lé - Cmii. Weekly Timea, Wednesday, Maroh 1?,, 199~3 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM 14e Don? Jus Sp84cialize" We'Make Every Order Seciar* Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Delver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places n-Between "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orona 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hloover 983-5108 Barnna Home Check -Vacation Home Checking *Let us make your home look lved in Wedding Day Gift Sitting -Reliable References - BONDED Barb Shetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 7862996 IPATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIC fi George Street, Bowmanvil le, Ontario 6293-4473 FLOW ERS PLUS FLOWERS GIETS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 / Wida Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstory Quality Work in Upholstery Big Brothers of Newcastle Annual Meeting and Reception Dinner Thursday, April isi 6:15 p.m. Baseline CommunIty Centre $10.50 per person Cail 623-6646 before March 25tb ta purchase tickets. I7,ac MAPLEFEST The Great Pine Ridge KinsmenClub would like ta invite you ta join us at aur Annual Maplefest at Downes'Sugarbush We will be serving pancakes and sausages and we will also have horsedrawn rides. The dates are: Sunday, March 2lst and Sunday, March 28th 8-00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Adults $6.00 Cbildren under 12 $3.00 We wil be lacated 1 mile east af the Oshawa Ski Hill on County Rd. 9, just before the Town af Kendal. Bring out the kids, for a gaod ald fashioned family auting. 17,24,ac IMASQUBRAPP ISAL L ' {I AT &Ky&-ML '4'AMS OKOM 1 ok CALL: 983-9605. 623-0981 MaCGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consignnmsnts, HousehoiLd$ Bankruptcies, Fams Sld at your location at ai OUtý Starage & Trucklng Cal kr a Fee Gorfîdentia 1 cqnsuftation M. MacGrgor 416-987-5402 Juffiq!VWest 416-983-5556 You Do. We File. Tax Service E-File Electronic Tax Filing by Computer " Incarne Tex Refund in 2 weeks " Revenue Canada approved and secured. " Verification & Transmission cost $20.0 987-3864 Gelan Enterprises 2975 BELL WOOD DR. NEWCASTLE 'WOOD - One haf bush cord $80.0, phone 786-2826. 1,17,cpn V.C.R. SALE! Fram $3.50 a week includes 52 free mavie rentals. Shiowtime T.V. & Stereo, Narthurnber and Mal 416-373-0265 or Part Hope 416-885-8652. lfn STEREO PACKAGE SALE! Receiver, double deck, stand and speakers. ONLY $499. or only $5.75 a week. Showtimne T.V. & Stereo, Northumberland Maîl 416- 373-0265 or Part Hope 416-885-8652. tfn T.V. SALE! Fram $3.50 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo. Part Hope 416-885- 8652 or Northumberland Mal 416-373-0265. ffn CAR STEREO SALE! Cla rion CD player with 100 watt speakers. ONLY $399 or only $4.50 a weck. Showtimle T.V. & Stereo, Part Hope 416-885-8652 or Northumberland Maîl 416- 373-0265. fn Horse hay, 200 bales, cail 983- 5926. 17,ac ORONO - 2 bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, heat included. Pay hydro, $585fmo. Phone 728-3885. 17,ac 1 bedroom apart ment, between Newcastle and Orano. Country property, ample parking, utiities included. Many extras, Phone 983-6122 17,ac ORONO '- Bright one bedroamn basement apt. with walk out. Own private yard, parking. Fridge & stove. No pets. Available imznedîately $550.00 + utilities. First & Last. Phone 983-5646. t ORONO - Newer borne. 3 bedrooms, large master bedraam withensuite. Bright country kitchen, main floor laundry raom, close ta dawnitawn. First& Last. Phone 983-56_46. dàf 1 would like ta thank my family and friends wha came ta wish me well on the occasion af rmy 8MthBirthday and for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts. Also speciai thanks ta my granddaughters for the beauUiul decorations. Special thanks ta Donna and Bannie for the lovcly lunch. Neta Ransberry 17,ap We would like ta thank al those who camne to our 5th Anniversary celebration. Thank you for cards, gifts, etc. To ail those who helped in anyway ta make our day a happy onc. To the carpet cloggers we enjoyed them very much. Thanks ta aur family for ail thcy've donc ta make our day somcething ta renbcr. Roy and Marion Tennant 17,ap (RESCHEDULED FROM LAST WEEK) Antique & Colctabies and Household Effoots Suniday, March 21 st 12:00 p.m. (vIewing 10:30) ORONO TOWN HALL Main St. Orono (Cali for futre consignments) Next Sale March 28th. MacGregor Auctions Mike MacGregor 416987-5402 Junior West 416993-5556 17,ac LOWERY - Carl and Karen are happy ta annaunce thc birth of Kendra Mac, weighing 7 Ibs. 12 ozs. on Tuesday, February-16, 1993 at Oshawa Gencral Hospital. A sister for Kyle, Krista and Kaitlin. Happy grandparcnts, are Doreen and James Lowcry, Kirby; Myla and Allan Bell, Warsaw; and great- grandparents Mary and Albert Ruiner, Peterbarough. 1.ap DEAN, Hilda - In loving memory of a dear mother and grandinather who passed away March 16, 1989. Those we love dont: go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Loved, msssed, andforei'er dear. Always remnembered by Lois, Timnand family. 