2~ Orono W..tdy TImes1 Wednesclay, February 24, 1993 KendJal News Making his mark Maurice Strong, as chairman of Ontauio Hydro, is certainly making bis mak since taking over the chairmanship i late 1992. It didn't take long for the new cbairman to set aside the 25 year dreamn-plan that hydro had been contemplating with more power stations which also including the doubling of the size of the Darlington plant. Future purchase of hydro electric power from the Manitoba utility was also scrapped along with other cuts. But apparently Strong is flot done yet as the utility faces a $34 billion debt that lias been accumulated over recent years. At a recent press conference lie ventures to reduce the operating cost of the utility from some $7.4 billion annually by making cuts of one billion dollars. He has offered a discussion paper brought forth for debate that presents consideration of selling off ail or portions of the utility or breaking the utility into parts to have greater control. The debate also suggests that the uti;lity remain to hold ownersbip of the generating plants but seil off transmission limes to private enterprise. H1e has also suggested the reduction in the number of local utilities and a reduction in rates for industrial users of electricity It is a far cry from the past when there was no limit ta spending on the part of hydro, ail in the interest, it was stated, for the consumer. That interest lias increased rates by 30 percent sice 1990 and causing great problem in industry endeavouring to be competitive. Maurice Strong is certainly making bis mark and setting Ontario Hydro on a new course wffich lias been long over-due. Boys - Tougli times ahead It is flot that the younger maie set up to the mid 2Mt are not having enougli problema in fmnding a niche in the wor& place but it could bce getting a lot harder as further competition comes from the opposite sex. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education bas hired assistance ta direct female students ta what bas been non-traditional jobs for that particular sex over the decades of time. The maies are going to have to keep a view open over their shoulders just to keep track of where ail the competition for- those sbrinking jobs that are out there at the present time. It is flot that we are opposed ta womnen taking over jobs that have been those held by men ini the past but the effort seems ta be somewhat lop-sided. Maybe we should have another assistant that could point out the dangers ahead for maies and the openings that should exist ini the femnale world. Let's face it things are getting tougli out there and one must bc sure they don't lose their edge. Happenig.. The Newcastle and Dsitrict Historical Society 'Me Society will be holding their general meeting on Mrach lst ini the Lion's Room, Newcastle Cornrunity Hall. Bob Scafer, Tyrone Mil, wili be the guest speaker. Subject is Historic MEils in the area. The meeting gets undrway at seven. There will be a collection and refreshements wilI bc served. \Everyone welcomed. by Phyllis Lowery Anotber %ek of snow storms with one or two flot bad days thrown in as à teaser. Oh well as I sit and write illis tbe calendar tels me that, ance!nonth frorn today is the first day ?f Spring. Hapefuliy the weather Wili go by the date on the calendar, if we are lucky. 1 am, not a wintef person but this certainly bas been a good winter for the devotécs Of skimng and for those wbo bave worked bard and made rinks ijý their yards for the kids. For allthse who attended the Pancake Breakfast at Kendal United Chufcb, hope you got enougb ta eýt, and tbanks for supporting thz, Sunday Scbool. It certainly wai a day where you could get yailr fi of pancakes, sausages and syrup. ]Breakfast at Kendal and dlpn you could 9gOout ta Newtonvill1ý for a second feed at lunch time. The servict, was weil attended, and opened with Helen at the old organ. Musci for the service was provided by Fern Foster at the electric orgal! wbich is back in service and Itelen Woods at the piano. We arfl very fortunate to, have these tW@ ladies ta play for us, the music à~ alwaYs lavelY. The first hyrnn wà§, "Amazing Grace" followed by the Invitation ta Worsbip, afid tbe Prayer of Approach. Thé,byrnn, "This Is My Father's WorkV' was sung and the Prayer of Self-Eyamination and the Words of &ssurance were said. Everyone joupied in singing the four hyrnus, "When the Saints Go Marching In; I-I's Got the Whole World