ýOrono Weekfy Times, Wednesday, March 3l41-, $93- Dufferin '1'ykes notch 1 tie and three wins in playoff action (Couiinued firn page 4) Pisani, aftei- a shoi-t stint in the previeus gaine as a forward, was rcturned te the blueline. This reîurn would net keep Pisani frern leaving bis posting te join in the rush on several occasions. 'ne of note, had him just slide '.-r. puck inches wide afier s triding in fion the blueýline. Beaver evened the contest at the threc minute mark as Dufferin's defence gave up the puck at the top of the cii-cie. Beaver capitalized with a shot teý Caruanas stickhand side. 1The second peiiod opened up briefly fion thc scranbled play te allow Bickell te add two breakaway goals; one was assisted by Martin, and the other unassisted. Mercier, wbe has been playing well as of late, continuel bis strong checking gaine. He wasn'î able te finish off any of bis opportunities this Sunday, but be certainly kept the opposition wary of his presence. Dufferin lest their two goal lead five minutes into Uic third as, they again were foi-ced into yet anether tui-n over in their end. Dufferin, however, regaincd Uic insurance goal thuee minutes laier whcn Bickell intercepted an errant pass decp in Uic opposition ci-d. TMe Orono teamn went on te add one more, late in the test, when Pisani left his defensive siot, went to the net an donc timeda centering pass goal by keeping the puck inside Beavers blueline. Good werk beys! Dufferin's ifth gamne of playoffs On Friday, March 26th the Dufferin Aggrcgates met M&M Meais te, play Uic fiftb gane of eleven in their playoffs. Well, thc garne was net underway more ihan 10 seconds when Oronos Bryan Bickell put bis team on thc scereboard with an unassisted goal. Before that shift was over Andy Bangay scored a splendid goal with a beautiful pass fion Bryan Bickcll. Qi-eue net letting up in Uic first peried wiUi Jeff Mercier and Bryan Bickell scoring beth unassistcd goals te, give a 4-0 led after the ii-st. In thc second pcried UtceQi-eue beys went ie a lulI as M&M Meats put thenselves on the scereboard by slipping two goals by Oronos goalie Matt Caruana. In Uic ibird period Jeff Mercier scored a lovely shot whicb was assisted by Brian Pisani and Colin Maitlaud. Bryan Bickcll ended the game in the last twe minutes te get bis third goal of Uic night, and te give Qi-eue a 6-2 win. Great game beys and keep up the go woi-k. Your next game is Suuday, April 4th in Newcastle at 6 p.m. Dont forget te bring eut alI yeur fans. Camsport wins second playoff The beys were up bright and eaily Saiurday nerniug, Mai-ch 27th and rcady te face Herners Pet-e Canada at Orone ai-ena. It looked as if it would be a tîgbt gaine after the first period with Uic scere 2-1 Caxnspoi-t. Homners pened Uic scoiing ai 6:05 with Qi-eue cering back te tic it au 2:29 on a goal by # il Jesb Couture. Thi-ty seconds later, Oirono went ahead onu Ceutures second unassisted goal of tbe garne. For the riemaining two periods the sceriug was all Camspert thanks te great goaltending by Nick Lucyk. The second period produced goals by # 1 Matt Grcgg unassisted, # 16 Josh Brandi assisted by Josb Couture, # 12 J.P. Pisani, unassisted and # 7 Jeff game Slemon, uuassisted. iakiug the score te 6-1 Canspori. The goal scoring flurry continuel ie Uich third period. Neiiing bis fi-si geaI of the season was # 3 Brad DaSilva assistcd by # Il Josb Couture and # 16 Josh Brandi. # 1 Mati Gregg pi-educed a bat-irick with two more goals in dic third, assisted by # 5 Michael Knapp and # 2 Sbawn Dejebu. With Uic game wiuding down, # 14 Kyle Moore scorel unassisted and # 1 1 Josb Couture compleîed bis bai- trick for the day. The final score was 11-1 Camspoi-t. The tean continues the playoffs witb a game on Thursday, April Isi au 5 p.n., Bowmanville Rec Complex, against James Insurance. Xfer6 J&M Tykes stand with 3 wins, 2 losses, 1 tic The J&M Custom Franing Tykes played their fourth play-off gaine on Friday, Mai-ch 26, 1993 in the Orono ai-ena agaiust Deighton Asseciates. The Deighten ican bas impreved significantly over the season, kecping Uis gaine te a 2-2 tic. Ah tbhe scoring took place in thc epening pcriod. Deighten caught thc Orono teain off guaird by scoiing iist fifty seconds inte the gane. Curtis Rebinson returned