LL. mmcJ9~~oroe~m.wtiy TI*n.8~ W. n.day~ March G~ 1O9~ -~ Kendal News A new opportunity The Town of Newcastle council is nearing a position te set a course endeavouring te imprave Econamic Devclopmenî witliin Uic municipality. 0f laie ecanomic development as it wauld relate to industial development and tourism has beeni almost non-, existing. Ai least anc could say Uice vision has been Iackcing and there bas been lile improvernent in image for Uic municipality. It is net that tlis bas always been Uic case for a number of years ago Uic Town bostcd a number of new industries ia Uith communiuy sucb as Delta-Faucet, Honeywell, Caterpillar, Dennison and others. Unforiunatcly thcy are net alh around ai ibis Urne but there was, ai anc time, an intcrest in Uic Town of Newcastle as home for somne major industries. Sncb interest bas dwindled in recent years wiich liely is buyond Uiecocntral 1 of Uic municipality. But an Uic other iand Uic Town bas donc ilte over Uic past ten years ta make any conccrted appraacb te encourage industrial dcvelaprnent or ta, in faci, improve Uic image of Uic municipality. A gaod example is Uic effort a number of years ago te stimulate intcrest in tourism Urougb Uic opening of a teurisi centre. Ask anyone to-day and Uic answcr is negative as te Uic effort and as te Uic lack of any effort te make improvements. BoUi Uic image and service could lie upgraded with litile effort and anc would Uink itile cast. Over Uic nexi monibs Uic Town will bu discussing and debating a plan for an image and economîc dcveloprnn. Ih will cost money and for somne this will bu a dawn side. It should bu understood that a good plan wîll bu a boosita Uich Town in irnproving image and other benefits for Uic future. If it is a one-shot surge - Uicni forget it Uic effort wiil net bu worth Uic Urne or meney. Coundil, itself bas te show a keen interestin heicPlan and Uiey have te bu all pulling in Uic smmc direction. lut s an opportuniuy for thc Town of Newcastle - don't blow it. Happening,,s . . . . cn) Orono Town Hall eucbre results The cuchre results for the Orono Town Hall Wcdnesday, Fébruary 24 with 10 tables in play were: Higb scores Ed-Couroux with 91; Reg Elliott with 88; Marion Sears with 86; Lavina Downes with,83 and May Tabb with 82. Low score Bill Beyd. Draw winners wcre Ray Staples, Mamaon Siaples, kathy Mitchell, Art Bcdwin, Lil Bolderstone and Tom Wilson. Eucbrc is beld evcry Wcdncsday beginning ai 8 p.m. Ladies please bing lunch. Posittons open for musiclans The Town of Newcasle Concert Band stililihas openings for rnusicians in ail sections. If you play an instrument the Band practices evcry Thursday cvening au Uic Orono Town Hall The Band is playing a nuber f cnet nhena uue epr ftebn Drop the dump p&revails A few over ýfarty atiendcd a Interini Waste Authority (IWA) sponsared meeting in tic Newcastle Cornrunity Hall a weck ago Tuesday more intent on Uic eliminatien of Uic KK2 short- listcd site, nortb-west of New- tonville, than h aving conccrn over compensation for propcrty awners in the arca and compensations for cornmunuîy impacts. A major portion of thc meeting lefi Uic proposed fornat as Uic crowd sought answers as ta why the Ncwtonvillc site was part of Uic short-lisi of four site for Durhamn Region. The other thre sites arc locatcd ïm thc Pickering area with thc sites owncd by thc province, -- The Newtonvillc site takes in lands owned by Laidlaw Waste Management and thc Siapleton farnuly who operate a dairy farmn whicb wihl likely have ta be abandoned if Uic site is chosen i Uic final sîep of Uic praccss., It is tic intent that Uic final decision as tao a Durham Regional landfill site will be made ihis summner. The meeting did finally get down ta Uree work shops where discussion did centre on tic prposed fermai of compensation ta arca landowners and as ta community impacts. But mntcrcst did dwindle aftcr most had had their say as ta ic elimînation of the site as a possible landfill for Durham Region. .by Phyllis Lowery Following Uic storm at Uic first of the week we have had same beautiful winter weaUicr, cold but flot as windy and tewards Uic end of the wcek it was milder. The skicrs have really been out in ful farce. On Sunday for Uic first trne thc parking lots wcrc ail fillcd and thcy had to Park on ic side of Uic road. The childrcn wbo have been !aking skiing les sons have finishcd ilicir course and bave been tcstcd. On Sunday, on the way ta Churcli I saw a sight out of thc aid days, Alan Dawncs bad a sîcigli load of people and was cutting across a field near ic road. That is what Uic farmers and deivery men used to do, flot because tbey wantcd te but because Uic snow on tic roads was too dcep and the fields wcrc safer. The Sunday Service opcned wiUi Uic Hymn, "To God Be The Glory", Uic Invitation te Warship, Uic Prayer of Approach, Uic bymn, "Wben I Survcy the Wondrous Cross", followcd by Uic Prayer of Scîf-Examination and Uic Words of Assurance. The childrcn