............ .....a , ar h 2 , 9g I IDeadline for Service Directory ~?JT C E ~ T IC 'C T X e.9350 fFriday Noon SER ICý' jEC ý I i e. 8-3 * A 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Teephone (416) 987-3200 Matthewsit&Associates INSURANCE BROKERSL UP Pauline Mote, A.l..C., C.I.B. Branch Manager HAM ILTONS' INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 'I 1-416-983-5115 Fax 1 -416-983-8228 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING at reasonable rates caîl 983-5301 to place your ad or drop into the office at 5310 Main St reet Orono LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING *Pump Repairs & Installaîion *New Work *Repairs *Furnace Cleaning *Free Estimales For fiiendly Expet Servie CALL 983-6214 We're here to serve you ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATING - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONING Repaira ta AIl makea of Heat Plimpa and Air Condition ing May Tag Appliance Repaira 4 Duchess St. 983-5293 Orono, Ont. 983-6221 IcYlseI - ibe Free Estimates ALISTAIR ROZARIO Runing Heaing kcoiead Sales and Service 24 Heur Bumer Service Gulf Financing Low lnterest Rates 263-2650 MERCER HEATING -Fumace Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Yrs. Expenience cail 983-554 1 PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systems Septic Betis Plumbing Installations General Repairs Fre. Estimates Formerly Harvey Partner Ltd. ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED PO. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Bus. (416>)983-9167 Res. (416) 983-5344 -ý - q.mmum nzm 0~L]:(eJ±e1 Women in Abuse Relationshlips For Heip Cal "The Denise House"' For Women and Children Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentially Assured Il you want te rink, That's your business. If you want te stop, Thiats ours. Cali Alcoholics Anonymnous, Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 youir odds HEARTS FOUNDAllON ' lle Dougla s Simpson DECORATING Orono Painting - Papering Renovatio)ns 31 Veara Experience 983-5104 Advertise today! Cali us at 983-5301 Silver Streak Siding "Tomorrow's Jobs" Today's Quality For Free Estimates and Guaranteed Workmanship .cali John at (416) 983-8181 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 Vears Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDTONS CUSTOM HOMES Ail Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 Àttention Are there any people out there in the community that would be interested in joinin'g or helping in starting a Support Group. Are you the wife, husband or parent of someone who needs your attention most of the time? Do you sometimes feel trapped, frustrated. Feel that you are the only one who feels this way? Perhaps you need to get out andi discuss your feelings with others who are in a similar situation. Maybe you only need a place to go to let off thie feelings that you have to keep i check at home. There seems to be many organizations that heip the fazniiy in other situations, but none iocally for us. If interesteti please write: Support Group, c/o P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO General sewing done in my lhomie. Avaiiable Monday, Tuesday, andi Wednesday evenings. Phione 983-9761. tfn Beachoomber Spas Chemnicals Ail types of Woodstoves & Inserts Gas & Propane Fireplaces Sales & Installation -n WINDVIEW FEEDS Dealers for Mlarti Feed Milis Extnicied Horse Feeds anti Supplemrent Farnily Fan Feetis Poulty - Hog - Beef ShurGain & Maziins Pet Footis Double CLeanti ats andi Blendeci Sweet Feeti 5 mi. Ea-,of 0ronGt-s. 115 on Conc 5 786-2578, liNEW HUQBS Mon, Tues, Thtzs, Fr.9 a m. -5:30 pm. Wed6 pi.- 8pn.; Set 9am. - 2 pn. OUALITY fflOOUCT5 BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County cO0-O0P TAUNTON RD. /HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 MONEY TO LEND Ail inquiries are confidential. Cail Mrs. Edwards at Anubis Investments Ltd. Days 416-668-7200 ' Evenings & weekends 983-8105 tfn Personal Introduction Service A confidential way to meet that special person. Join Ontarios fastest growing membership. Let us "change your lîfe", cail Ruth 1-800- 363-9767. 24,31,7,14, ac MAPLEFEST The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club would like te invite yen te join us at our Annual Maplefest at Downes' Sugarbush We will bc serving pancatkes and sausages andi we will aise have horsedrawn rides. The dates are: Sunday, March 2lst and Sunday, March 28th 8:00 a.m. te 2:00 p.m. SAduits $6.00 Children under 12 $3.00 We wiil be located 1i mle east of the Oshawa Ski Hil on County Rd. 9, just before the Town of Kendal. B rinag out the kids, for a good ()Id fashioneti family outing. 17,24.ac I Coins, paper, tokens, medals etc. Worid Wide. Pay Top Prices. Have Confederation Coins and Sets. Mister Murray, 623-7901 24,ap V.C.R. SALE! From $3.50 a week includes 52 free mnovie rentais. Showtime T.V. & Stereo, Northumberland Mail 416-373-0265 or Port Hope 416-885-8652. 'fn STEREO PACKAGE SALE! Receiver, double deck, stand and speakers. ONLY $499. or oniy $5.75 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo, Northumberland Mail 416- 373-0265 or Port Hope 416-885-8652. tfn T.V. SALE! From $3.50 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo. Port Hope 416-885- 8652 or Northumberland Mal 416-373-0265. u CAR STEREO SALE! Ciarion CD player with 100 watt speakers. ONLY $399 or only $4.50 a week. Showtime T.V. & Stereo, Port Hope 416-885-8652 or Northumberland Mail 4î6- 373-0265. 'Un ORONO - Bright one bedroomn basement apt. with walk out. Own private yard, parking. Fridge & stove. No pets. Avaîlabie inunediately $550.00 + utiiities. First & Last. Phone 983-5646. tfn SHEET METAL DESIGNS- Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Galvanized, Stainless Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Weiding Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 -IF YOU CAN DRA WIT, WE CAN MAKE 17 L JON STORY -litSCOTTSTORY ~Ci cc nh1cl t 416-983-5491 SERVICES IA N D S CA PIN G INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAJNTENANCE SEEDING\SODDING -ÇONSULTING * (Authorized Meail & Cullen Contractors) - - O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL C0NTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario -WANTED tO BUY y onstrucÈý ecorating