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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1993, p. 12

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N&N Secondary teachers settie with no increase in first year of 2 year deal The Northiumberland and Newcastle Board of Education becomes one of only two public school boards in the province to reach an agreement witli their secondary scbool teacliers whicli gives no pay increase in the 1992- 93 contract year, says Bob ,Willsher, cliairperson of the Board's personnel committee. Trustees toniglit ratified' a two year agreement wxith their secondarly scliool teachers at a closed portion of the regular board meeting. The contract runs from September, 1992 to September, 1994. It contains no0 increase in its firt year, a two per cent increase at the beginning of the second year, and a one per cent increase at the end of tlie second year of tlie contract. Willsher says that of tlie 45 public school boards whicli have settled contracts with their teachers "only one board, other than ours, lias managed wo reach a zero per cent increase for this scliool year." The two year contract also includes a "restructured benefi ts package for teachers," he says. "mhis will result in cost savings to the board without affecting the basic integrity of benefit coverage for teachers and their families." "The savings will help reduce the cost of salary increases in the second year." Willsher says negotiations witli elementary teachers "are moving at a siower pace and there's no seulement yet." A fact-finder from the Education Relations Commission bas been calied into the elementary bargaining process, lie says. Trustees voted at the meeting wo acknowledge their appreciation for the support and co-operation of tlie federation in reaching this settlement. C'.hri*stian Corner by Rev. Marg West You Can't IHde From God -In Proverbs 15:3 we see, "The eyes of the Lord are in EVERY place, bebolding the EVIL and the GOOD". You can't get away frorn God seeing wliat you are doing, or seeing as a matter of fact. In Psalm 139:23 tlie psalmist David is teling God, "Sear me 0 God, and know my heat try me and know my thouglits." We think be-cause we can hide things from our fiends and loved ones that nobody knows. But God. It's a good thing that God does look out for uis, (al liumanity) because it's only God wbo can cause things to bc turned around and shifted about. Circurnstances that seemn as if there is no way out or no answer to themn quite often turn around, or we ail of a sudden we know wbat Io do wo rectfy it. Ood Cares. He's a loving Father, and He will literally turn the world upside down for His cbildren. You bave to be boni to bave a father don't you. If you are alive you have a father or liad one. God can be Youir Father by being born again. Born again is asking Jesus to corne into your lieart. Being boni again' means you know that you have sinned (and al bave) Romans 3:23 tells us this. "For ail have sinned and corne short of the glory of God." Wben we ask Jesus wo corne into our bearts He takes away al of our sn. By asking Jesus to comne into your life you are acknowledging His Supreme sacrifice on the cross so that you can have eternal lîfe. The bible says in Hlebrews 9:27, "lt is APPOINTED unto men once to die, but after this the judgement." You don't want to bave wo stand before Jesus and be judged of everything you've ever donc, Do You? Jesus is the ONE who cani wash your siate dlean, just as if you liad neyer done any wrong ting. Trust Himi todlay, Try Himr and see if H' not ALL Nle says HE is in His Word. You will then bc able to caîIl God your Father, and every promise that's in the Bible will belong to you. Commenits or Questions, write R.R. 2, Orono. Watcli-1Total Chiristian T.V., Chiannel 49, Buffalo. Bill Bramah's Ontario Every morning Col. Ken Wilcox strides over from is big home on the banks of the York River, which cuts tlirougb the .village of Bancroft, to his mote; about a liundred yards from the bouse. He's lean, lithe and erect. A military bearing. That's natural. H1e was a career soldier in England, and lias been aide do camp to six of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors. He's also a collecwor of swords. When lie and bis wife, Lenore bouglit the motel they called it "tlie Sword", and the collection was used as a motif. Wlien you register you see a huge sword hanging on the wall behind the front desk. It always reminds me of the kid worn by the Kniglits of the Round Table. But the bulk of the collection is liung la a showcase i the bal as you go towards the dining room. There are swords of al kinds. There must be about fifty of them. Some date back a couple of centuries. A few of the- swords were made in recent years. One is called "The Olympic Sword", and was given to, Pauline McGibbon wben she officiated at the opening of the Oympie sailing la Kingston some years ago. Another was presented to Ken wben lie retired as president of the Ontario Motel association. And tliere's one used in the Wilkinson Razor spots that were seen on television. Ken's first sword was given to hum by bis father the day be was McDo nalds Restaurant-ready to move-jnto west Bowman ville McDonald's RFstaurants of Canada Ltd. PIave made application for an OfficiaI Plan amendment to allow the construction of, a McDonald restaurant on a .65 acre parcel of land on the southWest corner of Regionai Road 57 and Highway 2, in west BowmanVille. For this purpose the Town held a public meeting on Monday- The Mcdonald site is Part Of a parcel that is being considered for mixed use resiaential and commercial purpose. A town report states that the application couid lbo delayed due, to varions related official plan amendments whicli are awaiting disposition by thie Ministry and the For a job iii '93, cali (Scarborough, Ontario) Tens of tliousands Of Ontarians miaking New year'5 resolutions 1 this montli will resOlve to get a job in 1993. They'll need more i than resolve. Unegiployment, now at 11.8 % nationally, and 109 % provincially, is expected to stay the samne thîougbout '93. 