Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 17, 1 993 --5 Major Plumbing exhibits well In Atom play Oronc Dufferin Aggregates 13-14, 1993. Pictured tea were the Consolation winner of members: Back row - Denr the BRHL Tyke hockey Caruana, coaches Bill Bickella tournament "A" Cbampionsbip, Tom Martin. Mididle row - An hcld in Bowmanvile on February Bangay, Ian Crasbley, Ev, Busy weekend for Orono uffierin Aggregates Tykes On Friday, February 12th, thc Dufferin Aggregates played a league gamne against Tim's Renta, and goalie Ian Crashley collecieti another big win on a great defensive game. Orono's Matt Caruana baving an ouistanding gamne started the game off with a goal in Uic first two minutes, ibis one being unassisted. Minutes later Jeff Mercier atdced to bis collection of goals, witb Andy Bangay and Kevin Martin assisting. Well Orono's Matt Caruana let loose and scoreti another eigbt goals te give Orono a 10-2 win over the Bowmanville teamn. Those goals of Matt's were a well tieserveti tecam effort as Bryan Rickell assisteti on two of tbemn, Evan Moore receiveti two assisis, Andy Bangay another te give imself two assisis for thc gamie, Doug Garlick belpeti eut on one, Matit Mitchell with bis great defensive playing was there with bclp, and Dustin Weagant finisbed them off. Kevmn Martin playing another great skating gaine got bimnself a twe minute hooking penalty. Colin Maitlanti coming back frmm bolidays showed bis truc eagcrness te be back eut on Uic ice again. And tiefenceman Brian Pisani playeti bis usual key position as tUic goalicjiroetir '"rat garne boys anti kecp up Uic Lecam effort. On Saturday, February l3th, Uie Dufferin Aggregates, aitendeti Uic BRHL teurnament and with a 9:00 a.m. start at Darlington arena were off to a successful day. Brian Pisani being absent from Uic tearn for Uic toumnament was a big loss but ail tbe other boys worked bard te take up bis slack. Dufferin tiefeateti A&R Flooring in a 6-4 win. Dustin Wcagant started the scoring off for Oreno early in Uie firsi period witb Deug Garlick getting the assisi. Jeff Mercier playing another eutstantiing and tiig in Uic corners gaine then scorcd bis first of thite goals witb Mati Caruana assisting on the first. Jeff s firsi arn nis and ýndy ,an hiaî-trick of bis career with the second goal was assisted by Kevin Martin and Evan Moore. Bryan Bickell, assisteti by Colin Maitland gave Orono a 4-1 lcad in the mititle of the second perioti. Colin Maiîland getting right back into Uings receiveti a Iwo minute penalty for tripping la the second. A&R Flooring wveren't giving up in Uic Uird and starbeti W give Orono's goalie Ian Crasbley sone more work, wbicb some of these sort of squeaked by but Ian diti a great job. Mati Caruana scoredteiilcadin.g goal for Orono unassisted and Jeff Mercier ended Uic gaine with bis bat-trick goal, with Deug Garlick anti Andy Rangay assisting. The boys then wenî on te play in Uic "A Division" of Uic tournament. Next game was 2:00 p.m. ai Darlington againsi Rowmanvile's Rotary Club. Wbat a gamne! Hockey ai Tyke age is suppose Io be fun, anti wben Uis game was over our coaches were proud of our boys for net retaliating back. Our boys started Uic scoring with Mati Caruana scoring the first îwe goals of the gaine, one unassisteti and Uic other assisted by Colin Matianti. Mati recciveti a 2 minute penalty for interference afier bc had been aitacked by body contact. The second perioti broke loose wiîb Rotary getîing ibrec more penalties ail being creaitid because our Mait Caruana was on the ice. Rut our boys weni on te score two more goals wbich was donc by Rryan ickell boUi being unassisiti.- Orono then hati a 4-2 lcad, but Rotary stili net giving up or geuting any frientilier came back te score îwe quick goals on Dan Crasbley. Bryan Rickell then carne rigbt back te get bis bat- trick of Uic game te give Orono the lead. Rryan's goal was assisteti by Dustin Weagant. Jeff Mercier scored Uic final goal te give Dufferin a 'uitile more assurance toend thei gaine in a 6- 4 wi. Well, tbe nexi gamne siarted Moore, Matt Mitchell and Dustin Weagant. Front row - Jeff Mercier, Matt Caruana, Kevin, Martin, Bryan Bickell, Doug Garlick and Colini Maitianti. sbertly after in Bowmanvillc arena at 4:00 p.m. The Dufferin Aggregates then came up against Wbitby's Home & Rural team.. TMis game being a itile tense at first as Uic first period endeti up in a 3-3 tic. Mati Caruana scored ail thrce goals wiUi Bryan Rickeil collecing one assisi. T.Me second period Orono took a litile more control witb Matt Caruana scoring iwo more goals, again with Rryan Rickell assisting on one. For real excitement and laughter