Kinsmen Minor Bantams (Continued from page 5) and the gaine went into a 10 minute overtimo period. Paul Lavalee scored after just 58 seconds and Ajax were nover able ta get back into the gaine and the Kinsmen teain scared 4 more turnes to win 10-5. Scorers: Paul Lavalco 2; Derok Arnold 2; Matt Staley 2; Darryl Cook; Tony Butzer; Ryan Jobb; Greg McMurter. Assists: Nick Hand 2; Eric Zuvic 2; Miko Ferguson; Ryan Dunmigan; Adam Millar;, Paul Lavalco; Darryl Cook; Derek Arnold; Grog McMurter Matt Staley. Gaine 3, playod in Darlington, was a btter gaine for the Taras, despito a lapse Midway through the gaine, when Ajax fought back ta within ane, the resuit was neyer in daubt with tho final score 5-2 in favour of the Taras. Camoron Millar in net for the Taras was the hera of the defence, stifling the Ajax comeback with some terrifie saves. Grog McMurter led the offonco with a hat-trick. Scorers: Grog McMurter 3; Tony Butzer; Chuck Mahor. Assists: Matt Brake; Paul Lavalo; Eric Zuvic; Adamn Milar. The Bowmanville Minor Bantam Toros, sponsared by the Kinsmoin Club, advanced ta the second round of the playoffs by defeating Ajax 3-2 in Ajax, to take the series 3gamnes to 1 . 'Me first period saw the Taras take the gamne ta Ajax and were unlucky not ta bo up by at least three gaals at the end of the poriod. Al tbree forward linos of the Taras had chances ta score but somo good goaltending by the Ajax keeper kopt thein at bay. At the ather end of the rink, Joff Parry, in goal, did not have too much ta do but was caled upon ta make a good save near the end of the period ta keep thc score 0- 0. 'The second period started the same way, with the Taras pressing, and finally their bard work was rewarded when Ryan Dunnigan taok a pass frain Scott McDonald and firod a shot that the Ajax keeper could nat hold and Grog McMurter put in the rebound. Twenty seconds later a shot by Eric Zuvic found its way ta the net and Dunnigan was thore ta mnake it 2-O. Ajax got a goal bock with 1:47 left on the dlock and thon with the Taras a man short, got the equalizer with 24 seconds loft ta tic thc gaine at 2-2. The winning goal was scored midway through thc final period when Nick Hand passcd the puck out from behind thc net, right on to thc stick of Darryl Cook who made no mistake by one-timing it ino tUi back of thc net. The Taras defence of Craig Schumacker, Eric Zuvic, Matt Brake and Adamn Millar played a strong game ta preserve thc win when Ajax pulled their goalie ini favor of the extra man, with 2 minutes left ini thc game. NOTICE 0F ROAD DEDICATIONSI TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at the meeting ta be held in the Council Chambers, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, Mardi 8, 1993, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., proposes ta pass a by-Iaw ta dedicate certain lands as public highways and ta assume these lands as public h'ighways for public use, in the Town cf Newcastle. The lands are more particularly described as follows:I FIRSTLY: SECONDLY: THIRDLY: FOURTHLY: FIFTHLY: SIXTHLY: SEVENTHLV: EIGHTHLY: NINTHLV: TENTHLY: ELEVENTHLY: TWELFTHLY: THIRTEENTHLY: FOIJRTEENTHLY: FIFTEENTHLY: SIXTEENTHLY: SEVENTEENTHLY: EIGHTEENTHLY: NINETEENTHLY: TWENTIETHLY: TWENTY-FIRSTLY: Part of Lot 29, Concession 3, Ge.graphic Township ai Darington, now designated as Part 4 on Reference Plan 1 OR-3467, forming part of the street known as Nash Road; Top part af Lot 8, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, dosignated as Part 1 on Plan 1OR-3350, being a ono-foot reserve forming part ai the road allowance between Ctncessians 3 and 4; Part of Lots 32 and 33, Concesslrjn 2 and Part of Road Allowance betweon Lots 32 and 33, designated as Part 5 on Rofrenoe Plan IOR-3563, former Township af Darlington, arid forming part of the street known as Prestonvate Road; Part ai Lot 8, Broken Front Conoêssion, former Town of Bowmanvillo, designated as Part 3 on Plan 1lOR-3598 and forming part of the Street known as Baselino Road; Part of Lot 20, Concession 2, forflOr Township of Darington, dosignated as Part 6 on Plan 1lOR-3579 and iorming part of the Road allowance lying between Concessions 1 and 2; Part Lot G, Burketon Plan, now plan H-50068, former Township of Darington, designated as Part 2 on Plan 1OR-2635 and forming part of Darington Street; Part ai Lot 34, Concession 6, forrfler Township of Clarke, designatod as Part 1 on Plan 1 OR-77 and farming part ai the Road Allowance betwoen Concessions 6 and 7; Part Lot 35, Concession 3, formnef Township ai Clarke, designatod as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on R.D. Plan 70 and forming part aifthe Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3; Those portions ai Lot 25, Broken front Concession,' former Village ai Newcastle, Goographic Township of Clarke, designated as Part 3 on Plan 1OR-1 819 and farmmng