Science Fair winners at Kirby Kirb y Public School Winners of the Science Fair at Thiele, Elke Schroeder;, middle B. Stacheruk-, C. Bail, J. Johnsion, Kirby Centennial School for Grade row - Shane Rupert, Jarnie Parry, (co-ordinator) L. Sellars, V. 5 were: Front row - Tanya Sara Hartmann; back row - Judges Breech. Carpenter, Nicole Cave, Jennifer Science Fair winners at Kirby Science Fairs winriers at Kirby Kalvin Gray;, middle row - Jeremny back row - Judges B. Stacheruk, Centennial School for Grade 6 Ross, CaseyTaylor, Anthony C. Bail, J. Johnston, (co-ordinator) were: Front row - Aleesha Semis, DiBartolomeo, Adele Jenkins; L. Sellars, V. Breech. Andrea Rutherford, Brandy Wagg, Science Fair Astronomy. Botany. Human Anatomy. Physics. Chemistry. Dinosauirs. 1Ail aspects of the science world were presented by the students of Kirby Public School at the Kirby SchÏoel3Science Fair on Thursday. The young scientists set up who 'did without' so she could send her children te music lessons, swimming lessons, and to Brownie camp. It was she who nursed us when we were ill, and it was she who transported us helter-skelter everywhere. It was her shoulders we cried upon. I think of my grandmothers.. one who lost her husband to a brutal existence in Siberia, and who then guided her six living children on a herculean journey through the Middle East, Africa, and eventually to freedom to Canada. My other grandmother, te 6e ninety-two next mônth, raised seven children of her own. Last week she wrote me: "I would have loved te go on with political work, I loved it, but 1 neyer had the help and backing (womnen today have)." I think of my mother-in-law who cares for my children so I can be active in our community, and whose support allows me the freedom te go back te school. Adelaide Hoodless, featured on the new stamp series, said: "Educate a boy and you educate a man, but educate a woman and you educate a farnily." I think of my sisters, friends, aunts and cousins who I laugh with, and cry with, and who accept me 'warts 'n ail'. And, I think of my two sons, who 1 hope to raise te respect and love woenfor their'equal value', and, for their wonderful differences. If you are interested in learning more about, the herstery of women, our local libraries have available the NFB films: "The Goddess Remembered" and "Burning Times." impressive displays outlining tbeir hypothesis, methods, observations and anallysis of their experiments and projects. Many of the displays had working examples of their experiment, illustrations or models to illustrate their flndings. There were four winners at the Science Fair. They were: Elke Schroeder, First Place; Sara Hartmann, Second; Jeremy Ross, Third; and Adele Jenkins, Fourth. Honourable Mentions were: Anthony DiBartolomeo, Nicole Cave, Casey Taylor, Kaiti Colville, Jason Parker and Jacob Bonnetta. ReLq-port from Ottawa coninued fromn page 9) through thousands of destroyer deck landings are poorly thought out at best, and dishonest at worst. The resuit of continumng to operate the Sea King, with our without extensive rebuilding, will be a frustrating inability to carry out assigned tasks, and the death of aircrew." That, to me, is about the best explanation you'Il sec anywhere as to why the new EH 101 military helicopters are needed. If we expect the members of the Canadian Forces to risk their lives to protect us and help maintain world peace, then surely We Must give them the equiprnent they need. Save-A-Heart Annual Meeting Durham Save-A-Heart will be holdings it's Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 24th at 12:00 o'clock noon. The meeting will take place at 1450 Hopkins Street, Suite 106, Whitby, the public is welcomne to attend. For further information and te R.S.V.P. by March l9th please call the office at (416) 666-0995. Mo 0 re by Helen MacDonald Monday was International Women's Day. Canada Post acknewledge the day with the release of this year's first special issue hionouring four women who have played important roles la our ceuntry's history--a popular Inuit artist, a judge, and twe social reform activists. Toronto celebrations begani on Saturday. Thousands of wornen marched the streets, some carrying banners, others protesting poor working conditions, and others simply idertifying solidarity and rejoicing in their membershîp in a global si sterhood. Over the next two weeks there will bc lectures, film nights, theatre, and more te celebratec womer> and their achievernents. The theme is "No Time te Stop, Our Struggle Must Continue". When I was thinking about the meaning of Interniational Wonen's Day, 1 was drawn to theughts of the wornen who fought for the vote; those who have fought, and .who, in sorne counitries, continue to fight, for the legal right to be 'persons'; the pioneers of science, law, literature,, politics, medicine and so on, who fought for wornen's righits te be 'equal' te men. 1 arn certain not one of themn wanted to be 'men', but simply- wanted access te the privilege and status mer> enjoyed. Why not? In> their struggle, some women affected change through the rules of a 'man's' world. Many, however, found this to be a slow and frustrating process. So, they bumned bras, or s impîy did without . .. and without shirts to boot! So what? Any advertising mogul wiIl tell you that it takes sornething different, eye catching, and even controversial to put issues on the table for discussion. Otherwise, they get ignored. But, what does International Women's Day mean to me -- out here in quiet, peaceful Hooterville? I cannot but feel grateful for ail that the suffragettes and feminists have achîeved for their sisters and their daughters in the western world. I have benefitted from their struggle. StilI, we hear tales of oppression and atrocities commritted against woen in developing countries, and in countries whecre war continues te impose its crimes against humanity . , . often ia the name of ' ethnic cleansing'. I ache for the suffering of mjy global sisters. But, more than anything, I arn drawn to thoughts of the women of my fasnily. My mother, who raised six children on one income... M I C omplet-e denture service -new dentures " repairs " relines *soft materials for sensitive mouths *free consultation fC fle4v 5'Geore t.'B wm in ileI- IL il