17,ap GOODE, Harold - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on S-aturday, March 13, 1993 in bis 98thi year. Harald, beloved busband of Jean Wannan and the late Olive Davey. Dear father of Ray aid bis wife Mabel, Ruth and ber busband Bill Grady, Edna and her busband Earl Taylor ail of Orano, Bruce and bis wife Madge of Markham. June and ber busband Roy McMullen of Bowmanville, Don aid bis wife Margaret of Lakefield and Bob and bis wife Gwen of Peterborougb. Sadly missed by bis grandcbildren. great- grandchildren and great-great- grandchildren. Friends were able ta call at tbe Morris Funcral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bawmanville on Monday. Funeral service was complete in aur Chapel on Tuesday at il a.m. Spring interment Pine: Grave Cemetery, Prince Albert. Donations ta the Diabetic Association would be appreciated. rl,ac, (NC-)-Cancer is the second Ieading cause of illneýss and death among Canadian women,. second only to heart disease. That means about 25,000 Canadian women wilAl die from cancer this year. Recause death from cancer often occurs at a younger age, it may be consid(ý-ere even mre signiif-icaitrowomen. Women and cancer control is one of the important topics being addressed during Nutrition Monthi this March. This year' s national themie centres on women,'s, nutrition need.s. There are many factors related to the developmnent of cancer. Somne of themn, such as family history, cannt be changed. But others are ifestyle choices like smoking, dietaxy habits, and alcohol intake and these wecanm control! Dietary Ilink Manyv dietary' factors have been linked to cancer. For somne of these, research h fas not been conclusive, but for others, there is strong- evidence-that a relationship exists. Fat intake Many researchers have looked at the possible ink, between a high fat intake and breast and colon cancers in womnen. While the evidence for breast cancer risk is weak, there is a stronig possibility that a high fat intake icreases the risk of colon cancer. Although the evýidence is not conclusive, moderating fat intake froru ail sources seems sensible, especially' since a high fat intake may also b;e linked to heart dîsease and obesity. Fibre intake For years, health professionals have been pro)moting a diet high in fibre. One of tbl reasons for this recommendation is dhe sugg'ested benefit, shown in population studies, that a high fibre PARTNER, Harvey Frederlck - At Memorial Hospital, Rawmanville an Tuesday, March 16, 1993 in bis 68th ycar. Harvcy belovcd husband af Bernice <Quinney>. Lovmng father af Patricia and hcr husband Wayne Mercer, Wcndy, Harvey Jr. and his wife Brenda, Jim and bis wife Nancy, Bannie and ber husband Robert Jackson. Lovingly rcmembercd by 9 grandchildrcn and 2 great- grandchildrcn. Dcar brothcr of Ethel Gable of Tyranc, Mamaon Haye of Victoria, B.c., Alice Heal of Londan and the late Helen Kayacs. Friends mnay cail at the Marris Funeral Chapel, 4 'Division St., Bowmanville an Wednesday from 2 - 4 pm. and 7 - 9 pan. Funcral service camplete ini aur Chapel on Thurxsday atil a.m. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. Donations ta the Bawmanville Rotary Disabled Children would be appreciated. 7a Canoer-Reducing the risk in women! Althougli population studies do not show a definite cause-effect relationship, a strnng Iink exists between high fibre diets and lower rates of colon cancer. Vegetable andfruit intake Many reLýcientsudies suggest that consmni ng- vegtables and fruit may, protect against [the dceeopment of cacrso the colon, rectum, stomach, lungL and esophlagus. Researchers are looking ito possible.protective factors in these fonds. While it is ton early to link any one factor, varins vitamins, fibre and1 othter substances called indoles (fnund i n cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprnuts), arec being explored. Alcohol T'here is strnng evidence ta suggest a link between highà alcohol intake and the risk nf mnuth, throat and possibly breast cancer. In the case of breast cancer, even moderate intakes (twa drinks per day or less), may increase the niSk. Resolving the puzzle Much nf the research on diet and cancer r-isk is nnt yet final. However, there is a strong possibility that healthy eating may protect against somne cancers. Given the effects of this djiseajse, miaking positive dietary changes miakes a lot of sense. For vwomnen, lack of time and money are comn bnarriers to healthy fond hjabits,. Womnen need tn understand that it cnssi just as miuch in timie and money to eat poorly as it does to eat Weil. Proper planning is the key. The new Canada's Fond GTuide to Heatlthy EFating p)rovides simple and sen- sible guidelinles that may heilp reduce the r isk of1developing diseases like (:ccr. A copyý of this gulide is available from youi- local fHeajlh Uit