- ~ 1O~ 1*~- Il by Carol-Ann Oster The spring-like wcather disappeared by Thursday but wiUi it came fitting weather for the Kirby School Winter Fun Carnival. The blustering north wind set Uic mood for fun winter activities such as thc Inuit Roll, Dog Sled Race and cveryonc's seasonal favorite... snow shovelling. ln total, there were nine centres, al of which required Uic students te use différent skiils. Ail of Uic students and staff were involved in Uic morning's activities. One student from each class, Senior Kindergarten to grade six, made up a team. Tbe staff se rved as referees, coaches, and cheericaders at each of the aine events. Ail of Uic students rcceived prizes for their participation. flic Parent Advisory Committce was on hand 10 serve bot chocolate 10 the students, who were no doubt a bit chilly. Another facet of Uic Wintcr Fun Carnival was Uic Snow Sculpture Competition. Prizes were awarded Letter to the Editor Every day we hear more news about plants closing and working people losing their jobs. Many arc *older workers wbo made a decent living in Uic mnanufacturing sector, who bave famiies 10 support and who won't be able to find comparable paying jobs without new skills or training. We -also bave a federal governmenî Iliat bas donc little for Uic working people of tis country, Ibis province and Iis community. In fact, we now have a government talking tougb about thc one Uing that will hclp many of these working people during tough limes - uncmployment insurance. Rather tlian taking a leadership role by prescrving and creating jobs, the federal goverfiment seems -to actually believe Canadians would rather quit their jobs and collect UI Uian have a decent job to go to each day and one in wbicb 10 take pride. Most people hope ncver 10 go on UI but il is their insurance - sometbing Uey'vc paid mb -- espccially workers wbo bave been in Uic job market for many cars. These workers expect a certain retumn if ever uneinployed and are now finding their Ul benefits are continuaily being reduced. The federal government's in four categories: largest, most realistic, most original, and most unusual. The winning cntry for the largest cntry was "Puff Uic Magic Dragon". The scuiptors that concocted this big fantasy crature were Jackie Green, Natasha His, Saranne Allin, Andrea Rutherford, and David Byrski. .The most realistic sculpture was a tiger created by Alcisha Samis, and Brandy Wagg. The most original creation was constructed by Jonathon Henderson, Josh Hill and Anthony Bier. Their winning entry was a large smail. Brianna McKay and Tell Stacberuk won in the cntry for most unusuai witb Ibeir sculpture of an 'unusuai' snail. 1Prizes and ribbons were awarded to the young Henry Moores. A huge thank you from tbe students to Mis. Gimbicut and Mis. Moncericff wbo were Uic brains, creativity, ani effort behind thc Winter Fun Carmival. changes mean tbat afîer April 1 benefits will be lowered from 60 10 57 percent of insurable earnings. The federal govcrnment is obviousiy out of toucb witb the real world and the needs of working people. It bas 1111e regard for the cconomic and more importantly, humnan consequences of ils changes 10 tbe unemploymnent insurance systemn. What will bappen 10 Uic womnan wbo is sexually harassed at work? Or Uic employee who finds unsafe working conditions and other employees willing 10 put up wiUi Uiemn? Or thc middlc-agcd worker wbo accepts a voluntary buyout to make roomn for a youngcr employee? This is the second lime the federal govcrnmcnt bas significantly changed the unemployment insurance systcmn since 1988. It is obvious that Uic Tories are leading us towards Uic American system whcre only one- third of the unemployed'are entitled 10 benefits. Have wc not scen enough heartache in the last few ycars? Have we not seen enougb jobs disappear permanently, many of Uiemn souUi of Uic border? Have we flot had enougb of an unfeeling, uncaring federal government that bas caused much of tis beartache Urougb ils policies? And it is not time that we started to addrcss somec of the roots of these Iwo horses trained at Orono were entered in the Herman Walker Stake at Kingston on Monday. Jack Williamis drove Bud Gist in the first elimination to a fifth place finish whicb Gerald Robinson finished fourtb witi Alger Mac Grattan in jixe second elimination heat. It has been reported that a bear has been sighted ini the area of the third line of Clarke, west of 115. The report states that the bear .has been seen on five or