*~< 4 -Oi~no W.kiy TImes~ W.dn.sday~ Maroh 8~ 1998 Dufferin Aggregates collect two big wins On Friday, February 26th Dufferin Aggreg ates hosted Bowmanvile's A&R Flooring to a 14-1 win. Ian Crashley played in goal fer Orono this game. Matt Caruana scored 6 goals and received 1 assist. Kevin Martin scored 4 goals. Bryan Bickell scored 3 goals. Jeff Mercier scored 1 goal. Two assists were given to Andy Bangay and the following ail received one assist - Colin Maitland, Doug Garlick, Matt Mitchell, and Evan Moore. And ail around good skating game by ail the boys. On Saturday, February.27th Dufferin adventured off to Newcastle to play Beaver Lumber this game was excitement. Matt Caruana and Colin Maitland were absent from the game wbicb left the rest of the boysa lot of ice- tine. The first period ended la a 2- Loss eliminates Toros fromn playoff action 2 tie with Orono's Bryan Biekeil scoring both the goals, iani Crasbley playing a heads-up gaine collected an assist. With the play being back and forth and great saves being done by both goalie1"s, it was a pass fromn BryanBikl to Jeff mercier that put rn ahead of'the game in the second period. In the third period Iani Crasbley playing bis right wing position was in the rigbt spot ai the right turne to score bis third goal of the year, whicb was nicely tipped to him by Dustin Weagant. But Beaver were flot letting up as later i n the tird tbey squeaked another Orono's goalie Briani Pisani to end tbe ga me a 4-3 win, for Orono. G3ood weekend boys and don't forget next Friday, March th, you play at 6 p.m. in Orono against Bowmanville's Rotary Club. O-rono JM NITykes det'eat Beaver Lumber J&M Customn Fraining Tykes defeated Bea ver Lumber by a resounding score of 11-4 on Friday, February 26th la dhe Orono arena. ,Beaver Lumber scored dhe first goal Iess Shanen minute into the game, but Curtis Robinson came right back te score two unassisted goals witbin one minute'. Kevin Martin played an excellent period making two good saves late in the first period. Natban Adegeest scored bis first of two unassisted goals fifteen seconds into the second period. Beaver Lumber answered that goal one minute later, bu the rest of dhe gaine belanged ta Oro-no. Curtis Robinson went an ta, score four more goals for a total of six goals for the gaine. Chris Moffat bad a goad gaine and notched two assista on Robinson's goals. Also assisting on Curtis Robinsons goals were Chris Vanstone and Kevin Martin. Tyler Gregg came up with two big goals in the dhird period. The first goal was assisted by Curtis Robinson and Kienan Williams, and bis second goal was unassisted. Jesse Price rounded out the scoring, assisted by Jordan Beacock. Kyle Alln, Jordan Beacock and Chris Moffat deserve a spocial mention for dhe consistent game they played. J&M Custom Framing Tykes will be, playlag in a toumnament in Coîbourno this Saturday, March 6th. Mvajor heartbreaker in exhbiti'on loss Major Plumbing Atoms of the BRHIL hosted the Oshawa Blackhawks of the OMHA Little NHL at Orono arena February 24th ini exhibition play. From the pre-game warmup, ail eyes were looking up fromf the home side literally as the mucb bigger Major Atoms guest teain skated onto the ice! There certainly was a disparity in size but flot in effort as Major Plumbing pressed early to get on the scoreboard. The boys al- skated bard against their larger focs Io make a gaine of it, Major was rewarded for their efforts wben tbey opened the scoring at 13:50 of the second period. Defenceman Greg Rester fed a streaking Matt McGlynn down the left side and the winger skated in for the scoring attempt Use the Want Ads in the Orono Times Just a phone oeil away but the bulking Blackhawk goaltendor was equal ta the task and kicked it out! Trailing the play was'centre Greg Shetler who one-timed the rebaund.into the bottam corne r givlag Major a shortlived 1-O) lead. Like a sleeping giant dhat bad been awakened, the Blackhawks came roaring back with an offensive onslaugbt. Major managed te repel the visitors only a few minutes as doey lied it up 1 -1 at 10:24. 'he garne remnained tied tiIl late in dhe third, wben an overworked Dusty Stapleton in Major's net faced one more late charge by bis surgiag adversaries. It was a 2 on 1 situation 'as the Major goalkeeper relinquished the go- abead marker widh just 1 minute and 38 seconds left on the dlock. Our guys were running on empty at this point and dhe score steod 2- 1 in favour of the visitors. The boys dhernselves felt tdey played pretty well and are laoking forward ta a rematch in Marvh! Next gaine for Major Plumbing is a league outing in Orono arena at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Marcb 4th. See you tdore! The Bowmanville Kinsmnen Mînor Bantamn Toros wore- elimninated fromn any further OMHA playoff action by losing gie3 and 4 to the Markhamn Thuinder. In gamne 3, the Toros were defeated 3-l in a penalty filled game, These penalies hurt the Toros as the'Thunder scored twice an the power play. There was no scoring in the first period as Camie-on Milar, in the