Ct ron Weékdy11mes,ý Wedà,àdày1, MaroI 0,î# Beavers gathered atpresentation Ail1 th at Jazz by Michael D. Woolner One of my many tasks hiere at the Orono Weekly Times is ffic devclopment and summarizing of short news hcadlines. In more way than one, this is probably the most intercsting jobs banded ta Me. Writung for a small community newspapcr can more thanî likcly bc frustrating ta the "future jotsrnalist" bopeful. Wbilc those involved in big name ncwspapers like the "Toronto Star" write articles like "Axe Killer mutilates ten" or "Psycho Hot Dog Vendor gets Dcatb Penalty", small time writers resart ta "Sadie Magillicuty turns 100"' or "Norman and Harriet finally wed". Even the risk of injury bas increased greatly nowadays. While anc reporter may don a bullet proof vcst ta caver a hostage taking at a prison riot, the small time reporter must don a water proof camera caver ta caver tbe Brownies swimiming tests at thc local pool. But while thc big time reporter lands a job attending and reporting the big court case in Ottawa, thc possibility exists for the small time reporter ta bc covering town counicil meetings every Monday mornmng. Whatevcr Uic case may bc, it just goes ta show that even from thc biggcst story of thc year ta Uic smnallest piece of info in the corner of Uic "Want Ads" on Uic back page, ncws bas its place in any ncwspaper, great or small. At the Orono United Church the Beadsdtatwere.being awarded ta Donna Hewley and Laurie Sellars Beavers gathered ta witness the Kathleen Martin. A are pictured above with-the presentation of the Billwelian Kathleen with ber associates Beavers. Use the Want Ads in the Orono Tirnes Juat a phone onui away TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the following requiremnents isted betow, submitted ta the Corporation af the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3A6, are invited and wiII be recelved aon the forms and in the envelape provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained fram the Purchasing Office at the aboya address. TENDER NW93-lo Surface Teatm.nt asphait, omulelon HL150S <qprex. 22,000 litres) Supply, sproad and roll 16.Omm Clasa 2 aggregats (approx. 2900 tonnes) TENDER NW93-9 Asphait and Surface Tretment Pulverlzlng CLOSING lIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time> Wednesday, March 24,1993 The owest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Tlephone: (416)>623 3379 ext 268 Date of Publîcetiionj Wodnosd-ý(aY, March 10O, 1993 Newcastle CLG update (continued fromn page 8) hales into the Port Granby dump ta locate waste about which ai the moment we have no prior information. Also some of the bore hales will indicate ta us whether or not the original information was correct and Iastly some of the bore hales will give(- us informnation Uo indicate whether or not the material lias moved, horizontally or vertîcaly. This programn will start very, very soon and will consist of a mobile drilling rig wbich will ho located right on the Port Granby site and will drill the 19 hales required for that information. Île third activity that is starting up, is some basic statistical information into the level of dust and the degree of radon gas and radiation now in and around the Port Granby area. People who wish to have their homes or Wells tested can get that donc free of charge, simply by indicating their desire to participate in this programn by calling the Newcastle Commnunity Liaison office 987- 7786. The tests are absalutely free, no charge ta the hameowner and the homeowner will receive bis or her individual repor t. We will tabulate averages sa that once excavation starts-we have some idea as ta Uie effect this may have an surrounding properties. Property values wilI also be appraised,' no cost ta the homcowner, again this is confidential information ta Uic bomeowner and will bc donc upon request. This may serve in the future for some kind of compensation should any damage resuit because of the excavation or cleanupof the materials in the Port Granby Waste Management Site. Wc, urge ail of the residents in the arca ta, participate in this program and a number have alrcady indicated thecir desire to do just that. Others in the southiwcst corner of the Hope Township arca oaa 'also Places Ito Go LUne Dancing Open House The Bowmnanville YWCA will bc holdfing a -FREE "Open House", for Line Dancing ai Dr. Emily Sto',we Public School on Wednecsday, march 10 at 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to corne out and participate in this free class and then have the' opportunity to re-gi-ster for the next session which will stant on match 24 (same day and time and place). This spring the YWCA and VAC will also bc presenting co- operative programs, CARTOONING with Paul Livingston on Tuesdays, Match 23-May, 11, 4:30 ta 6:30, p.m. at the Visual Arts Center. Pre-School Art Classes with Carol Kapuscinsky 'will be held on Thursdays, Match 25 ta May 13, Race track betting (continued from page 11) Downs. Racing begins at Kawartba Downs on May lst. It may bc that Kawarffia Downs could be a stumbling block ta the Cobourg proposai for Kawartha Downs owner Skip Ambrose bas failed ta respond ta the proposai when ptvsented by Stewart. Stewart now hop es that Ambrose wili make a move since the horse owners have given their approval. He alsa hopes for approval from the Ontario'Harness Horse Association along with government,, fe 'deTal and provincial, approvals. If approvals are given the proposai of off-track betting could corne ta pass, in Cobourg within a month. participate by simnply calling the office and indicating your concern cidber on our machine or in persan 987-7786, we urge yau ta do so. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m also held at the Visual Arts Center. Flyers will bc distributed through the schools in the area regardîng up coming spring programfs plus the Summer Day Ca mp programming. Registration will take place in early April for Youth Recreational Badminton and Basketball. Babysitter Training, PeScolprogramns, Children's Dance programs and Adult Fitness prograros. For more information telephone 623-9922 or drop into aur office at 133 Church Street in Bowmanvile. D.B. P. Women's Club Monthly Meeting The Durham Business & Professional Women's Club will ho, holding their monthly Dinner Meeting on Wednesday, March 24th, with reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. and dinner following at 6:45 p.m. Cost for members will bc $25 .00 and guests $30.00 It will ho held at Uic Peppcrcorn Mil, 1999 Ahaona Road at Finch, Pickering, Ontario.1 To reserve please caîl Karen Grahamn at 427-6930 or Joan Ain Evelyn 725-9179. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddi.ngs Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orýono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679