In H-i-ý Hands;" Jacob's Ladder and tue children's hymn "Jesus Love MP'." The childrer! over five years old age were invîted ta stay in the sanctuary for the rernainder of the se rvice, the ethers went out ta Sunday Schoal. The Scripture reading was frem Luke 2: 41-5 1. The sermoil was titled, "Even Wben I Arn Bail". Do you eeer have trouble thînking of Jzsus getting into trouble with hi5 parents? He did. Sometirnes whefl he gat excited about things, he forgot te teli bhis parents where ueç was going. This caused them weiTY. The festival Of the Passover was a vexy important trne for ail, whole familie., and even whole villages gatbered together and travelled ta a c(,ti town for this event. Jesus alïd his mother and father went to Jcrusalern, this year was special far Jesus, he was twelve and was now considered a man. He could take part in the Worship Serviî.es with the men, not have ta sut With the wornen and cbildren. This Was a big. deal for him, sometbing like aur teenagers when they get tbeir Own key ta the family car, aithPugh they have ta be sixteen for 1hs But Ita Jaseph and Mary be Wgs still their littie boy. Wben t was limne for ail ta go home, everyone gathered tagether and ieft jeru§aleml, it wasn't noticed that Jests was not with themn until the eYening, he was not with the other ciiidren, hew as flot helping another farniiy, he was nowhere ta be seen. Mary and Joseph were very worried and probably angry as weil. Jerusalemn like aur cities was flot a safe place for a twelve year aid ail by himself. They left the caravan and went back ta the city, they checked al bis favourite places, people he knew, no anc had seen him. Flnaiiy they went ta the Temple, there rat Jesus talling and listening ta the wisemen and teachers. Mary rushed up ta bim and asked why be bad done dhis, no doubt like most teenagers he was embarrassed by bis parents words. But Jesus was not upset by wbat he had done, he was flot doing anything wrong. The Bible tells us that Jesus went home with bis parents and continued Ia grow in wisdomn, in the care and love of Joseph and Mary. Jesus was like ail other teens, he piayed jokes, be didn't always behave, but that is okay. In later years be spoke of Joseph bis earthly father and said we could cali God, father, because God cares for us and thats the kind of father Joseph was. No flot al faiies are fortunate ta bave fathers like Joseph, sorne don't have fathers present, but that shouldnot'dernean ail fathers. 1A gaod father is like a gaod sbepherd who searcbes for the lost sbeep and protects themn. God always laves you, He seeks you out and ministers ta you. Fathers are like this, children are like Jesus was a youth. They don't always agrees with their Parents or do as their parents wish even when the parent, tels thern it is for their own good. Somnetimes tbey get in trouble, and parents will ask thern why tbey didn't corne ta tb-em before tbey did a certain thing, that tbey could bave beiped tbemn. The teen wil just shrug and say I don't know why. Many adults wiil act the same way when asked by their doctor or tawyer when they have let things go to far. God is always there when we need help and will love us even when we are bad. The hymn, "i Arn So Giad" was sung, the Prayer of Concemi and Comrnitrnent was said. The closing hymn was "Recause He Lives". World Day Of Prayer, Annual War5:hip Service will be held Friday, March 5th at Newtonville 'U.C. at 1:.30 p.m., sponsored by Newtonvile UCW units and the Newtonville Ladies FEllowship group. Preacher wvill bc Audrey Gauthier, naw owner of the aid Crooked Creek scboolhouse. Audrey along with her busband worked in many developing counties. Sonry to hear thatKen Saper, aý' resident of Strathaven, is at present a patient in Bowmanville Hospital, we wisbhlm a speedy recovesy. Belated Happy' Birthday gree tings to Pearl Clark'Wbo recently celebrated lier, birthday, may she see many more. Philosofacts ... Why is ki that there are so many last minute detais and so few last minutes? St. Saviour 's Anglican Church' MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARJo Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30,a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Dr. Ken 983-5702 Churth Offce 983-5502 SUNDAY Regular Services Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 &mn. EXPLORERS Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Kirby Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 AM