'l'is year promises tough corn- petition for jobs. While inner resolve, or commitment is the first step, there are many steps logthe patbway to job search success. A timely new publication,,The Job Search Success Kit for the 90'%, teaches the strategic art of getting a job in a competitive makt. The Kit, which took 18 months to research and develop, is designed for laid off workers, people itaing early retirement, students looking for part,-timie, or their first fuliltirne jobs, spouses of transferred emnploy- ees, and aniyonelooking for a new beginning. The Ottawa Board of Ed- ucation's Training and Develop- ment Manager, Maiggie Melanl- son, says The job Search Success Kit for thç 90's is, "an excellent tool for job seekers." She says its a"onefl struc- tured way for studenuts, or peo- ple who have been out of wxork for a while, to jobserl" The Kit reveals bow to man- age change, create mindset, identify transferable skills, and discover potential. Company President, Brande Gentray, says, "the emnplasis is on life skills and transferable skills, because 50 many people who have been laid off will neyer return to their old jobs, due to the cbanging labour market."' A self improvement tool con- taining ten modular parts, The Kit guides the user through functional, emotional and physi- cal exercises proven to increase marketability in the labour mar- ket. Unlikec the 400-page, "What commissioned in the British Arrny. The ceremony, by the way, was performed by Princess Elizabeth, now the Queen. Since he's been collecting ail types of swords, cutlasses and bayonets. The bayonets and daggers are fixed to a wall in the coffee shop. Visitors are intrigued by them. One dagger was designed by commanders named Skyes and Fairbairn. It's made to fit between a command's shoulder blades. Ontario Municipal Board. In addressing council the proponients stated that they had been looking at Bowmanville for the past five years and have undertaken a tborough analyses of the site. It was stated that they have always been good corporate citizens and operate 660 restaurants across Canada. They stated that they were most interested in the location being near churches, sports complex, and future commercial development. "We have always taken an active part in the communities we serve", it was said. t was also stated that they do operate restaurants in similar locations and that they have neyer liad problems 1-800-93-4-AJOB Color is Your Parachute?", whicli few- people bave ever read cover to.cover, The Job Search Success Kitfor the 9O's is, a simple, easy to use format. The easy-to-read 67-pa2e manual and instructional audio tape give practical ideas on bow to identify the best job markets tlirough to, the year 2000, net- work, access "hidden jobs", inventory skills and abilities, write winning resumecs and cov- ering letters, and succeed in the first three minutes of a job inter- view, Tie Kit's step by step pro- cess is reconended by humnan resource professionals at Mon- treal Trust, Air Canada, Dom- inion Textile and Domtar. The, Executive Director of Peterborougb's Kawarthaý Skills Development Conunittee, Roger Hunter, says, "I especially like the methodical proces s used with The Kit, along with specif- ic directions on what to do next." Hunter says, "in times of crisis people need thistypeof systemiatic approach until their ownobjective reasonîng can take control again." The Kit is affurdabiy priced under 90 dollars (taxes, han- dMing, and -delivery bring the total cost to 110 dollars). WVhile it is sold through university, bookstores ini Quebec, the gen- eral public in this province can, order The Job Searcb Success wit1I irafiic. Counc. OToole stated that he was flot convinced that the corner location was the best location and suggested that McDonald's consider a location on the Bowmanvlle Mrena site or near wo thesite on the nortli side of the Highway. He suggested a possible satellite restaurant at the arena complex. He spoke of congested traffie. t was pointed out that the regional and the province would have input as wo entrances into the proposed development. The application was returned back to staff for further study and finally a report back to the general purpose committee. Kit for the 90's by, calling a toll-free number. So, 110W that you've rung in1 the New Year, ring up the The Job Search Line. Just remember, for a job in '93, di ai 1-800-93-4-AJOB. Job seekers may become job creators. The chapter on self- assessment features a section on entrepreneurismi. Much of the information on job hiunting applies equally to sales people and small business owners. People taking early retirement often start second careers by creating their own busiriesses. The 300-thousand memiber Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizen's Organizations is inter- ested in exploring governiment grants to run workshops for seniors across Ontario. These works'hops would be based on The Job Search Success Kit for the 9's, and emnphasize smali-ïl business creaflon and part- timne work. ANNUAL SUBSORIPTIONS $1 7.00 inc. GST 1mail cheque ta Orono Weekly Times, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ont. LOB 1iMO or phone 983-5301

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