Commemorative Medals presented to Durham East residents 1Monday evenig in dmc Town of Newcastle council chambers Giord Mils, M.P2P. Dur-hani East wjth the assistance of the Lieutenant Governor, the Hon. Henry N. R. Jackman and further assisted by Gary Herrema, Durham Regional Chairman, presented 25 Commemorative Medals marking the i25th Anniversary of Confederation of Canada to those choosen having Polonsky, Oshawa, Jeanne Viola Ashton, Hampton, Roy Newcastle, Muriel Krizanc, provided a service ta their Staples, Orono, Vern Garlick, Forrester, Orono, Liela Werry, Courtice, Mayor Diane Hamre, community and feliowmnan. Bowmanville, Phyllis Baker, Orono, Sterling Mather, Orono and Gord Milîs, M..P.R, Prior to the opening of the Wilmot Creek, Roxy Ramnes, Newcastle, Patricia Banicott, Orono. ceremony a small group of Bowmanville, Anna Strike, musicians from the Townx of Bowmanville,. the Hon. N. R. Newcastle Concert Band played a Jackman, Beatrice Campbell, T wn s t bu g t f$2 1 50 Royal salute on Uic entrance of Bowmanville, Dr. J. Pinto, L w c sb lge f$ '% ,u the Lieutenant Governor. Solina, Mary Rutherford for S. B Those receiving Uie awards,( Rutherford, Orono, Rev. Ed frEq-O o n.Il eop ntPC] righýiolef) Gay Sharerhrn, owmnvile, The Tnwn's General Purpose hetter servic'e tn the pubici Ganaraska Region Conservation Auithority-, reports on activities during past year The Ganaraska Region Conservation AuUiority hcld its 48th aninual meeting late in February when Ge-rry Houston was re-electced as chairman to serve is flfteenth teni in this position. During Uic course of Uic annual event a review was undertaken of the vaiaus aspects of the responsibiities of Uic Authority during Uic past year. The Authority reports enhancement of their flood forecasting and warning nctwork analysis which lias been supported by a grant froni Uic province in Uic amount of $30,000. During the past year the Authority has been. involved in a study for lakeshore stabilization in Cobourg along with somne flood plain mapping and a Study of two dams under Uic jurisdiction of Uic Authority. The Garden Hil and Bail Mills dams have been studied as ta future maintenance and wiUi speculation of undertaking remedial work at Ball's Mill of a somewhat major nature whcn funds are available. During the past ycar with a considerable reduction in building in thc jurisdiction of Uic Auiority somne 30 permits were issued as ta f111 of Uic flood plain, construction and alterations of water courses. The Authority continues ta operate a flood warning and advisory systemn taking data fromn five remote access recording streani gauges and three remote access rain gauges. These ciglit recording systenis are spread throughout the area of the Authority. it was reported that some 7,874 cubic metres of wood products were harvested from the Ganaraska Forest during Uic past year. Thc -forest management plan is a responsibiity of Uic Ministry Happenings.. l3th Annual Kidney Foundation Dance The 13th Annual Kidney Foundation Dance sponsored by the Ransberry Family wil be held this Saturday, March 6th from 8 p.m. to i a.m. i the Newcastle Comnmuniity Hall in Newcastle Village. Music will be by the "Tradesmen. Tickets are $20.00 a couple. For more information contact Harold Ransberry at 983-9597, Orono. Proceeds from this event will go towards research into kidney disease. World Day of Prayer Services World Day of Prayer Services wil be hefld this Friday, March 5th beginýn-ing with Newtonville United Church at 1:30 p.m. Preacher wil be Audrey Gauthier from "he Crooked Creek School House" and O1rono United Church at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is cordially, invitcd to attend. of Natural Resources. The Ganaraska Forest Centre north-east of Kendal provides recreational and educational programs from cross country ski trails ta residential school outings. Durig Uic winter Uic Authority maintains 35 kilometers of groomed and set cross country ski trails. The trails were open for a period of 67 days in. 1992 with close ta 2000 making use of the faciities for Uis outdoor activity. The Forest Centre also is centre ta an residential outdoor progm for school children and on the week-end for community groups as guides, and scouts. During Uic past year a total of 2915 students were part of the program operating out of the Fores t Centre as school groups during the weck or community groups on week-ends. Registration at Uic Centre was down somewhat this year due ta the fact of fee structure change in an effort ta eliminate funding from the AuUiority. The Annual Report also notes Uic holding of Uic World Cup and Ontario Championships for orientcering at the Forest Centre and throuighout the sanie 11,000 acres of Uic Ganaraska Forest. Close ta forty percent of operational funds arc provided ta the Authority by the province whle affected municipalities provide funding ta some less than thirty percent. User fees for such as cross cou1ntry skiing and the outdoor residential prograni provide some, over 11i percent of Uic total budget for operation. committee on Monday gave approval for thc spending of up to $201,500, for economic development but have yet ta, defmne the course of action and on what Uic money will be spent.. 'Me committce rcceived a staff report containing somne 18 recommendations but took no action i public on Uic report. The report is to lie debated and acted upon at a regular meeting of thc comniittee on Apnil 5th. The $201,500 expenditure would come from the annual tax levy along wiUi funds to bc taken from a reserve fund contribution and manies collected last year and not used. The tax levy would increase by 0.6 percent on the household tax bil for 1993. Mayor Hamre said if the plan is thrown out the money would not bce spent and Uius retained by thc Town. The flrst stage of Uic prograrn would include up dating of information, staff training to develop a corporate mission statement, fast track com mercial/indu striai development, enforce property standard by-laws. Furthcr the Town would hire'a Economic Development officer, equip-an office. The plan would also cali for the support for the development of highway 407 through thc municipality. Counc. 0OToole said he was not happy wiUi Uie report and feit council should ciscuss the report at an informai meeting. Mayor Hamre stated Uic report had to lic dcbated in open coundil. O'Toole said he didnt -sec a vision in Uic report and "he was not ready ta spend $200,000. "The last thing we need is more taxation". Conce. Scott said lie supported Uic referral of Uicereport which 4ce said was excellent but could not bce dealt with in a matter of minutes.. "We want ta lbe sure wc have Uic right focus", hoe said. Gord Milis giving new appointment at Premier Bob Rae announccd today the appointment of Gord Mlils, M.P.P., Durham Easiý ta bc, parliamientary assistant ta Solicitor General and Correctional Services Minister David Christopherson. The announcemnent was part of a reassignment of 13 goverrnment caucus members ta different responsibulities followîng the changes ta Uic cabinet announccd Fcbruary 3rd. Mr. Milîs has beeni parliamnentary assistant ta the Minister of Municipal Affairs for Uic past 13 months where lic had Queen' s Park played a major, raie in carrying Uic ministry's, bills through the legisiative proccss. H.e was first appointed a parliamcntary assistant in 1990 wlien Uic governiment was formed after Uic last clection. "I am looking forward ta working witli David Christ.opherson," said Mr. Mills. "My many ycars in policing and in Uic miitary give me a background Uiat will bu helpful in relating ta the issues and people at the Vol. 57, No. 8 OPONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3,1993