tbis goal one minute laîci- on a play set up by Jordan Beacock and Kevin Martin. Curtis Rebinson scered bis secend goal of Uic game nid-way tbrough the fi-st periel assisted by Jesse Price. Deighuon evened tbe garne at 2-2 witb ferty seconds remaining in Uic period. BoUi teans played vei-y strong defensively and there was ne further scoring for Uie remainder of Uic game. Kyle Cox played a steadfast game in net for J&M Custom. The fiftb playoff game was played Saturday, Mai-ch 27, 1993 ai Darlingien against tbe top rauked Rotai-y tean. J&M Custom sbowed seme of thc foi-m wbich previously eni-ned then a Iengthy winning sua3k, Io dcfcâiI Rotar-y by a close score of 4-3. Rotai-y was first on the board six minutes into the opening period. Curtis Robinson tied the game with four minutes Ieft in the first, assisted bv KvIe Allun and Jesse Price. Thi-ce minutes into the second period, Jesse Price scored assisted by Curtis Robinson. Rotary camne back to score one minute later. Curtis Robinson scored eigbî minutes into the second peniod te take a 3-2 lead but with îwenty seconds remaining in the period Rotai-y tied the gaine once more. Three minutes into the thi-d period, Curtis Robinson scored foi- the final time. J&M Custom played very well te bang on te the 4-3 lead for thc remainder of the game. The outstanding Rotary gealtcnding thwarted'numerous scoring efforts by J&M Custom. Kevin Marin played an exceptional garne between the pipes for Orono. Tyler Gregg and Jesse Price played a notable game for Orono. On Monday, Mai-ch 29, 1993 the J&M Custom Framing Tykes played theii- sixth playoff gamne against the Orono Dufferin Aggregates. The J&M teara played witb discipline and heart but they were defeated by a scoi-e of 4-3. Dufferîn opened the scoring early in the fi-st perîod. J&M Cufstom rebutted this with strong offensive play but despite numerous scoring opportuniies, they jusi couldn't put the puck in the net Dufferin took a 2-0 lead with tbree minutes remaining in this peiiod. Botb teams playcd a tighî second period. With three minutes remaining in the period, Nathan Adegeest scored an unassisted goal foi- J&M Custom. Dufferin then made the score 3-1. In the ihi-d period, J&M Customn made a great corncback effort and took conirol of the game. Nathan Adegeesi scored two more goals foi- J&M Custom. Unfortunately foi- J&M Custom, luck and the referring were agaînst them as they toek a couple of bad penalties, and simply i-an out of playing turne. Kevin Martin played anôther good game as J&M Custom Fi-aming's goaliender. Curtis Robinson was kept off the scoreboard, but he played with determination and spirit. Chi-is Moffat, Jordan Beacock and Kyle Allin played their offensive positions well. Kienan Williams, Jesse Price and Tyler Gregg dug in teplay strong defense and keep up with the fast Dufferin skaters on bieakaway chances. After six playoff games against strong BRHL teain, J&M Custorn Framing Tykes have thi-ce wins, two losses and one tic. The next two playoff gaines will take place on Sunday, April 4, 1993. The first game will be playe-d in Orono ai-ena ai 2-.00 p.m. against McGregor IDA, followed by a 7:00 p.m. gaine in Newcastle ai-ena against Skyligbt Donuts. Book Review from Crystal Pages FARLEY MOWAT Recycled Titles now in stock PEOPLE 0F THE DEER - "The mosi powerful book te corne oui of thc Arctic for some years. lu tells with a beautiful clarity the material and spiritual bonds bciween land, dcci- and people." S NEVt!R CIW WOLIP -l'h inci-edible t-ue story of life arnong Arciic wolves." WESTVIKING - "A most marvellous construction of tie Icelandic voyages wcstward and the setilernent of Greenland." MY DISCOVERY OF AMERICA - "Mowat's hilaiiously stinging acceuni of bis confrontation witb the Arnerican government bureauci-acy." Aiso - The Serpent's Coil; Grey Seas Under and Lost in the B ai-iens. THE REGIONAL 77D»D) MUNICIPALITYOF DURHAM DUR HAM Holiday Closure of Transfer and Recycling Sites The OSHAWA, CARTWRIGHT AND SCUGOG TRANSFER AND RECYCLING SITES wiII be closed on Frlday, April 9, 1993, for the Good-Frlday Holiday. Normal operations wilI resumne on Saturday, April 10, 1993. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENO. 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