wcre callcd forward, David asked Uicm what the colour of the stole he was wearing was, it was purpie. He askcd tbem wbaî colour he haît been wearing since Christmas, Uiey answcred, green. The colour purplc is Uic start of a ncw season, a bcginning, in Uic Churcli scason. The beginning of life, new growtb, Uiai is whaî Uic word Lent mneant in Uic aid days. The Ciurcb feut the Crucifixion of Jesus was Uic heginning of new life. Aftcr tic Lord's Prayer and Uic hymn, "He Paid A Dclii", Uic children went oui ta Sunday School. The Scripturc readings wcre from, John Il: 1-16, 14: 1-7, 20: 24-28. The sermon was titlcd, "in Uic Stcps of Thomas." Wben we Uink of Jesus and Uic twelve disciples,, we cani proably name quite a few of them but forget the resi, Thomas always seems ta get lefi oui, If wc do Uink of bim, we tbink of, doubting Thomas. This phrase is usually used as a put down, Uic Bible says little about Thomas, but history has callcd hirn, Uic iwin of Jesus. Thomas is seldoni mentioned in Uic books of Uic Biblc, yet be was very important in Uic life of Jesus. He was'a carpenter and Jesus chose bim. He loved Jesus and Jesus loved Thomas. Thomas was a strong man pbysically and hc was a cautiaus man, fit saw Uings as they wcre. Thamas neyer, pushed for position or favour. He neyer boasted, lie knew what bcing a followcr of Jesusmeant, he kncw what it wasdlikc wlien 'people stoned Jesus. Thomas was witb Jesus whcn Uic message carne Uiat LazareUi was il, but Jesus waitcd two more days, and Uicn told Uic disciples that tbey wcre gaing back, thai Lazaretb was sleeping and that he was going back te heal him. The disciples thought Jesus meant sleeping but il was Thomas that told them, that Jesus really meant Lazareth was dcad. Later whcn Jesus told Uiem that he was going before tbcm ta prepare Uiem a place in bis faUicr's bouse, it was Thomas wbo did flot undcrstand. Thomas was a cicar cYcd realisi, be accept.ed what he saw, he accepted life as it was. When Jesus first appeared ta His 1disciples after bis crucifixion, Thomas was flot present and so he said that he would only believe if, he saw the wounds and was able te touch thcm. On the second appearance of Jesus, Thomas was present, Jesus told bim te toucb the wounds ta place his band in the wound in Jesus side. It was not necessary for Thomas te do this,' he saw Jesus. Although others were called the leaders, it was Thomas the doubter who said let us go with the teacher. Thomas knew that rcturning with Jesus ta, Judea, Thomas knew that charges would bc made up against Jesus and what would happen. Thomas was prepared te face what would happen. Do you follow in thc footstcps of Thomas? Thomas had doubts and fears, lie was flot afraid to say ta Jesus, 1 do net understand, te question. Thomas had Uic courage ta ask and because lie asked, he was answered. Lent is thc urne of renewal. Do you have thc courage ta ask questions of Jesus? Do you have Uie courage ta accept Uic answers? Are you willing ta fallowing in footsteps of Thomas? In response ta God's love thc sang, "Just A Closer Walk Witb Thee" was sung. The Prayer of Concern and Commitment was given, the closing hymn was, "I Heard The, Voice of Jess." Note ta parents of Sunday School childrcn: Beginning on Sunday, Mardi 7th, thc Sunday Scbools of Kendal and Ncwtonville will begmn a new format on an experimental basis. On Uic first ani lasi Sunday of thec month Uic children will go directly ta the Sunday School for a fuili hour of lessons. Tbe oUier Sundays will fallow Uic sanie scbedule as is precntly in place. We hope Uiat tbis will bclp us pro vide better Christian Education ta Uiechcildren entrusted taoOur spiritual care and nurture. The friends of Neta Ransberry, from Uic Kendal arca, wish ber a bappy 80th Birthday. Sic was bonoured by a birthday party in Orono on Saturday, February 27th. There will bc "NO" Good Friday walk this year, fewer and fewer have been taldng part. There will be special services at the United and Anglican Churches in Newcastle and'a special afternoon Mass at St. Francis. There will be a-Good Friday Service at Kendal United in the evening and an Easter Sunrise', Service at Yates 'Beach, Newcastle. Don't forget the World Day of Prayer Service at Newtonville United on Friday, Match 5th at 1:30 p.m. Special speaker Audrey Gauthier. Capsules of Wisdom It takes a mighty conscientious person to know where contenunlent ends and laziness begixs. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SLJNDAY SE-RVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE interim Mnister Rev. Dr. Ken Howlett 4 Marlene ~ Secretary .4' 983-5702 Church Offie 983-5502 SUNDAY, MARCH- 7TH Regular Services Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday,,March 3rd 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kirby Church A.A.- eesevery Thursday 7:30 pin. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 oK .......... ti cy 1 ORONO, ONTARIO 1 a L- 983-5009