February was a busy month for 2nd Orono Brownies Oromo Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 17, 1993 g Ontario Hydro staff q, request an easement in October, Ontario Hydro staff requested an easement across the Newtonviile cenotaph lands for the purpose of erecting a light standard. The erecting of the standard is connection with the planned upgrading along Hwy. 2 in Newtonvile. The standards will be placed along the south side of the highway and will transfer to the nortb, side along ýthe junction of Hwy. 2 and Regional Rd. 18. The 6 metre wide easemnent, should' have no serious interference witb the operations,- maintenance or aesthetics of the cenotaph. Ontario Hydro has proposed to pay the Town of Newcastle $140.00 as compensation for the easemnent. .The Legion has participated in ail discussions and they have no objection to the easemnent as proposed. It has been determined that the improved lighting along Hwy. 2 th rough Newtonville will be an asset. The relocation of ýthe existing ligbt to the street light pole wiil have minimal affect upon the war monument or property. .February bas bee7n a busy month for the 2nd Orono Brownies. They have been learning about Brownies in other lands. Tbey made a Valentine Craft which included some braiding. On February 24th, we held our annual Thinking Day Party. We had pizza and a special cake to celebrate the joint birtbdays of our founders, Lord and Lady Baden- Powell. We played games from other counitries and had a Mexican Pinata, with candies and gifts inside for each Brownie. On Friday, February 26tb, we joined thie lst Orono and Ist Kirby Brownies for a Skating Party at Orono Arena. .On Saturday, February 27tb we went to the home of our leader, Madeline Heard, and did our Wînter Adventure and Snowsport Marcb 21 is recognized as the International Day for the Elimination of alI Racial Discrimination. Wbat a sad tbougbt ibat we even need sucb a day. Why is it that people can't live together in this world peacefully. Some people would like to, believe tbat racism isn't as big of problem as it was some years ago. But others of us have serious difficulties beieving tbat that is so. One only bas to stop and look around to realize that the problem is only too real.' On a local scale we only need to look to our big city for. examples of racism. A scbool trustee, for example, that says that discrimination of blacks usually comnes from the Jewish males. How can one even explain that comment? In essence, tbis trustee is discrimination against one group in tbe defense of bier own. That isn't the way to discourage tbe problem. Tbe problein can only be solved if we stopputting labels on everyone. Black. White. Yellow. Purple. Green. In tbe crayon box, the words are barmless. "Pass me the red crayon so 1 can colour ibis flower." In the public life, ihey carry a different meanng. 'It was a (put colour bere) youth tbat beld up Badges. After snowshoeîng around the property and playing gaines in the snow, we enjoyed a lunch of hotdogs, cookies, and bot chocolate. Tbank you to Kim Gunn, Erin Muizelaar and Elgin Heard for helping. Special thank you to David Bunton for teacbing and testing. Badges earned this year are: Hostess - Lisa Lunn, Asbley Dwyer and Katie O'Neill; Collector - Jennifer Cox, Ashley Dwyer, Rebecca Boyd; Cook - Rebecca B oyd, Ashley Dwyer, Gillian Barnies; Fishing - Amber North, Megban Sawyer, Laura Greer, Jennifer Cox; Singer - Lisa Fogg, Becky Reid, Shannon DeJong, Courtney Paxton, Jessica Standeven, Laura Beacock, Ashley Dwyer, Amber North and Gillian Barnies; Dancer and Pet Keeper - Gillian Barries; Bannock Maker the variety store.! Doesn't ibis perbaps tend to breed suspicion. 0f course, for description purposes, il is necessary to1 add the colour of tbe skn. But this doesn'i mean we need to look at everyone of that race in a suspicious way. The gene for behaviour does not corne attached witb the skin pigmentation chromosome. Names of colours are pure, words until ihey become associated with a group of people. Tben we have the black people, the white people, and so on and s0 forth, until we have labelled everyone and put them in groups tbat are pitted against one another. The tbing we need to realize is thai we are ail people. If we could not see the colour of skin, perhaps we wouldnoticet we ail Iaugb the same, cry tie same, and have the same basic needs of life. Humans are the only animal species tbat attack each other unprovoked, with the basis of the attack being nothing more than outward appearance. Perhaps someday tbe dayi will come when there wiil be no need for an "International Day for the Elimination 0f ail Racial Discrimination". That day, however, does flot seern to bc looming in the near future. and Bob Moffat of Orono was presented as a prize for, a lucky and Book Lover- Heather Bangay; Writer- Heather, Rebecca and Jennifer;, Winter Adventure and Snow sport - Al girls who attended on February 27th; Golden Bar - Ashley Dwyer, Golden Ladders - Lisa Fogg, Lisa Lunn, Becky Reid, Katie O'Neil, Meghan Sawyer, Laura Greer,- ErinFrancis-Rice and Ashley Dwyer; Special Interest - Erin Francis-Rice. Shown here with helper Erin Muizelaar and tester David Bunton are the 2nd Orono Brownies, Lisa Lunn ' Meghan Sawyer, Jennifer Cox, Rebecca Boyd, Laura Beacock, Amber North, Lisa Fogg, Becky Reid, Courtney Paxton, Shannon DeJong, Gillian Barnes, Lindsay Hawkshaw and Heather Bangay, along with Girl Guide Kristen Sawyer. draw. Brownies, under the leadership of Mrs. Gordon Lowery, will commence Monday, September, l9th at 6:45 p.m. Girl Guides under the leadership of Mrs. W.K. Lycett, will commence Wednesday, September Zlst at 7 p.m. Kîrby U.C.W. is baving an Artex deinonstration in the Sunday School room on September 2t at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome. Use the Want Ads in the Orono Times Just a phone oeil away 983-5301 ORONO BECKERS STUTT'S PHARMACY DULEES NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BECKERS GUARDIAN DRUGS MIKE'S PLACE GRUFFIES NEWTONVILLE NEWTONVILLE CONVENIENCE PLUS ANNUAL SUBSORIPTIONS, $1 7.00 mnc. GS phone 983-5301 Raising the flag against racism, by Carol-Ann Osier Marcb 21, 1993 is commemorated in ail Canadian jurisdictions as, "The International Day_ for tbe Elimînation of ail Racial Discrimination". The Multi- Cultural Council of Oshawa/Durham and the Anti- Racismn Secretariat, Ministry of Citizensbip, Ontario are sponsoring a "Raise the Flag Against Racism Day", in Durham Region. A customized flag bas been' designed and 200 of these are to distributed tbrougbout Durham Region. t is the hope tbat tbe flags will be dîsplayed during the week beginning Mlarch 21. An agreement bas been cuncluded with both'school boards to provide'each school with a flag wbicb they wiil fly for the week. Appropriate awareness programs will be initiated in their sehool communities. The M.C.O.D. is requesting that each municipal government in Durham Region support this effort accordingly by officially recognizing the event and by flymng the flag. RGETIN IRLAND AND EUROPE TONTO DEPARTIJRES VIA AIR TRANSAT LI101118757 LONDON GATWICK MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM' NEWCASTLE GLASGOW BELFAST DUBLIN/SHANNON PARIS AMSTERDAM FRANKFURT ROUNOTRIP PER PERSON FROU 399 LIMITED TIME OFFER' BOOK NOWI ONLY $50 DEPOSIT FREE CAR UIPGRADS INS HANNON AND DUBLIN DURING JUNE AND SEPTEMBERI LOW COST HOTELSI EXCEPIONAL CAR RENTAL PRICESI LIMI TED TME OFFER! 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