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SeOrono, Nowoastlwcaande60Npwioevtlusage ofahe servicelto ,- ewb ow i m mb r NewwonileO ono/Ne ell elphne the Meftea outnv on Bells rpsdCommun iteria o cudin Ui ew Calln, lN aeasaslebeing 6 erce~nit usaeiof Plan se a Nougtobefore thel Canadianai esu the y M will brea incalue in i el, elecomeruniatinommsso bc caartn ofaben ems (CRthe eateryan cmtrn iti toe ýQ, ~Bells psekndt eonlag U cicue ob icuc i h calling asin tbreeaj acs Bn Cmuity he in Ple e an.ge ares ingh Ontaroth andin aod ut will bc cluded in rae hnc eass Meec orot mu ncone aomsio far eas priing thea CR gt e d oest as(CR aviTC)nr. t eaprl as bs beni rqte bys Brdor and est to Hllsrg e l anald. adCl pbllliLng distance If approrval is givenh thrc xhne Orono innarli o wo ud in ru -1 be iniminaed in rastenia usciber i ae terea oo ioîh o a arioal thermnhy riert charge beingmade forothe in e RT $85 es l0.5 a srvice.le nt o f Apprivl ast ana fuer rese Iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tkebr umbro lf rgt:Jan owa, Rg> vo uvd aie Ee huhelfe Londstne to $13.30 a i S eptbe rn girs bcane Bown~s n Ncol O'onnllAmada dam, Kmbely indatik, castle/newonviîebc en<iia aea is usinesals uscers will oaveî wtonvllle. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ths Wr stepooo rwDnelaJhsoSrh DsrePtrltLs ehry ihntea Reithn ofdditihal $2910 mte l 25ase ril rte the girls. itured are: Baek row Armstrong. Frornt row (Left te Absent ils Holly Gibson. will flot be included in lte new and further te $37.00 in Sep- fô r Plan. Stibscribers~ in the three Bell~ subscribers in the new RevaiM %ntngof operati1Ig by-Iaw frCentres, with their separate Community Calling Plan will Iexchanges do not meet the have similar increases along withi O ronlo Arena complex being considered criteria set out by regulations. a further iucrease béïinlde Following a[ meeting last week The conditions of the existing niembership in the Board wasrested hthCaigPanra in which a ïeviýw was' undertakeni y-law passed in î978, ad sïioe sgpý( o-eicae ot of the operat Lon of th e Oron o forgotten, established The Orono~ from the general public to lbe Arena it now appears titat an Arena Corumunity Centre Board nominated at a public meeting. W s e v le I y r l n existing by-law, flchha ot to manage and control te Tomlinson aise said that il was been adhered te for a good facilifies. It was composed on two suggested that the Board hold 4, I . i~ i number of years, may be revised members frem the Orono four open meietings during the flo-t in future plan and brought inito force. Athletic, two from the year in which one should be an The mo'th-balled 'Wesleyville In December of 19'89 the The meeting was attended by Agricultural S6ciety, two annual open meeting. Hle said be Hydro Generafing Station whjch parti aj.y-ço mplete4 plant was representatives of the Orono members of council aind one to bc,~ felt this gave the public better had some hoes of being re- considered as -a possible Athlefic Association, the Durhami nominated at a public meeting. access t0 bce involved antd would activated with the proposed 25- candidate. ftr either 'a nuclear or Central Agricultural Society, a In speaking with Bill bring better balance to the board. year demand and supply plan has fossil-fuel generting station in local couneillor and mnembers of Tomrlinson, representing the Tomlinson said a draft by-law liad the plug pulled again. the baflooned 25 ýear plan. It had staff of the Community Services Agricultural Society, he §aid the' is being prepared by Town staff With the appointinent of a new been inteiindel that the department of the Town of meeting was productive and that whîch will bc circulated te those Ontario Ijydro chairman the 25 Wesieyville site would operate as Newcastle. The meeting was at some miner changes h'ave been attending and then presented t<> year plan bas l'een desecrated in a an oil-fired station in the the call of the Town of New~- suggested to te existing by-law. councîl for council's consid- cost-cutting surge te reduce beginning. castle. It was pointed out that eratîon. It was also said that if a continuing operating and capital Virtually every major capital new by-law was passed that all costs. works project lins been eliminated complaints that may arise to the Wesleyville was te have been fromn the 25-year plan which operation of the facility would bc one of a number of new hydre includes anything new at dappected ..th.n.i~~Id generating plants in the late Wesleyville. Ha p n n sIn speaking with Joe Caruana, 1960s but was closed before it Evrnetlassmn Un~it Alert ended at Darlington Hydro planit director of Comrnunity Services, was cempleted in the mid 1.970s. hearings wl'ich were started in At 5:0 p.m. Monday a Unit Alert was ended when trhe flow of he said it was a good meeting Sinee that time the buildings and 1991 have also been dropped at a 'heavy water from a fuelling machine relief value into t.he enclosed with everyone on the saine wave- site bas been used as a service cost of $57 million to thte systein. rflactor vault in Unit 2 at the Darlingten Nuclear Station was lengthi. He said there would be centre. stopped. About 5000 to 10000 litres are estimated to have leaked amendments to the by-law and mntorecov~ery tans in the ecosi vault. that they would be considered by The reactor ils expected te be back in service Wednesday or council. i e a s v w ed ato 'Ibursday at full power. There was ne threat te workers or te the Both Caruana and Toinlinson Li e a s v w ed c to public. said there was no doubt the facility was owned by the Town e Report ouncillor's rernnerations and expenses as long as the lease of the land in a report te counicil the gross pay fer the position of Mayor is was in effect. ý, Iisted at $36,070.92 and for councillors $16,3 17.84 for the year Ini speaking with Gord Lowery 1992. With inileage and conference expenses Mayor Harare of the Athletic he said he had ne oeceived $39,594.49, Cotnc. Dreslinski $18,596.74, Counic. Hannah objection te the proposaI but $17,0.16.35, Counc. Novak $17,923.62 and for Cepuncs. Heoper, would like te know the probleins Scott and O'Toole $16,3I7.84. as they are ail local people SmalI Miradesý Nurser Çchaül involved. He did say that