* .~ Orn'.o We.kly Tims~, Wodn.s~ay~ Marob $,~ iW~ - associate broker REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTDI, REALTOR MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-6181 or 623-6000 - -i -c -----------h JŽ -rn O fc -P - ------------- AL:.O WHY PAY RENT? 75'x 200' CO UNTR Y LO0T NEED AN IN-LAW APARTMENT? Charming, upgraded 3 bedroom, 2 Ail brick, 3 badrooms, with rec roomr, These homes feature easy access to fully finished iower levels - both with large bathroom home, with maintenance free new high eff iciency oi f urnace and roomi private lots, and many extra features! exteri1oIr! to roaml THE ONEREA.L ETATE.OMPA.NY HEflE S1ISFAG.O 5 NTEHU Farm Family Advisor Many of us would agree that the agricultural community has seen more thani its share of financial set-backs in the last decade. But, in certain parts of the province, this season has deait a serious economic blow. For producers in financial stress, O.M.A.F. provides upon request, the service of a Family Farm Advisor. Ani advisor is a fellow fariner, froin a distairce to assure confidentiality, who is capable of ail the necessary financial paper work of production forecasts, monthly cash flows, asset-liability statements and debt service caiculations. An advisor, if requested by the farmçr, can attend meetings with creditors and suppliers and help work towards solutions. The advisor's job is to understand a farm business, outline possible- options, and recommend the best apparent course of action. The strength of an advisor is their rele as a peer counseler, that is, froin the saiée background and Canadian teena9gers say sex can wait, new survey reveals A majority of teenage women today aie waiting longer before they have sex, according to the resuits of a recent survey just released in wbicb 1,024 teenage women in Toronto, Montreai and Vancouver were questioned about their knowiedge of birth control and their sexuai practices. The survey, conunissioned by ORTHO-McNEIL Inc. and en- dorsed by the Society of Obste- tricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, aiso reveaied that 64 per cent of Canadian teenage women between the ages of 12 and 18 have neyer had sex. Surprisingly, teens in Canada's largest city, Toronto, are Iess sextially active than their coun- terparts in Montreal and Van- couver and teens who are hav- iflg intercourse are starting Young but are practising saer sex. type of farin operation. Confidentiality is always maintained. When it comnes te options and solutions, there is ne new magie. It ail settles down te variations of refinancing, partial asset liquidation or dewn-sizing, purs uit of additional off-farm income, or the compiete liquidation of a farim business in as erderly a manner as possible. It wili probably be the first turne that the faim family has had te face these choices, and this is where the advisor can, be especialiy helpful. Most advisors haveworked at their roles for several years; many have aise worked with the Farm Debt' Review system; and have ail seen numerous situations involving these options. A fuither strength of the Farin Advisor as a peer counselor, is their willingness to spend that extra time, often late at night around the kitchen table, w'hen the talk turns from production numbers, debt servicing and refinancing_ options,' to the equally important issues of 'emotional feeings, impact on the family, and statu$ in the community. Ail feliow, farmers, share the saine sense of lime and place. A common bond, that perhaps a professional consultant, creditor, banker, or supplier doesn't understand as weil. SToxic Chemicals, Wildife, and You Nowadatys the use of taxic chemicals is a fact of life. There are chemnicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. The extent ta which wilife and humans are affected by these substances depends on the type of chemical, the length of our exposure ta it, and aur abiity ta tolerate its effects. While some chemicals are harmldess, others can be extremely dan- gerous toa ailliving things. You can help wildlife and the environment by reducing or eliminating the use of toxic chemnicais. Here are just a few examples of what you can do: " Don't empty things like paint cans, nadl polish boutles, and household cleaner containers down the drain or put thern in the garbage. Instead, store them in a safe place until they can be disposed of by the proper authorities (calil your municipality for information). if there isn't a toxic waste disposai program. inyour area, circulate a petition calling for such a programn and present it at a town coundcil meeting. " Write ta your eiected officiais at the municipal, provinciai/ter- ritarial, and federai leveis ta express your conoern about the use of pesticides in agriculture and forestry. Encourage thema ta conduct mare research on toxic chemnicals and ta develop action plans tastop these substances frein entering the environinent. " join or support a conservation group that is working on hazardous waste issues. There are many local, provinciai, and national groups ta choose froin. For a free broçhure on the effects of taxic chemicals on wldlife and you, write ta Canadian Wildife Federation "Communications Departmnent 2740 Queensview Drive Ottawa, Ontario K2B 1A2 Mark M. Stapleton Pmestoratiort &Re&productiont 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono. 983-6098 We specialize ini Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Aiso all typ es of General Carpentry. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St, Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Coli me ta buy or seil.. Orono and areai's real estote rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 R5/ à(L îýapple Tel: 576-3111 -Updated Village home ... $108,900! ............... PaGer Orono Office