Oron. Weelcty Times, Wedn.sday, Maroh 10, 1OO~ -? Top scorer at ANAMET Invitational 'Congratulations to Nathan Ontario on Marcb 6, 1993. Nathan Adegeest, who was J&M Custom Adegeest bas also been chosen to Framing Tyke's top scorer at the attend a Coca-Cola/HNL Future ANAMET Invitational Hockey Stars Hockey Clinic in Toronto on Tournament held in Coîborne, March 20, 1993. Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West IIow Trw4lful Are l'eu? Do you consider yourself ta be truthful? Do you tell little white lies? Maybe once in a while? There was a prograni on last week that claimed only thirty percent of alI people told the truth. That means that seventy percent of the population are liars. Why do people lie? Did you know that when you were born, you were born in sin? It seems strange ta think that a yaung baby just born could be sinful doesn't it? Did you know that you don't have to teach children ta lie? They know haw ta do it as soon as they start to talk, Chîldren don't need to learn haw to lie, they need to learn how to tell the tru th. Look at Psahn 58 verse 3, "'The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are b)orn, speaking lies." They speak lies as soon as they grow into adults who dant tel the truth. Caver-up. What exactly are they cavering up and why. The more covering up the more need to Okie Garpentry CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "SmaII jobs and Large l'il Take Charge" 1-705-27-7-2397 JOE HLEYSTRA caver-up. 've faund it is better ta face up ta tbings immediately than ta try and caver up. You have ta be awfully careful wbhen you are telling lies who you talkta dan't you? 1 mean maybe something might just happen ta slip out about the one you are talkng ta and then old Mr. Caver-up surfaces again. Lying is sin. Yau can have your sins forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ In John 1 verse 10 it says, "If we confess (ta Jesus) aur sins, He (Jesus) is faithful ta fargive us of aur sins, and ta cleanse us from all u nrighteausness.", Jesus is faithful and just, He will fargive aur sins. Its only as Jesus forgives aur sins that we have the abiity ta begin ta be honest. He gives us Hlis nature and His nature is honesty integrity, love, mercy, and He is Ful of grace. Wauldn't yau sooner have that kind of nature? Ask Jesus mnto yaur life tadlay and yau will stant ta have cantral aver lying and deceitfulness. He's full of mercy and grace which abounds towards you. Comments or Questions, write R.R. 2, Orono. Watch total Christian T.V., Ch. 49, Buffalo. PCs cali freeze on nominations The selection of a federal Progressive Conservative candi- date for the Northumberland riding bas been halted by the National PC beadquarters as bas happened in other ridings across the country. The No rthumberland PC association was about ta caîl a nomination meeting when the word camne dow n from the federal association. Only one candidate had declared an interest in Northumberland being Reg. Jewell of Trenton. Jewell was the PC candidate in the 1988 election baving lost out to Christine Stewart, the liner candidate, by a small margin. New record for çrop insurance payments A new record is expected to bc reached this year in payments of corn crop insurance across the province reaching a total of $75 million. $42 million bas already been paid out ta farmers. .Durham is average of other areas in Ontario. Most years the loss bas been from 10 to 20 percent. This year many crops were lost in total, both corn and Soya beans. Sugar coating pays off- In November of last year Wheetabix of Canada added $650,000 worth.of sugar-caating equipment ta their plant in Cobourg resulting an increase in sales o f their product, Wheetabix, Alpen and Krispin, by 15 percent This increase in sales in Canada and an expected advance into the U.S. bas brought about an expansion of the plant wîth the announicement of an addition of 37,000 square feet. Worry over wage increase Northumberland County bas same cancern over the award that may be passed down by an arbitration hecaring as ta salaries for registered nurses at the county's Golden Ploughi nursing home. The Ontario Nurses Association are seeking salary inacreases that would put theten registered nurses at the Cobourg home on a par with those in hospitals. Sucb matching of salaries would cost the Caunty some 29% in wage increase. Hoping to Win animal pound contract The Northumberland Branch of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty ta Anùnals is hopeful of winning a conuract to operate an animal pound for five municipalities in the County. The Society aperates a shelter in Plort Hope costing $140,000 annually. It misews $46,000 through various events each year but may be forced, to close the shelter due ta the lack of funds. CAW members dump NDP Local CAW members of Local 222 voted last week 553 ta 337 ta cu t ties with the NDP which will end a 3 1 year financial support for tbe party. The hall was packed for the meeting and vote. The issue is also ta go before the entire membership in May by placing it on the electioin ballots for the local's executive.. Members, on both sides of the issue, were quick ta express their opinions. The vote will eut funding ta bath the federal and provincial NDP parties. Local investors the loosers Close to 750 residents, mostly from Durham Region, have been, loasers wbile investîng manies with Consortium Group of Companies, a company promoted by Pia Williamson, now a resident of Florida. Many. have At YD, al af aur in-car lessans are ane-an-one. Yau'll feel less pressure and less stress. And yau'll be able ta concentrate better an what yau're daing, which is especially important when yau're learning aur exclusive emergency maneuvers. Caîl taday and let us teacli you ta drive and survive. From Around Thre Region Next Class Saturday, March i 3th (4 days) 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 98 KIng St. W., Bowmnanvllle Phone: 623-7017 v YOUNG DRIVERS O 0F CANADA Because your lite is worth ii lost most of their life-savings. It is alleged that Williamson took between $1.5 million and $2 million in a 21-month period for her personal use. She faces fraud charges along with other charges. Durham job outlo ok uncertain Local job seekers face an uncertain future in the Region of Durham over the next three months. A survey shows that 12 percent of local employers plan ta hire over the next three months while another 12 percent intend ta Iay- off staff. National results are brighter than those coming out of the Region of Durham. R.egion appoints new CAO Gary Cubitt last Wednesday was chosen to be Chief, Administrative Officer for the Region of Durham. Cubitt was selected by from a 'list of 72 candidate for the position replacing Don Evans who bas retired from the position. Cubitt is now stranger to either council members or staff at the Region having been on staff since 1974 in the Social Services department. During this tenure Cubitt has advanced from a case worker in the department to head of Social Services and now head of the Region. 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