OooWeklyTlmýre ,Wednesday, March 3,, 19W - Celebrates Fortieth vini and Klaas Snoenmaker of Orono celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday with an Open House at thse Senior Citizens complex in the village and a dinner gathering in thse evening. 1The couple emigrated ta Orono from Holland within two months of their piariage and took up residence in Orono where they have played an active part in the community and raiseti three children who now make their abode in the comunnsy. Klaas brought ta a close the days activities with thse following verse, We have lived and loved together Through many changing years We have shared each other's gladness And wept each other's tears And let us hope the future, As the past has been will be; I wil share with thee my sorrows And thou thy jays with me. Neta Ransberry, Orano attendance for the event. celebrated her eightieth birthday Great neice, Rachael Martin, with ftiends and relatives at a of Newcastle shares in the open house at the Oddfellows activities. Hall with a large crowd in Dienîse Hiouse lookîng for community volunteers Thse Denise House is a residential shelter and support service for abused women and their children. Our mandate is ta provide safe accommodation, supportive cauniselling, advacacy, resources and referrals ta wornen whose lives have been 1affected by violence. Our services are made available toalal womfen in thse Durham Region, and further extends inta the cammunity through public education presentations. t i the goal af The Denise House ta reflect in aur voluneers, staff, programmes and outloak, Ile diversity of womeni. Celebrates Golden Wedding A n niversary On Saturday, February 20, 1993, Orville and Isabelle Challice, of Orono, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. An "Open House" in Orono United Church on Saturday afternoon drew a very large crowd, of family, friends and neighbours from far and wide. The hall was decorated with streamers and balloons, and tables looked pretty with vases of fresh flowers. The ladies of 0O'rono U.C.W. catered for the afternoon tea, Convenors Bertha White and Dorothy Displays of family pictures, and plaques from Governor.-General, Prime Minister,,Mr. Stevenson, M.P., Leaders of Opposition, Town of Newcastle, and Mr. Gardon Mills, M.P.P. presented the plaque from Premier Bob Rae. Personal letter fram Jean Chretien, anid flowers frorm family and friends and Durhanri East Liberals. A spécial visitor, The 1993 President Mr. & Mrs. Dave Maoney, Agincourt, attended, alsa Miss Anne Bourke District Directar of District 17, wha Face 24% increase in budget Northumberland Cou nty faces a .24 percent increase in budget for the operation of the Golden Plough ini Cobourg for 1993. 'Me Golden Plouigh is a 161- bed caunty-run nursing home in Cobourg. t is the intention of the Board of Dîrectors ta seek and select community citizens ta the Board of Directors ta hold office. Interested men and women are asked 'ta apply in writing highlighting relevant qualifications ta this raie as well as haw -yaur expertise mnay benefit The Denise House. Selected applicants will be intervieweýd. Please submit information an ar befare March 8, 1993 ta: Board of Directars, P.O.Box 146, Oshawa, Ontario LIii7L1. presented thse couple with a beautiful giftof stainless steel gardening tools, from District 17, where the bride had been former directar. Following tise afternoon tea, seventy guests assembled at the Durham Srs. Comrplex hall for a beautiful buffet dinner party. Brides sister Margaret Killen acted as M.C. and ber sister Barbara Munneke in charge of buffet, ablyassisted by friends from Peterboroughs. A fuin-filled prograin was much enjoyed by guests and many gave remarks of friendshipwith bride and groom of fifty years. Many lovely gifts, cards, flawers received and guests present from Markham, Toranto, Bolton, Lindsay, Peterborough, 'Oshawa, Cobourg, Millbrook, etc. by Isabelle Challice Sohools Teachers' attend annual PD day activities On Friday, Februar 26 the elementary tLeachers of Northumberland and Newcastle attended their annual Professional Development Day, held at two sites - Port Hope High School and Cobourg District Collegiate West. This day is organized by the local elementary federations- and concentrates on teachers' personal development in order ta enhance their raie in 'the teaching - learning pracess. The theme for 1993 is 'Wellness in the 90s". t is well recognized that teaching is an occupation with one of the highest levels of stress. In difficult socioeconomic times many students require even more care and nurturing to allow them ta learn. This raises the demiands of an already demanding profession. WELLNESS IN THE 90s is a day designed to offer teachers a number of methods of dealing with the rigours of thecir daily lives. Teachers attended a keynote address by Dr. Donald Ardeli, world renowned authority on long term wellness strategies, who spoke in conjunction with thse Board goals of staff well being. In addition, teachers attended workshops designed ta enhiance their personal well being. Displays of books, instructional materials, and classroom programs were also an integral part of the day. A clean cut decîsîofl.u ý: WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (ROLPH HARDWARE nov MANST., ORONO 983-5207 ~Husqvarna- SUPER SPRING gzý CHAINSAw- SPECIALS