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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1993, p. 14

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14- rofo Wekl TI.s, W.nesayFebmuary 17, 199) Deadine fo Svc Directory tSEIR\ IC~E ENTel.9350, The Shop ,APPLE BLOSSOM We onl Jus $pecize" e Make FEvery Ordier Spciar" Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa L and Places In-Between "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Lt ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - H-Fis Sales and Service i-lotpont R CA 98 3-5108 Home Check Lt uslma ke y our home io Wieddirng OayiGCftl Sit1in ReilabieRfrne BONDED Barb Shetier na cox NE WTON VILLE (416) 7862996 PATRICK 1G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Nqewcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Be tty Lyceti 983-50 Wida Middleton l 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Uphostery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy PANCAKE SUPPER will bc held at ORONO UNITED CHURCHI Shrove liùesday February 23rd from 5:30 p.m. PANCAKES * SAUSAGES DESSERT Tickets at the Door. Ail Welcome Price Single $3. - Double $5. FamiIy $8. Everyone Welcome 3,1,17,ae Open House February 2lst, 1993 6th Wedding Anniversary l'or Crissy and Chester Lee at MASONIC HALL 203 Cochrane St., Whitby 1:30 pým. to 5:30 p. Your Presence Only 3,17,ac OPEN HOUSE in honour of Neta Ransberry's 8th Birthday Ail friends and famrily ame welcomei Saturday, February 27th ïp.M. - 5 P.m. Orono Oddifellows Hall Best Wishies Only 17,24ý, ap Orono Hockey Parents MEETING Thursday, February lSth at Neil Allins Home 8 p. m. Ai Parents Are Welcome 17ar Orono Firefighters Association SPRING DANCE Saturday, March 6th Oreno Arena Doors Openi at 8:00 p.m. $35.00/couple Open Bar - Light Lunch Music by "Sparky" Tickets available by calling Mark 983-6310 17,24, ac The children and grandcbildren of Dinh andI Klaas Schoenmatker invite you to an~ OPEN HOUSE to celebrate their parents' and grandparents' 4th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, February 2lth 2 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge orono, Ontari o Best Wshes Only, Please t7a MacGREGOR Auction service Esttes,Cnsnmt, HouseholdS BanlkruptclêS, FarMS Sold at your location Ot a ours Storage & Trucklng cai 'or a Free Confidential conzultation M. MacGiregor 41 6-987-5402 junior West 41 6-983-5556 ALL POOLS' lUGlIT MASQUERADE BALL 1981 Citation X-11, new brakes, new exhaust, engine work done, ail bis, 170,000 kmns. $1.000 or best offer. Phone 983-5498. l7,ap V.C.R. SALE! From $3.50 a week includes 52 free mnoie ren1tais. Showtime T.V.& Stereo, Northumrliand Malil 416-373-0265 or Port Hope 416-885-8652. tfn T.V, SALE! Prom $S3.50 a week. Showt'ime T.V. & Stereo. Port Hopie 41i6-885- 8652 or Northiumiberlanid Mail 416-373-065Utn STEREO PACKAGE SALE! Receivecr, double deck, stand and speakers. ONLY $499. or o ny $5.ý7 5 a week. Showtimie T.V. & Stereo, Northumberland Mail 416- 373ý-0265 or Port Hope 416-885-8652. tfn CAR STEREO SALE! Clarion CD player with 100 ,vatt speakers. ONLY $399 or only $4.50 a xeek. Showtime T.V. & Stereo, Port Hope 416-885-8652 or Northumiberland Mail 416- 373-0265. tUn Thanits to Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Coffey, nurses and staff for their special care, friends, and family for thetr cards and, inquiries, tluring my stay in Bowmanville Hospital. Edgar Meuleman; 17,ap 1 wish to thank the many people who made my retiremient party a very enjoyable event, the Kendal U.C.W. ladies, the many friends for cards and gifts and Eddie and Sheila Carscadden for their very generous gîft. Allan Downes 17,ap ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS $1 7.00 inc. GST Mail cheque to Orono Weekly Times, PO. Box 209, Orono, Ont. LOB 1IVMO or phone 983-5301 RAINEY, Ervan Robert (Formieriy of Orono)- At Strathaven Lifecare Centre on Thursday, Fcbruary Il, 1993 in his 95th year. Ervan beloved husband of the late Winnifred Fuller and Mildred McCreary. Lovitng father of Jean and her husband Glenn Allin, Geraid and his wife Darlene. Lovingly rememberedi by 5 grandchildren and 10 great- grandchildren. Dear brother of Neil Raincy and the late Elsie Hoar and Neya Snodgrass. Friends were able to cali ai the Morris Funerai Chapel. 