Love Fern, Mark, Janet ami Ste yen Happy 3Oth Steve LMom, Lynn, Regan__ Book Review front Crystal Pages Do-lt-Yourself Recycled Material YOU CAN DO IT Deco Plans Ine. - Covers such essentials as 'a basic tool kit' for apartment dwellers; basic workbcnch; how to get the tools you necd; money- saving ways to economize on materials. BUILDING THE CORDWOOD HOUSE by Jack -Hcnstridge - An ancient wall- building technique, also called stackwood wall, piled wood wall etc., which purports te use the trees as they grow, minus the large expenditure of energy usually required te produce straight and smooth lumber. LOG CABIN CONSTRUCTION by John D. Dunfield - Includes step-by-step instructions for the future cabin owner. Q0ueen's Park Report froni Gordi Mils, MPP Durham East Those days are long gone.. Happy SOth Wayne What next Sometinies one wonders just how certain things bappen. This certainly was the case last Wednesday We werc just ready te leave for lunch and about te go the door whcn it crossed our mind that there was a telephone caîl te Toronto te bc made and perhaps now was the time rather than forgetting about in thc afternoon. We have becorne accustomed te make eutgoing calîs on the telephone/fax machine usîng thc easy-to-handle teuchtene. Up went the recciver te our ,car and the 800 number was punched eut. No diai tone, a total complete silence, even though the digital numbers were printed eut. 0f course it deesn't work when the numbers are punched out on Lic calculater which at thc Orono Times always sits beside thc telephone. If nothing cisc it brought a great round ef laughter for staff and even myseif. To be young for Valentine's Day -Sun-day after.noon it was off te Picton for Donna, and i te visit wvith the Wrights and of course take in another hockey garne and spend time ever a chinese dinner. Weil grandson Jamie provided us with another goal and a well,1 executed near geai. But after ail it was Valenie's Day and subject did corne up with. the youngest grandsen, Billy, having a sweetheart of a probiemn. Aceording te Nancy, Billy, grade 2, came berne frorn scbool with a hand-crafted valentine, signed, Love Martba. "Mom dees Martha love me?" "She mnust like yeu Billy?" came thc reply. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, I've got a problern". "Mern she just stares at me al day" Well some day Billy just might think that is a sweet preblem. Robins wintering in Orono It may bc bard te believe but it sure appeared that there has been a srnall flock of Robins spcnding Uic winter in Orone and the count can go upwards of twelve. Bill Bunting and 1 were on our way for a walk in the Tree Nursery Sunday rnorning and while travelling aleng Station Street just west of the turnoff te the Senier's complex a glirnpsc was caught of what appeared te be a couple of robins. On backing up the car we found the robins drinking at a small pool ef open watcr on the north side et thc road which was protected by cedars and was recciving the full rays of the mnorning sun. But it just wasn't a couple of robins, for Uic cedars seemed te be alive witb robins and te the best of our ability we counted at least twelve as they flew in, eut and through the cedars and drepping down te Uic water for a drink. 1 I was a good 15 minutes that we spent at the location during which time the pool was flot only visited by robins but also by thrce or four femnale Purpie Finches and one Dewney Woodpecker. We are not sure but one would expect that the robins have been wintering over in the area and along witb other birds make this particular area the watering hole for the morning. At the urne of the sighting the snow had been tramped down by the birds s0 there had to be considerable bird traffic at the sight. We came te the conclusion they had to be ail maie robins and certainly they were in fine plumage and looked te be in good health. It is flot uniusual that such a find may be found and we have often heard birders in Peter- borough speak about robins spending the, winter along a particular area of the Trent River. On our returfi after the twe hour walk the pool had been vacated and there was ne activity of any kind. 11t may well be thant thîs event coula be sighted any inerning trom the, hour of 8:30 to 9:30, as bir-ds do have siee fermn of travel that is consistent day after day. Chris alse tells nme that we did receive a phone cali of a sighting of a Blue Heron in the area. This is the first for this year but a number of sightings of the bird were seen last year along the Orono Creek. Going back to the Robins it is a sure thing that you neyer make such finds unless you get up eut of bed and get going. Kendal Hall News The Ladies Lodge met at the bail on Thursday, February lith. On Friday, February l2th the regular card party was held, with 6 tables in play. High score went to Diane Lowery