helen MacDonald, Feb. 5193, from the Canadtan Red Cross Society) Dear Helen: Just wanted te drop you a line and Say Thanks fer a very welt written article about our clinie. Yen wcrc able te, put seme Pertinent information inte an article and add a little humour, with a very positive outceme. 'Me article shed seme light for seme people, and they totd us se, and încreased our number of people. We are aiways Iooking for ways te recruit people, your article proved te be one positive way. Any belp we can get is always appreciated! We ended baving 374 peeple come threugb our doors. 0f these people 10 were defercd te give us a total of 364 units ef whole biood. Althougji this is a little lewer than we had boped (400), there was semething positive in tbis. We received quite a few people wbich hadn't given bteod for a number of ycars. If we can centinue on this climb and our regular donors come back from helidays and such, our future clinics witt climb in numbers. Once again thanks for your participatien and heip, it reatty didn't go unnoticed! Sincerely Jerry Siebarth Biood Donor Chairpersen became smoke-frec due te cleaning costs aJonc. Whcn yen take that into consideration aiong with: a) thc majority of people do net smoke, and b) a 1990 Durham survcy showed that the majority ef people (smokcrs and non- smekers) already supported that smoking public places cither be banned or restricted te designated smoking areas, the statistics appear te demonstrate that business will net decline if tegislation regulating smoking in public places in enacted. The Health Department is receiving a steady Stream of catîs of support for the by-Iaw. We do encourage people te cali or write their local municipalities with their feedback. Expressed public support is vital wben dealing with this issue. For more information, intercsted individuals may contact Sandra Schmidt at the Health Department at (416) 723- 8521 or 686-2740 (Toronto lime). Sincerely, Sandra Schmidt Public Health Nurse Tobacco Use Prevention Prograin AIl th at jazz by Michael Woolner The Valendine Season Among att of the tingering thoughts that haunt the boys of Clarke High around this season, there tends to be one that juts out more than anything cisc. IlWilit1 get lucky this Valentinc's Dance?" 1 mean, sure you can spend heurs upon hours ini the batbroom setting your hair just right, brushing and rinsing your mouth eut 5 times over and dumping enough cologne on te disguisc the aroma of a man after a bard days work at the pig farm. But is this wbat she realiy wants te sec? Or is it mucb more than that? Wil she took up to you on the dance floor during Zepplins "Stairway te Heaven" and say, "Yeu didn't have te do ail this te impress me!" Most guys would take this compliment as: "YES!! SHE LIKE ME!!" Then, there are those who weuld bang their head against the wall, realizing while in the bathroom getting doited up for absolutely ne reason, tbey were missing "Married With Chitdren" and "Love Connection" on Channel 47. Is it worth it? And te be sweet, you decide te buy ber a rose te show affection. It's a beart warming feelfing te sec ber raise it te ber nose, wave that free flowing hair aside and smile. (It's a beartburn feeling tesece her witb another guy the next day, and your rose te ber wrapped around a used popsicle stick in the recyciing bin!) The day after tbe dance is classic. Yeu gather up att your second peried advanced Englisb sk ills te write a brief tetter inquiring to ber why she waiked away from you on the dance floor, leaving yeu standing tbere like an idiot and yelling "where are you going?" You decide to give it te her the first chance you sec her, and since she wasn't around at lunch you drop it through the top of ber locker door. But when you ask ber if she read the note in ber locker, she replied sweetly, "That's net my locker." And after this, if you haven't passed out from embarrassment youlIl hear the hoof prints of Helga, the Swedish excbange student/ champion rugby player, as she huris a rugby bail at you and lays yeu down for the count, just to stuff that unnecessary note down your throat. ORONO BECKERS STUTS PHARMACY DULEES NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BECKERS GUARDIAN DRUGS MIKE'S PLACE GRUFFIES NEWTONVILLE NEWTONVILLE CONVENIENCE PLUS ANNUAL SUBSORIPTIONS $1 7.00 inc. GST phone 933-5301 Medal winners at Uxbridge event A Malter of Survival ~ Unlike domnestic animnais, wild animnais do flot depend on humans to, provide them with the food, water, and shelter they need to survive duiring winter. This time of year can be very ditf ficuit for wildlife. However, most wild animais have learned to adapt quite weli to the coid weathier. Those that cannot find food either migrate to, warmer climiates or hibernate uintil spring. Some animiais, such as bats and frogs, are true hibernators and spend the enitire winter in a deep sleep. Their hecart rates decrease, their body temiperatures drop, and their breathing slows down to, almost nothing. Becauise they are so inactive, they dIoflot require mucli food. Then there are pseudo-hibernators like skunks and bears. These animnais enter a semi-conscious state and wake up fromi time te timie toe, at or exercise. They prepare- for winter by eîther storing food in their nesting areas ahead of time or _gorgîn.g themselves to, buiid uip extra fat, which provides them with energy later on. Other animnais, such as beavers and red squirrels, are non- hibernators. They remnain active throughiout the season and sur- vive on food that they have stored in their homes. When the weather tumns really cold, they usually remain in their nests for long periods at a time. Animais such as deer and moose simply move about front one area to, another in search of something to eat and somne- where to take cover. During a particularly harsh winter, mnany of them become weak from hunger an-d exhauistion. Until spring arrives with its promise of food and sheiter, it's simipiy a mnatter of survival of the Cittest, Ccinodicin WiIdife Federation Communications Department S~2740 Queensview Drive % if Ottawa, Ontario K2B 1A2 ME ..................... J ~ il t LIII J! I IiJIIIIW I IL I t W *~tt <iL. ~IW -.

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