Ow.~no Wnkiy TJm.~ Wdn~4ay~ Mst~~i ~ - The Newtonville Guides and Brownies held their annual Thinking Day Ceremony last Wednesday, February 24 at Newtonviile Public School. Thinking Day started with a prayer. Throughout the day the guides and brownies participated in games, crafts, and stories and sIts. The skits were about the way that Brownies and Guides first started. The craft and games centered around TIhindng Day as well., The closing was a candle ceremony, with different colour candles to'represent the différent naionalities. In an effort to raîse the profile of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority the Authority is preparing to hire a fuIl-time communications officer. The successful candidate wil be responsible for developing and implementing a strategy to help the public under the purpose of the Authority. The Authority found that citizens had a lack of knowledge of the workings of the Authority by Carol-Ann Oster Afterwards the girls celebrated the four different gzuideworld centres. The four world centres are located in Switzerland, India, England and Mexico. Tables were set up with different foods to represent the countries. The concept of Thinking Day is to remember all the other Guides, Brownies, Cubs and Scouts aroundý the world. February 22 was chosen as Thinking Day, as itis the birthday of Lord Bayden-Powelg, the founder of Cubs and Scouts. It is also the Birthday of Lady Bayden-Powell, his wife, who founded the Guides and Brownies after their marriage. Newtonville Church to host World Day of Prayer service "'Me World Day of Prayer" will bc celebrated with a special worsbip, service featuring Audrey Gauthier preaching at Newtonviile United Cburch, Newtonville at 1:30 in the afternoon on Friday, March 5th. Audrey Gauthier, now owner of the Crooked Creek School House, has given extensive volunteer leadership in many developing countries around the world, including in Latin America, while accompanying her husband who, after retiremnent, volunteered for assignments with Canadian Executive Services Overseas, a go0vemnment-support international assistance ýprogramn. Audrey is an artist and a trained Early Childhood Educator who has New-concept ci plan proposied INVAR Industrial Ltd. is seeking official. plan amend- mnenus from the Town of Whitby and the Region of Durham to allow a major commercial development of some 242,000 square meares in Whitby at the south-east corner of Thickson Road and 401 highway. The development would include a Price Club Warehouse retail/wholesale/warehouse outlet of 116,000 square metres along with 'a Aikenhead's Head Improvement Warehouse with a floor area of 126,000 square specialized in working with handicapped children. Her sermon is entitled: "Unto the Hilis." "~The World Day of Prayer" is a world-wide ecumenical Christian worship involving people from more than 170 countries held annually on the first Friday in March. In Canada, it is sponsored by the Women's Interchurch Council of Canada which represents il major denominations. Services will be, conducted in over 3,000 communities in Canada. The first national Canadiani service was held in 1920. The 1993 liturgy was prepared by womnen in Guatemala on the theme: God's people: Instruments 0f Healing. èommercial forWhi*tby metres. There would bc parking for> over 1500 cars. The staff report Io council on Monday noted that the Price Club an Aikenhead's Home Improvement warehouse combinations is represenitative of the changing retail trends in Ontario. It is a concept developed in the United States and is moving into Ontario. The report and analyses does point to effects into the Town of Newcastle of a commercial nature. during the development of a strategic plan which has been in the works for the past year. It will be the purpose of the communication officer to recach out to the public with information, especially to adults. The new employee will be paid from $27,000 to $32,000 a year. The position is expected to be fifled early in April. The Authority now employs 10 permanent staff and has another eight on contract. Council Briefs The Town of Newcastle council and staff commence 1993 budget de]liberations on March 5. A preliminary report from staff suggest a 1.2 mill increase resulting in a 0.99 percent increase in Town taxes for both residential and commercial, taxpayers. Over the past year the munic ipality has had' an assessment growth of 4.1 percent which has assisted in reducing the percentage inecase in taxation by a mere 0.99 percent. Council members are to considered also in connection with the annual budget grants to community groups. The budget this year will allow for the distribution of $100,000 which is at a rate of $2.00 per resident of the total population of 49,479. A total of 52 grant applications have been received by the Town asking for funding to an amount of $232,439.60. The budget sets the amount to be distributed through