wîth 80, second high a tie with June Wilson and Bemice Stark each with a score of 74, next high Reg Elliott with 7 1. The draw was won by Theresa Langstaff and the draw for free admission to the next card party was won by Norma Moffat. Next card party Friday, February 26th. The Junior Lodge met on Thursday, February 4th whcn a new member joined. On Sunday, February l4th the Junior Lodge held their annual skating party at the Orono arena, returning to the hall for hotdogs and dessert. On Sunday, February 28th the annual Bowling tournament betwccen the Ladies and the Men's Lodgcs will be beîd at the Bowling Alley in Bowmanville. Registration at 3 p.m., bowling to start at 3:30 p.m. Supper te, follow at the hall. Come on eut for an afternoon of fun and food and good fellowship. The Ladies lodge will be holding a Bake Sale and Penny Sale on Saturday, March 27th. Bake Sale in t.he aftcrnoen and Penny Sale in the evening. More details later. by Phyllis Lowery Last week, I was down at Quecn's Park for two days, and the rest of the week 1 spent in the riding, doing a number of interesting things. Contrary te newspaper reports, our Monday evcning meeting was net centred on any censure measure surrounding the actions of either Peter Kortuos or Dennis Drainville. However, pcrhaps the time has arrivcd te institute some miles te prevent dissident members from "going te fa" and by that 1 mean throwing insuits at the Premier and fellow MIPP's. Having an "opinion" contrary te government policy may be alright, but persenal attacks launched against colleagues is another thing. Last week, I aise took advantage of my light legislative committee agenda by visiing several farms in the niding. These visits came out of invitations extended te, me as a result of my letter te ail riding farmers. During these caîls, goed discussion was bad on many tepics, and net ail of them related te farming. The tougbest part of the visits was saying ne te varieus opportunities te share. creamy cakes. 1 was helped in this by having rny Executive Assistant, -Da n Danielsen, along witnm, who has strong willpewer. Beth ef us could survive without food, for at least a couple of days. During the week, a number of jobsOntarioCapital area prejects were announced. 1 was pleased te announce on Thursday, that grants worth $6.7 million will be used te build a sewage system in Breoklin te replace failing septie tanks and te transmit sewage collected te a treatment facility in the same area. This project had been promised by DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMILY (General Dentistry includng Orthodonticas andu Implants) DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.Sc., D.D.S, DENTAL OFFICE ONE DENTAL OFFICE TWO 30 Cobbledick Street 5 King Street E. Orono, Ontario Newcastle, Ontarlo cail 983-5825 cail 987-5256 New Patients Welcomne * Saturday Appointbnent Available Pm WEIGHT .=») RESTRICTIO'N DURHAM R E GU L ATFION S wiII be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 1 to approximately April 30, 1993 Vehicle Ioads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axie in accordance with Durham Region By-Iaw Number 251-89. Signs wiII be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these Weight restrictions apply. V.A& Silgailis, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Regionai Municipality of Durham previous governmcnts, dating back to 1972. Who was it that said the NDP couldn't mun a pea-nut stand? In 1992, Her Majesty Queca Elizabeth 11, authorized a medal te be struck to commemnorate. Canada's 125th Birthday. The me"a was subscqucntly assigned to Senator's, MP's and MPP's, for presentation te citizens who have made significant contributions in their communities, for both the good of the people and'thc cemmunity. As the MPP for Durham Fast, 1 was tasked te select 24 people in the riding, to receive the Canada 125th Medal idcntified as The Confederation Medai. This task was really tough, because s0 many people are worthy of selection. 1 solicitcd nominees from organîzations, service clubs, hospitals, to make the job a little casier. With the help of many, the final selection bas been made. 1 arn pleased to announce, that the presentations will be made on March lst, at 7:00 in Newcastle Council Chambers. The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourabie Henry N.R. Jackman bas accepted my invitation te present the 125th Medals te our worthy citizens. If your interests are in the legislation that will allow apartments in houses, and in the, proposed "Garden Suites" comamonly caleod "Granny Flats," 1 wili be, at Oshawa City Hall this Thursday evening at 7:00 p.rn., te talk about the proposai on behaîf of the Minister of Housing.1 Until next week - tiy to wear a smnile every day, and don't believe pos ted speeds are for survival school drivers only.