part of thée street known as Lakeshore Road; Part ai Lot 35, Concession 4, of thje Geographic Township of Darington, designated as Part 6 on Plan 1 OR-2294 and iorming pariaif the street known as Pobblestone Road; Part Lot 32, Concession 2, formel; Geagraphic Township ai Datington, designod as Part 1 on Plan 1 OR-3436 and iorming part ai the streot known as Prestonvale Road; Part of Lot 15, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darington, designated as Part 1 on Referenco Plan IOR-2883 and forming part ai the street known as South ServidiD Road; Pariaif Park Lots 19, 20 and 21, js shown an a Plan ai the Village of Hampton made by L.H. Shortt, P.LS., for Lockhart Ormiston dated the 31 st day ai January, 1857 more parficula1y described as folows: PREMISING that the bearing ai 1110 South -Easterly limit of Ormiston Street, being the Narth-Westerly limit ai the said Park Lots niumbaed 19, 20 and 21 as shown on said Plan is North 38 degroos, 17 minutes 30 seconds East and relating ail bearings heremn theroto, then; COMMENCING at a point in saidNrortl-Westerly limit of Park Lot 21 distant North 38 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East, 25 feet 3 inches iromn the most Wosterly angle ai t16 said Park Lot 21; THENCE North 38 degroos 17 miputes 30 seconds East in and along the Northem lmits of said Park Lots 19, 20 and 21 a distance ai 1,315 foot 10 1/2 inches more or less ta the !larth-East angle ai said Park Lot 19; THENCE South -Easterly in and a!IQng the Eastern limit ai said Park Lot 19 and the West limit ai Road Allawance betwoen Township Lots 16 and 17, Concession 5, Township ai D,ýldingtOn, a distance ai 16 feet 2 1/2 inctios; THENCE South 38 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 1306 feet 6 1/2 inches mare or less ta, a paint in suid Park Lot 21, distance South 51 degrees 38 miriutes 30 seconds East 13 foot 2 1/2 inches irom the Pointaif Commencement; THENCE North 51 degrees 38 mliutes 30 seconds West a distance ai 13 foot 2 1/2 inches ta the Northem limit ai suid Park Lat 21 and the Paint of Commencement, formning pant pi the Street known as Ormiston Raad; Pant ai Lots 33 and 34, Cancessidni 2 ai the Geographic Township ai Darfington designated as Parts 4, 5 and 6 on Plan IOR-3555 and iarming part of the street known as Robe& Adams Drive; Pant ai Lot 22, Concession 3, forrfflr Township ai Darlington, designated as Part 4 on Plan 1OR-2137 and forming part ai the raad allowance between Concessions 2 and 3; Pant Lot 30, Concession 9, former Geographic Township ai Darington, designated as Pan 6 on Plan 1OR-3200 and iorming pant ai the street known as Enfiild Drive; Pariai Lot 16, Concession 2, forme~r Township of Darington, designated as Paris 2, 3 and 4 on Reference Plan IOR-1 750 and iarming part ai tie road allowance between Lots 16 and 17, Concession 2; Pant ai Lot 31, Concession 2, forffier Township ai Darhington, designated as Pant 2 an Plan, 1OR-1830 and iorming part of the street known as Sandringham Drive; Part of Lot 3 1, Concession 3, fornier Township ai Darington, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the, F-asterly imnit of said Lot 31 in lin. with a fonce running Westerly, said point being distant Narthefly in said limit 395 foot 6 inches from the Southý5asterIy angle af the sait! Lot; THENCE Sautherly in suid limit e@ fot ta an iran bar planted; THENCE South 72 degrees 28 minutes West a distance ai 10 foot ta a point; THENCE Nartherly parallel with the ssud Easterly limit ai the Lat 89 foot ta a point in lUne with a fonce running Eastoriy; THENCE North 72 dogmees 28 mi1uts East in and along said fonce 10 foot more or less ta tIi.p lace ai beginning and iorming part of the street kncwn as Truils Road, as previoosiy described in Instrument Na. 11974. Panaio Lot 15, Concession 3, fanefir Township ai Darington, ciosignated as Parts 2 and 4 on Plan 10R-2386 and forming part ai the steet known as Old Scugag Rond; Pant Lotil,1 Concession 1, being Pant Loti,. Block 8, Grant's Plan, former Town ai Bowmanville, designated as Pant 3 an Plan 1OR-2675 and, iorming part of the stroots knawn ýs Brown Street and Queen Street-, and TWENTY-SECON DL: Pai of Lot 21, Concession 2, former fownshp of Darlingtan, designated as Part 5 on Plan IOR-2574 and forming part of the street known as Nash Road. ail being in the Town af Newcastle, Regrional MunicipaIty 01 OWtIam, Registry Division cf Durham (No. 40). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT before passing Îhe said by-Iaw, Cauncil or a Committee of Council shall hear in persan, or b his Caunsel,,Solicitor or Agent, any persan who dlaims that his land wilI b. prejudicially affected by this by-Iaw, and who applies ta be heard. ____________Pati L Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario wl A Dates f Pubication: Wednesday, February 3,10, 17, 24,1993 P.O 3956