4 Division St., Bowmanvilie on Sunday. Funeral service complete in our Chapel on Monday atIi p.m. Spring intermenti Orono Cemetery. Donations to Memnoriai Hospital Foundation or the Cancer Society in his memnory would be appreciated. 1 7,ac CROS CAADAMARKETPLACE -11S FAST- IT'S EASY! ONE CAtLL ONE BI'LL DOES IT ALL. NOTICES program nformatnG-inneddfor ntoa dataiban!k. Send dsrpinby Mair.15: Pennly Poe asaeCleeE1020, Box, -10U5, 1London, Ont. N5W SH1. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVIERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS& assitanc prorams(Federal -& Provincial) for your ne1(w Or existin1gbuis. Information: (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERINO ait the .Southwestern School of Au1ctioneering. Next Class: Maýrch) 13 - 19,. Iformaition, contact: Southwesterni Ontario School of Auctioneerinig, R.R. #5, Woostock, Ontarlo, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FOR SALE BREAKTHROUGH FOR JOB SEEKERS. The Job Search SuJccess Kit endorsed by Human Resouirce professionals across Canada. $11000 iiCILuding taxes/shippinig/hýandlinig. Visa)/Mastercard accepted. 1 -800-934-AJOB. VACATION/TRAVEL BUYING, SELLING, OR RENTING a vacation timeshare? Cail the Experts! Resort Condo Mrketing, San Diego, Califor'nia. 1- 800-72-CONDO, 1 -800-722-6636. MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation rentais. Fully furnished condos. Indoor/outdoor pools,, tennis and more! Golf packages available. Spring rates from $327/week. FREE BROCH-URE. 1-800-448-5653. CANAL CRUISES. Five ddys aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR', sc enic.Trertt- Severn Waterway or Rideau Cariai, private staterooms, meals, free brochure. WVrite Captain Marc, Box 6, Orillia, L3V 6H9, (705). 327-5767. CRUISE CANADAS CALM 1RIVERS in exquisite comnfort aboard elegant replica steamnboat. Outstariding sceriery, world- class atrractions. Frmr $839. Free brochure 1 -800-267-7868. BUSINESS OPPORTUJNITIES E7XTR-A INCMEIGowbitomsi yu baisemet or aaeOolesoea o LowinetntMaetgrnee!Fe iniformiation. Early idEclg, . 1 Smithiville, Otro O A.(1)63 4252. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BULILDINGS: Straight-sided aind Utility. MnfctrrHOCK-BOTTO-1M PRICES. 20x3O $21988,00, L25 x36 $3,88800ü, 30 x 40) $4,988 00, 3 x 48 $5,995,00, 44 x 56G640, 8x8 THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU'LL EVER NEIED. FUTURi E STEEL BUILDINýGS is the recognized leader in affordaible, top- quality, Arch Style Steel Bu,11idins. fWhy pay more? Caîl 1 -800-668-8653. ADOPTION YOUNG COUPLE ARE LOOKING to adopt a newborn baby. We can provide a healthy, loving home ina northwjestern Ontario comrbunity. Caîl collect (807) 886-21 07. FINANCE MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Income Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondence. Free brochures. No obligation. U &R Tax Services Ltd. 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6. 1-800-665-5144. PERSONALSý WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? Ash-grove, PO. Box 205, Chase', B.C., VOE 1 MO. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timneshare.? We'll take it! Americas largest resale clearinghouse. Caîl Resort Sales Internationial. 1-800-423-5967 (24 houirs). VIDEOS VIDEOS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND? Try our exclusive 'Search Service. Phono uLS your tifle. If il's available, welil find il. Order today! 1 -800-565-FIND. Videoshoppers World. Vour ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any indlividual province. Space. is Limited, so Caîl This Newspaper Todayl .......... ........... ......... MONUMENit 143 King St E. ý Bowmanville, , ont Phone 623-8150 OUTOFTOWN CALLTOLL-FREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING, PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTMENTS ý AVAILABLE ' SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AýAILABLE ON REQUEST Cali loday for pur free flower vase. After Hours Cali Oshawa 579-1116 NOTE: WE PAYG.S.T.

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