Toro's net; kept Markhamr. at bay. Midway, through the, second period, Markham took advantage of a power Play to go 1-0 up and shortly after got another to end the peiod 2-O. Greg McMurter fmnally beat the Markham goalie witb assists going to Ryan Dunnigan and Matt Staley. Markham scored near thie end of the game to put it out of reach for the Toros. Gaine 4 was playeýd la much the saine way with the Toro's taking the game to Markham but being unable to salve the Markbhamr goalie. Jeff Parry, in th e Toros E-oal played a very strong game and was only beaten once l te lst period and thfen early in tbe 2n.d, withý the Toras 2 mon short. Matt Brake finally beat the Markham goalie with a shot frm the blue lino. The Toros thon threw ail tbey had at Markhamn but the third period was scoreless as the gaine onded 2- 1. 1The Kinsmen niow take on Ajax la the York-Simncoe Leage Playoffs, Report by John Hanid The Orono OMHA Novice hocke y team had a successful weekend witb two victories in encounters with Oshawa Little NHL teams. Friday night the Hlaines took to the ice la Orono. First period action saw Oshawa score once to take an early lead. Tbat was to be their only score as Lee Allin goal and the Orono defence shut thein down and ailowed the ýoffence to take ovor. In the second period tbey did just that scoring four goals to build a commanding lead. Jeff Thompson started the scoring parade wben hoe pounced on a loose puck in front of the net assisted by Tyson Gimblett and Jamie Rowe. The lino raved extremely effective as only seconds later Jake Bonnetta scored on a hard shot froin the slot assisted by Jeff Thompson and Jamie Rowe. Not to ho outdone by his linemnates Jamie Rowe cashed in bi s own rebound on the next shift assisted by Jake Bonnetta- and Justin Standeven. Late in the period, Kyle Moore scored an unassisted goal on an end ta end rush. >In the third period Orono continued the attack with Jeff Tbompson scoring bis second of the night assisted by Tyson, Gimblete o bring the final score ta Orono 5, Oshawa 1. Early Saturday morning the boys bit the ice in Pickering ta, take on the league leading Black Hawks. Orono was out to avenge an earlier loss ta dhis teain but the outcome of this gaine was nover clear until the final buzzer. Once again Oshawa scored first early in the game but Orono came rigbt back with dhe equalizer wben Jef Thompson scored unassisted. Oshawa stormed back te score in just eigbt seconds to regain their lead. It was short lived as Jake Bonnetta finished off a three way Passlag play froin Brandon 1Hills, and Ky le Moore. This time it took, Oshawa twenty-one seconds ta regain the load but Orono did flot give up as Jake Bonnetta, playing one of bis best games of the season, tied it up assisted by Joff Thompson and Janiie Rowe. The strong Oshawa teai was flot, about to quit eithor as thiey scored once more ta take a one goal lead into the second period. The only scoring of dhe second belonged te Orono as Kyle Moore picked up a loose puck in the Oshawa zone and fred a hard shot into dhe net unassisted. Orono drew first blood in the third period wben Matt Reid was set up an a nice pass from Chris Bouley. Oshawa tied the gaine once more only ta sce Orono regain the lead witb Jeff Tbom-pson scaring bis second of the gaine assisted by Tyson, Oimblett. The game was still in doubt as Oshawa was awarded a penalty shat late in the period. Glencoe Hogle in the Orona net Review from CrystalPge DEVILtS CUD by Georgette Heyer - The young Marquis of Vidai, a mari who did flot forget or forgive easily, a man who shot rogues and left themn dead- in the road, had been lricked by a saucy sUbsitution when hc planned to abduct her sister and carry her off to France. Our hero'Cine finds blerseif, alone, prey to, the irigues 0f glitterinig eigh'teenth 4Cenray Paris, in love wii hber captor, an sdind by a class systemn which she thinks she must uphold. But, does Ho,? Vanitam Book - Recycled EBLO0S SOM, IKE THIE R OSE by Norah Lofts - Marshalsea;, and the story opens with a hanging, a hanging the resuIt of a society wbere feudalism was stfli to bold sway for at least a century or more. Pbiip, the crippled son and heir to the manor, hated and held in contempt by a father who, understands only might, renounces bis inheritance, joins a band of colonists bound for America, and commits hiîrselfe to a ife of bardsbip and endeavour. He is to find bis strength the abiding force of the comrmunity, the carving of the wilderness, and the deadly perils of the new land. Corgi Books - Recycled cballenged the Oshawa shooter forcing hum to shoot wide and preserved the 6 to 5 victory. This was an exciting gaine tbroughout and the Orono boys played very well and deserved the win. Our next game is Thursday night in Newcastle as we face off in a return match against their powerful girls teain. SAVE Up TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL AÀÂ 623-0331- or 623-1838 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanville r i Oshawa - 436-6239 Oirono Roughley Novice dlaim two weekend victories