the process at $ 100,000. The Solina Community Centre Board has asked council to consider assistance in funds for the construction of a $60,000 elevator at the Solina Hall for the handicapped. The group seeks a $20,000 grant from the Town and will seek $20,000 from the province. The Solina group stated they are committed to raise $20,000 of which amount $12,M)0 has already been raised. Mrs. Taylor also suggested that the Town set up a reserve fund for the project which would see funds comne through dQnations. It was pointed out that the Town would not contribute 10 the reserve fund but as a result of the fund receipts could be issued for charitable purposes. Threce Newcastle Village businesses would seek to have Bell Canada extend its Com- munity Calling area to include the Village of Newcastle. Under the Community Calling area Newcastle residents and businesses would bc able to caîl, toîl free, the Toronto-area and areas west of Metro. Bell Canada bas made applicat ion to extend the Free Calling area which cornes as far east as the Bowmanville exchange. 1Bels application for the extended free-calhing area also includes additional rate increases. Council members were ready to ask Bell to extend the calling area when Counc. Dreslinski said it was not in the realm of the municipality to interfere but that rather the Town ask Bell te meet, with those seeking to want the area extended. Letters are stili arniving at the Town of Newcastle requesting tougher smoking by-laws be enacted to protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke in public places. The lack of adequate parking ehools well on way for Destreaming event this fal School Boards, public and separate, are well on their way for the introduction this Septembeýr of destreami.ng in Grade 9 at the Secondary school level. Destreandng means students entering Grade nine will no longer be sepiarated - or streamed - into one of the three academic levels: basic, general and advanced. Instead ail grade 9 students will study a wide varietY of subjects at the same level. The intent is to prevent students from making poorly considered academnic-level and course choices early in their high school years that could hurt their later prospects for jobs or higher education. Both the separate and public boards have been preparing students, parents, teachers and administrators for the changes since they were first announced by the provincial government in 1989. At the public board 46 teachers have been sitting on a volunteer committee developing the program and getting ready to implement the program. It is expected that the programs wil di ffer slightly- from one school to another. Each school wÎll have a core group of compulsory subjects for the grade nine students, including Englîsh, mathemnatics, French science-, and history or geography. Some schools have added additional compulsory subjects being physical education, computer technology, family studies and business technology. The Town of Newcastle last week announced the introduction of their Ist Annual Volunteer Recognition Program. Al community associations and organizations are eligible to nominate volunteers in their group to stand for recognition., The deadline for the The Town of Newcastle Public Library hias requested operating funds in the amount of $896,141.00 for the year 1993 and a further $212,500.00 for capital works during the, year. submission of nominations is Friday, March 12,1993. Nomination forms are available at the Community Services Department - 3rd floor, Municipal Administration Centre. Ail nominations -arc to be sent to: Volunteer Service Recognition c/o Jennifer J. Cooke Recreation Superintendent Community Services Dept. 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 3A6 For more information please contact the Community Services Department, 623-3379. 33% OFF most Paperbacks CRYSL .-TAL PAGES 983-6150 USED BOOKS ........«« ...>* *' ...« WIde V arlety NEW BOOKS ............ New Age, Heallng, Recoverys Nutrition and Splr(tualty JEWELLERY .................... Stirling Silver, Crystal CLEANERS ... "SimpIy Clean" Products favour the Envlronment, work wonders. Thurs. Fr1. Sat. Pat Irwtn Lycett 983-9605 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 5367 Main St, Orono 983-6150 AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION_ Where PULL SERVIE Is Wh.at Credit'Unions Are Al Abocut Credît Unions were the flrst fmnancial institution to provide Personal Consumer Loans - Life Insured Loalns *Open Mortgages i Daily Interest Savings e ATMs *Weekly Mortgage Payments and the flrst in Orono to provide Home Banking. AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION OSHAWA OFFICE BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ORONO OFFICE 322 King St. W. 133 King St. E. 5331 Main St. 728-5187 623-4821 983-5561 Townuv asks for nominations Volunteer Rec'ognition plan Ganaraska to hire full- time communication officer