from thc crowd ibis was whcn Bryan Bickell got a penalty shot called against him. Bryan was upsrt but goalie Ian Crashley was nervous, along with dad AI, but Uic laughier and excitement came when thii long. shot came from center ice and went üng off the goai post. Wcll Matt Caruana cnded another greai game when be scored Iwo more goals, Kevin Martin getting twe assists and Andy Bangay getting one. Bryan Bickell oeceiving another penalty ibis period, two minutes for tripping. Well this was a great gaine Uiat endeti in a 7-4 win and sent Uiem to Darlington for the "A Finalist" on Sunday momning at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning came andi went, our boys playeti good and Ian Crashley matie some fantastic saves but tbey came out on thc bottom. Bowmanville's Sbopper's Drug Mart were our competition, and they took full conirol in thc first period. Matt Caruana hati many shots on goal but only dbree got in the net. Bryan Bickcll, Colin Maîtland, anti Dustin Weagant collectcd assists. Bryan Bickell playing anether great offensive game received anoUier two minute penalty for tripping. Well boys you hati a busy and exciting wcekend and better luck ncxt time when you come up against Sbopper's. Congratulations to al Uic boys for being in tbe "A Finalisi" in thc BRHL tournamnent. ln BRHL Atom action this past week, Major Plumbing split a 2 game exhibition series. On Thursday, February il th Major hosted Team Newcastle of the UTCHL (United Counties Hlouse League) at Orono arena and skated away to a 4-2 win. Passing was the key to snccess as no lcss than 8 players figured in on the scoring! Major's first goal was a fine set up for Matt McGlynn from mark Fletcher and Paul Landers at 6:19 of the fîrst. Brandon Caruana scored ai 12:47 of the second on some fine passing from Jonas Bonnetta and Clint Hawkshaw. Centre Greg Shctler tallied Major's third marker just under 4 minutes later with assists to Mark Fletcher and Matt McGlynn. Rounding out the scoring for Major was defenceman Paul Landers witb a 'scrcamer' from the blueline at 7:35 of the third framne assisted by Kevin Francis and Greg Rester. Sunday, February l4th Major travelled to Children's Arena in Oshawa and squared off with the Bruins of thc OMHfA Little NHL. This was a lively encounter with the other team scoring the eventual winner late in the first period. Roth teains battled it out for the remainder of the game providing thc fans with exciting. action. Major's goaltender Dusty Stapleton looked sharp between thc pipes as-he was cafled upon to make several big league saves! Pressing laie in the game to get the equalizer, Major pulled their goalie for the extra aîtacker, but with just 2 seconds left the Bruins found the empty net for a 2-0 victory. Both gamnes had been well played by Our boys and the coaching staff is quite pleased with their efforts. Goaltender Dusty Stapleton is ibis week's feaîured player. Dusty's birthday is May 23, 1981 and be wears #35 on bis jersey. This is Dusty's first season between Uic pipes and aiready he looks like a seasoned veteran! Dusty's having a greai year in net and presently he has a goals- againsi-average that rivais Patrick Roy of thc Montreal Canadiens! Dusty's goaltending skills are Uic resuli of bis bard working practice efforts. Dusîy's a firrn believer in the olti cliche 'practice makes perfect' and bis werk eihics are definitely paying off! Dusty's favourite hockey star surprisingly is forward Kirk, MacLean and bis favourite teamn is the Tampa Bay Ligbtning -- now there's a club that could use an up and coming goaltender! Vancouver Canucks are going to win the 1993 Stanley Cup, however, according te young Mr. Stapleton! Next gamne for Major Plumbing is a league outing Thursday, February l8th at 7:30 p.m. in Orono arena. Sec you there! K1%insmen Minor Bantam Toros playoff resuits After a defeat in thc firsi gaine of Uic playoffs against Ajax, The Kinsmen Miner Bantam Toros came back te take a 2-1 leati in Uic besi-of-five series. Game 2 was playeti in Ajax with Uic Toros stariing Uic game wbcre ihey lefi off in game 1. They were very hesitant and flot playing their normal game. This was reflecîed ai the end of thc frsi perioti with Ajax leading 2-0. The Tomos finally get their act together ai Uic beginning of Uic second and scorcd îwice in tbe epening minute te draw level. Both îeams then scoredti îrce more times te end Uic period ticti ai 5-5, The thirdi period was a tiefensive batile with Jeff Parry i goal for Uic Tomos having te pull off somne acrobatic saves in the final couple of minutes te stop Ajax fromn scoring the winning goal. There was ne moeresorn (Con tinueti page 6)