six occasions and that other marks such as claw marks on trees have also been observed. This coming Wcdncsday, August l7th a Street Fair and Dance will be held on the Main Street of Orono. The might is bcing sponsored by thm Orono Artificial Ice Committec with total proceed going towards the cost of installing Artificial Ice in the Orono Rink. Terry Myles, Orono, recently won a trip t0 England for himself and one other when he secured a prize winning bottle cap off a Coca Cola soft drink botle. Terry leaves this evening, Tbursday, on his ail expense paid trip to England. He wil be accompanied by bis mother and bis brother Brian. The prize winning coke drink came from Don Tennant's Fina Service Station. A memorial plaque in bonour of the late Miss Lena R. Renwick is now on display in the Orono Library window. Accompanying the plaque are two pbotograpbs: one of Miss Renwick and tic other of Herbert Renwick, ber great- grandfatber wbo settled in Clarke Township in the 1830's. - Five Orono (LC.I.T. girls are autending Camp Quin-Mo-Lac tbis week. They are Misses Elaine Scbmid, Susan Goode, Ann Arnott, Geke de Jonge and Ellen Milison. August 1956 The Counties Road mbt the Village of Orono was paved the forepart of the week making a great improvement to this entrance into Orono. Eigbteen cubs of the Orono Cub Pack wil leave Uic Village on Friday evening to spend the weekend at Camp. The camp is being heid at Camp Saimac nortb of Oshawa. Ail arrangements bave been made excepting that of securing a cook. A maie cook is nceded and anyone who would assist is asked to contact Messrs. A.A. Russell or R.C. Forrester. The Orono Fire Department took part in a civil defense exercise in Port Hope on Thursday evening of last week. Six departments were on hand for the occasion. Those present were fromn B owmanville, Orono, Port Hope, Bewdley, Cobourg and Baltimore. A meeting of Uic Orono Skating problems rather than cutting our social programs during difficuit Limes? Sincercly Lucy Rybka-Becker Club was beld thecearly part of tic wcck at the home of Vice President, Mis. Edgar Middleton wben Adele Myles was engagcd as tbe Pro for tbe coming scason. Adele is now in Cobourg wbere she is skating in preparation for ber new duties. Miss Judy Tamblyn, daugbter of Mr. and Mis. Ivison Tamblyn is a patient in Bowmanville Memnorial Hospital after an operation for appendicitis. Orono's Telegram carriers Russell Rogerson, and bis helper, Billie Allen, werc guests of the Tclegram at thc wresdling match at Oshawa on Tuesday evening. The Telegramn at thisturne providcd al Ilicir carriers frm thc district with refresbmcnts in addition to thc wrestling show. The Orono 1Intermediate Basebaîl Club after a thrilling series with Uic Bowmanviile Roses became the victors of Uic series whcn thcy defeated thc Roses last nigbî 4 to 3. Seven games were piaycd before a winner was declared. The series was thc bcst three out of five but duc to a protest and a tic it was cxtcndcd to seven games. -Area horsemen support proposai Arca horsemen gathered in' Cobourg late ini February giving their support to a proposai Uiat could rcsult in a live satellite signal from a Toronto race track allowing off-track betting in Cobourg. Organizers of the proposai say that if a teletheatre is instalied an average of $40,000 could bc bet daily through Amanda's Restaurant in Cobourg. The horsemen gave their approval 10 Uic scbeme dcvelopcd by Trevor Stewart, owner of Uic restaurant. Patrons would bu able to dîne, wine and but and coilect their winnings ail on Uic premises. A rcprcsentativc of thc Ontario Harness Horse Assiociation, state Uicre are five such operations in Ontario. The most recent one opened in Belleville on Fcbruary let. Thirty-one standard horse owncrs turncd out for Uic meeting at Amanda's witb 90 percent voting in favour of Uic proposai. There are some 500 owners in thc district from Peterborough County in the nQrthv Victoria, Nor- thumberLmnd and Haliburton. If racing at Greenwood track wcrc simulcast t0 Cobourg five days a week and with a daily bet of $40,000 it would put $6,750 weekiy into the local horse owncrs' purses for the racing season in Peterborough, Xawartha (continued page 12) Consultants -Safes - Service Leskard Rd., Orono 983-6428 Specializing in IBMI Compatible Computers Hardware, Software, Aceessories, Printers, Modems P0ry 0g 35 .115 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Ad. 40 Phone ahaad or by chance 3847 WiIoox Rd., Orano LOS 1 MO a~. (416) 983-9540